There is no “eternal son”

There is no “eternal son”


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03 Jan 13
20 Apr 22
6 edits

Now some may reason that the "sending" of Jesus Christ was only AFTER He was born.

I would say "God sent forth His Son" means before His conception this Person was SENT by God.

His goings forth were not just from His birth in Bethlehem bur from the days of ETERNITY. (Micah 5:2)

"But that is not Jesus the man born in Bethlehem" some might argue.
In one sense the beginning of the man Jesus is from His being conceived in the
womb of Mary."


But in another sense the Word that was God and that was "WITH God" was sent and became flesh.

He says He came down from heaven and was the Son of Man who was before in Heaven.

"Then what if you saw the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?" (John 6:62)

We should cry "O Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus, you are the man from heasven."

"The first man is out of the earth, earthy. the second man is out of heaven." (1 Cor. 15:47)

"O Lord Jesus we worship you as the second man, the man out of heaven, our Lord and Savior."

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Apr 22
1 edit

@divegeester said
I understand what you believe and how you feel about me.

Meanwhile please free to directly and specifically address the laser focused points I’ve made across several posts.
The only points that everything you have been saying hangs, who is Jesus, and how does the scripture describe Him and God.

The Father acknowledges Jesus as His Son you are saying that they are simply the same person using improper language to describe Himself. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as someone being sent to us who can be offended that will not speak of Himself but teach us and comfort us. If they were a single being that is not how He would describe Himself.

Do you also believe other figures of god going by different names are the same god as well? God just revealed himself to another in a different way?

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16 Feb 08
20 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
The only points that everything you have been saying hangs, who is Jesus, and how does the scripture describe Him and God.

The Father acknowledges Jesus as His Son you are saying that they are simply the same person using improper language to describe Himself. Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as someone being sent to us who can be offended that will not speak of Himself b ...[text shortened]... y different names are the same god as well? God just revealed himself to another in a different way?
Never mind then.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Apr 22

@sonship said
Now some may reason that the "sending" of Jesus Christ was only AFTER He was born.

I would say "God sent forth His Son" means before His conception this Person was SENT by God.

His goings forth were not just from His birth in Bethlehem bur from the days of ETERNITY. (Micah 5:2)

"But that is not Jesus the man born in Bethlehem" some ...[text shortened]... ] "O Lord Jesus we worship you as the second man, the man out of heaven, our Lord and Savior."
There is no “eternal son” in the bible.
There is no “trinity” in the bible.

For people who claim to base everything you believe on concrete scripture references you’re not doing very well!

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Apr 22

@divegeester said
Never mind then.
You are taking scripture and turning it into saying something it doesn’t by redefining Christ and God from what the text says and inserting a completely different spin on the common use of the words used. That is as bad as ignoring text you don’t like and twisting those you like into things not implied.

06 May 15
20 Apr 22
2 edits

@divegeester said
Like the word “trinity” the phrase “eternal son” does not appear anywhere in the bible.

For the doctrine of the trinity to be correct, Jesus must be an “eternal son”. But Jesus is not an “eternal son” this concept is man made and deeply erroneous.

Jesus as a “son” was born in the flesh. His role as a “son” had a beginning and therefore it has an end. Therefore th ...[text shortened]... ng God who came and dwelt among us.

There is NO “eternal son” and therefore there is no trinity.
What appears in your mind, and beyond your local mind, when you consider this topic?

Have you dared ask the One behind the scenes to explain this to you? By the One, of course I mean that very modest but lavish Host who has laid out this vast Cosmos in which we micro contentious beings occur.

Words and concepts are unavoidably parochial and particular to venues, species, and cultures.

It's completely understandable that you might not yet be ready to let go of petty micro-wrangling -- and a sign that you are well aware that "you" would be changed by letting go of that.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22

@kevin-eleven said
What appears in your mind, and beyond your local mind, when you consider this topic?

Have you dared ask the One behind the scenes to explain this to you? By the One, of course I mean that very modest but lavish Host who has laid out this vast Cosmos in which we micro contentious beings occur.

Words and concepts are unavoidably parochial and particular to venues, s ...[text shortened]... o-wrangling -- and a sign that you are well aware that "you" would be changed by letting go of that.
No point replying seeing as you are leaving the site.

Good luck with the “mental health” improvement as you enjoy your RHP free new life.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
You are taking scripture and turning it into saying something it doesn’t by redefining Christ and God from what the text says and inserting a completely different spin on the common use of the words used. That is as bad as ignoring text you don’t like and twisting those you like into things not implied.
It’s clear that the insight which I’ve been accessed, and have taking significant time to provide to you, is beyond your comprehension.

So as I said; never mind.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Apr 22

@divegeester said
It’s clear that the insight which I’ve been accessed, and have taking significant time to provide to you, is beyond your comprehension.

So as I said; never mind.
I agree that when you take words and assign other meanings to them and expect others to know what you see, it is beyond comprehension.

06 May 15
21 Apr 22
2 edits

@divegeester said
It’s clear that the insight which I’ve been accessed, and have taking significant time to provide to you, is beyond your comprehension.

So as I said; never mind.
So much for the Queen's English. Please try not to disrespect this venerable language again.

P.S. -- Sloshed already, or is it still?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22
1 edit

@kellyjay said
I agree that when you take words and assign other meanings to them and expect others to know what you see, it is beyond comprehension.
Whoever it was who said that, will I’m sure, be thrilled to know that you “agree” with them.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22
1 edit

@kevin-eleven said
So much for the Queen's English. Please try not to disrespect this venerable language again.

P.S. -- Sloshed already, or is it still?
When are you leaving the site “for the sake of your mental health”?
I’m confused, you seem to be just carrying on as before your 30 day ban.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22

Reposting for consistency and clarity

- I am an independent, freethinking, progressive, liberal Christian.
- Independent in that I do not belong to any denominational sect, creed or group.
- Freethinking in that I am not bound by the doctrines of men nor the dogmatism which goes with them
Progressive in that I try to progress my own understanding of accepted “Christian” beliefs, especially if I find them to be amoral, abusive, logically incoherent or those which demean or diminish the one Lord. E.g. the trinity doctrine.
- Liberal in that I try to be tolerant of the beliefs of others except where they contravene the above point.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22

Reposting for consistency and clarity

Jesus is the invisible god made visible
Jehovah made visible
Jehovah born into new baby flesh
Jesus flesh was born, created in Mary’s womb
Jesus came as a son, he started as a baby and grew up to be a son
This son had a beginning when Jesus flesh was born
Jehovah held this office of sonship simultaneously as being the Father - it’s a mystery how, says so in the NT, it’s a mystery of god in Christ.
This office of sonship had a purpose, it had a beginning and it will complete its purpose and it will have an end.
All that time Jesus will be the body housing the spirit of Jehovah
There is ONE entity, not three!
One god.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Apr 22

Reposting for consistency and clarity

Jesus flesh was created in Mary’s womb, correct?
Jesus flesh was born, correct?
Before that flesh was created in Mary’s womb, the flesh of Jesus did not exist.
All that existed was Jehovah’s spirit. ONE spirit, not two and not three spirits. ONE!

Jesus flesh housed the spirit of God, an extension of God himself. But still Jehovah not a second person.

The mystery of God in Christ is not explained by the creation of three people in one god. It’s utter pagan nonsense.

Hear oh Israel the Lord your God is ONE.
It says this in the Bible hundreds of times.

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