JW Question

JW Question



26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I am responding to the claims you have made on this thread. I have never used the word "solely". This is a word that you are now using. I haven't used it.
did you think to ask me before you jumped in with your kicking boots on that there
might be other dimensions to it FMF did you?


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
...you are unable to state what is the nature of the
correlation between sacrifice and evangelism which forms my mindset FMF
You have described your mindset on this thread. I have expressed my disappointment with it.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
did you think to ask me before you jumped in with your kicking boots on that there
might be other dimensions to it FMF did you?
You made the statement that you see your unpaid voluntary work as the "equivalent of blood sacrifice". I have criticized this as being alienating and disappointing to my way of thinking. If you want to present some information to me about yourself - "other dimensions", as you put it - that are not disappointing to me, then feel free.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
in theory it would be true, in practice, unworkable unless you impose exercise on the
populace, then it would be a brilliant idea.
Do you still stand by this statement -

going to the gym benefits no one but yourself


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
You made the statement that you see your unpaid voluntary work as the "equivalent of blood sacrifice". I have criticized this as being alienating and disappointing to my way of thinking. If you want to present some information to me about yourself - "other dimensions", as you put it - that are not disappointing to me, then feel free.
oh but FMF, you were told that its primary motivation was to 'help other people', yet
you have , if i am not mistaken, saw fit to completely ignore that aspect or dimension
of the evangelical work. Now you will state why helping persons to read and write,
overcome drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abject poverty, nationalism, prostitution and a
whole host of other problems should disappoint you so much and without you taking
the time to understand the correlation in any other terms than that of a spiritual
sacrifice, the validity of which you were made to acknowledge almost at knife-point.
why have you ignored or chosen to ignore all these other aspects FMF, why have you?


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Do you still stand by this statement -

going to the gym benefits no one but yourself
well PK, its a difficult one, you would need to demonstrate in your case that you have
saved the NHS some dosh. although admittedly you have potentially saved the NHS
some dosh and as a consequence potentially benefited others by going to the gym.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
well PK, its a difficult one, you would need to demonstrate in your case that you have
saved the NHS some dosh. although admittedly you have potentially saved the NHS
some dosh and as a consequence potentially benefited others by going to the gym.
Yes or no?

It's not difficult, you either think it does or it doesn't?!


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[...]Now you will state why helping persons to read and write, overcome drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abject poverty, nationalism, prostitution and a whole host of other problems should disappoint you so much ...
I think working on these issues is great. I don't find people working on these issues to be disappointing at all. What I find disappointing is that, while countless people are just getting on with tackling such issues because these issues need to be tackled, you are looking at it through a prism of religionist dogma and declaring your own work on such issues in a voluntary capacity to be the equivalent of blood sacrifice. This is what I find disappointing, as I have been clearly saying all along.


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Yes or no?

It's not difficult, you either think it does or it doesn't?!
potentially, yes.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
potentially, yes.
Exercise benefits society and the individual or it only benefits the individual. I'm not sure what yes refers to.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11



26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
I think working on these issues is great. I don't find people working on these issues to be disappointing at all. What I find disappointing is that, while countless people are just getting on with tackling such issues because these issues need to be tackled, you are looking at it through a prism of religionist dogma and declaring working on such issues in a volu ...[text shortened]... of blood sacrifice. This is what I find disappointing, as I have been clearly saying all along.
why should it disappoint you FMF if the work is getting done? I give you an example, i
was visited by a young married couple from Indonesia, she was a school teacher, the
girls in her class were having so many problems that she decided to give up or
'sacrifice', her career and devote her time to helping as many young women as
possible overcome all manner of ills. From your mindset she has done a disappointing
and terrible thing, how dare she be motivated by personal sacrifice to help others, that
is what you have said all along and its bull FMF, one hundred percent unadulterated
bull. How dare you judge those who have made personal sacrifices in this way
in some kind of sanctimonious liberal self righteousness.


26 Aug 07
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Exercise benefits society and the individual or it only benefits the individual. I'm not sure what yes refers to.
you benefit yourself by becoming healthy and you potentially benefit society from
becoming healthy.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why should it disappoint you FMF if the work is getting done?
Because of the religionist way that you frame it. Helping people is great. I am not disappointed in that at all. What I have been disagreeing with you about, because I am unimpressed by it, spiritually speaking, is what I see as the self-regarding self-declared "blood sacrifice" angle, which you are of course free to believe in. The "work getting done" does not disappoint me, robbie. Never said it did.


28 Oct 05
09 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
[...] From your mindset she has done a disappointing and terrible thing, how dare she be motivated by personal sacrifice to help others...
She was motivated by personal sacrifice? I am alienated by this. Being motivated by wanting to help others is one thing, and admirable - and sorely needed in this world - but being motivated by personal sacrifice is not a healthy kind of spirituality to my way of thinking.

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