Why do religious ones stick with delusions?

Why do religious ones stick with delusions?



15 Oct 06
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by Suzianne
I will agree with you in that it does seem to be the majority of Christians who are CINOs, but I don't believe the majority is as "vast" as you make it out to be. I think it's more of a slim majority, perhaps 51% to 49%. The place to look for Christians who "walk the walk" is in our senior population. Young people, Christian or not, seem to be much more likely to have their focus in the "things of this world", which Christ warned us about.
So you believe that only a slim majority Christians continue to commit sin?

Then why isn't it evident? Even at those numbers it should still be evident.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
Good example of dogma. You take the word of a book 2000 years old when we need to deal with problems far more complex in the 21st century and the coming 22nd century. Exactly how is your dogma going to stop a terrorist, for instance, from carrying a backpack A bomb into New York City or London and setting it off? Is there anything in your delusions that can ...[text shortened]... what to do, it is now, not some 2000 year old tale essentially worthless for today's world.
We are waiting for Him to come. It could be any day now.


26 Aug 07
08 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by Soothfast
It will be noted for the record that nowhere in the Bible -- absolutely nowhere -- are applying reason and thinking for oneself ever held up as virtues. An odd omission for a god who gave us brains.
It always amazes me that those who have never studied the volume can be so opinionated about it.

(Philippians 1:9) . . .And this is what I continue praying, that your love may abound yet more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment. . .

(2 Timothy 2:7) . . .Give constant thought to what I am saying; the Lord will really give you discernment in all things. . .

(Colossians 1:9) 9 That is also why we, from the day we heard [of it], have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension. . .

(Romans 12:2) . . .And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

(Hebrews 5:14) . . .to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. . .

so you will now tell the forum how one can develop their perceptive powers, to develop discernment and wisdom without actually engaging the thought process through reason, yes indeed, you strangely seem to be quite ignorant for one professing to be so well educated. I mean how did you manage to miss all of these references? it will be noted for the record that you have uttered a gross inaccuracy and should retract you assertion.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
What is it about religion that makes people give up their minds to dogma? Especially with so many religions saying totally opposite things. How can such a person look at all the other religions and say to themselves, my religion is the one true religion?
I don't understand it either. Christianity is the only one that
makes sense.


24 Apr 05
08 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
It always amazes me that those who have never studied the volume can be so opinionated about it.

(Philippians 1:9) . . .And this is what I continue praying, that your love may abound yet more and more with [b]accurate knowledge and full discernment. . .

(2 Timothy 2:7) . . .Give constant thought to what I am saying; the Lord will really giv ...[text shortened]... noted for the record that you have uttered a gross inaccuracy and should retract you assertion.[/b]
It always amazes me that those who have never studied the volume can be so opinionated about it.

Like, you mean the way you constantly and vehemently declaim on evolutionary theory without bothering to do any homework on it?


26 Aug 07
08 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by LemonJello
[b]It always amazes me that those who have never studied the volume can be so opinionated about it.

Like, you mean the way you constantly and vehemently declaim on evolutionary theory without bothering to do any homework on it?[/b]
what i profess about evolutionary hypothesis has got nothing to do with this quite frankly astoundingly inaccurate and prejudiced assertion made by soothfast, has it? Perhaps you would like to retract the statement on his/her behalf or comment on the actual content of the post itself, is it sooo much to ask?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what i profess about evolutionary hypothesis has got nothing to do with this quite frankly astoundingly inaccurate and prejudiced assertion made by soothfast, has it? Perhaps you would like to retract the statement on his/her behalf or comment on the actual content of the post itself, is it sooo much to ask?
what i profess about evolutionary hypothesis has got nothing to do with this quite frankly astoundingly inaccurate and prejudiced assertion made by soothfast, has it?

Ermmmmm, yes. Your lecturing him/her on something which you are guilty yourself.


04 Feb 05
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]what i profess about evolutionary hypothesis has got nothing to do with this quite frankly astoundingly inaccurate and prejudiced assertion made by soothfast, has it?

Ermmmmm, yes. Your lecturing him/her on something which you are guilty yourself.[/b]
i bet this is the time when he finally will take your words, analyze them and realize the truth. i am very optimistic this is the time he will finally accept a scientific theory accepted by anyone but the most fundamentalist religious people.


26 Aug 07
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
[b]what i profess about evolutionary hypothesis has got nothing to do with this quite frankly astoundingly inaccurate and prejudiced assertion made by soothfast, has it?

Ermmmmm, yes. Your lecturing him/her on something which you are guilty yourself.[/b]
but that is ad hominen to the hilt, his text has actually nothing to do with the content of my post.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
08 Jun 11
2 edits

Originally posted by Suzianne
Not believing in the word of God is the true cop out here.

Worried that you may burn for all eternity? Refuse to believe in God, yeah, that's the ticket. After all, it's way easier than doing the hard work of accepting your salvation and refusing to sin.
If I agreed that there will be a possibility that I would get the opportunity to live everlasting in bliss, then I will be all for it. I will then work damn hard to achieve this.

Pascal's Wager does not cut it for me though.

EDIT: Although I wasn't arguing that Rajk999 is a cop out because of which is the easier path to take, he is a cop out because he expects me to wait till my death to confirm he is right. By then it will be too late to argue my point. It is an easy way to end the debate.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by lausey
If I agreed that there will be a possibility that I would get the opportunity to live everlasting in bliss, then I will be all for it. I will then work damn hard to achieve this.

Pascal's Wager does not cut it for me though.

EDIT: Although I wasn't arguing that Rajk999 is a cop out because of which is the easier path to take, he is a cop out because he ...[text shortened]... he is right. By then it being too late to argue my point. It is an easy way to end the debate.
Jesus offers it without the hard work; He has done all the
work and suffering for you. All He asks you to do is
believe and have faith in Him.


Milton Keynes, UK

28 Jul 04
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
Jesus offers it without the hard work; He has done all the
work and suffering for you. All He asks you to do is
believe and have faith in Him.
So many conflicting views. Suzianne sees it as hard work, you don't. Who is right?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by Suzianne
Not believing in the word of God is the true cop out here.

Worried that you may burn for all eternity? Refuse to believe in God, yeah, that's the ticket. After all, it's way easier than doing the hard work of accepting your salvation and refusing to sin.
Refusing to sin? The whole underlying concept of christianity is being BORN into sin. So you have no choice in the matter, do you? You sin by just being alive. Great religion you have there.

Born into sin. The single sickest concept ever foisted on an unsuspecting populace.

Like I have always maintained, the biggest scam of the past 3000 years.

Christianity is one giant delusion.

Like the early anti-communists said, tell a lie, make it big enough, millions of people will believe it. Oops, make that billions.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
but that is ad hominen to the hilt, his text has actually nothing to do with the content of my post.
But it's the truth.



04 Apr 04
08 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
Refusing to sin? The whole underlying concept of christianity is being BORN into sin. So you have no choice in the matter, do you? You sin by just being alive. Great religion you have there.

Born into sin. The single sickest concept ever foisted on an unsuspecting populace.

Like I have always maintained, the biggest scam of the past 3000 years.

C ...[text shortened]... d, tell a lie, make it big enough, millions of people will believe it. Oops, make that billions.
Here are two simple questions.

What is stopping you from living your life the way you want?
Do Christians / religion, stop you from doing anything?

I can tell you for certain that no atheist like yourself, can ever influence me to live my life any other way. Also Im happy that atheists can life their life their way as well.

Like others on this forum have already observed (atheists included), there is something rather deluded about you. Youre an 'anti-religion fanatic'. Were you abused by a priest or something? Did your Christian parents abuse you? What is the problem. Maybe you should come out in the open and be honest about your problem .. maybe we can help ..

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