There is no “eternal son”

There is no “eternal son”


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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22


If this is the post that you say I should read carefully, it is what I DON'T see Divegeester.

I don't see you refer to Jesus as the Lord Jesus and I don't see you write that Jesus is your Lord.

Jesus is the invisible god made visible
Jehovah made visible
Jehovah born into new baby flesh
Jesus flesh was born, created in Mary’s womb
Jesus came as a son, he started as a baby and grew up to be a son
This son had a beginning when Jesus flesh was born
Jehovah held this office of sonship simultaneously as being the Father - it’s a mystery how, says so in the NT, it’s a mystery of god in Christ.
This office of sonship had a purpose, it had a beginning and it will complete its purpose and it will have an end.
All that time Jesus will be the body housing the spirit of Jehovah

It is not what I read but what I don't read.
And I think "no one can say, Jesus is Lord! except in the Holy Spirit" ( 1 Cor. 12:3)

You don't want to believe Jesus is Lord in eternity.

Can you confess Jesus is Lord to you TODAY ?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said
Can you confess Jesus is Lord to you TODAY ?
You’ve asked me this before sonship, have you forgotten?

Yes I can confess Jesus is Lord.

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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
1 edit


Yes I can confess Jesus is Lord.

I am so happy to see you confess your Lord is the Lord Jesus.

Is Jesus your Lord forever?
Or is Jesus your Lord only temporarily?

Somewhere you said your Jesus was different from my Jesus.
But if you tell me Jesus is your Lord Jesus as Jesus is to me the Lord Jesus, He is the same Lord Jesus and the Son of God.

Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, even forever."

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said
Somewhere you said your Jesus was different from my Jesus.
This is correct, I did say that.

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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
3 edits


Somewhere you said your Jesus was different from my Jesus.

This is correct, I did say that.

Then you are divisive and sectarian. Not me.

There is One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
One Spirit,
One Body,
One God and Father of all - over all, through all, in all.

The next time you wag the fickle finger of sectarianism stand before a mirror.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said
Somewhere you said your Jesus was different from my Jesus.

This is correct, I did say that.

Then you are divisive and sectarian. Not me.
There is One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
One Spirit,
One Body,
One God and Father of all - over all, through all, in all.
The next time you wag the fickle finger of sectarianism stand before a mirror.
I don’t recognise your version of Jesus, nor do I subscribe to your brand of cultish Christianity. If that’s “sectarianism” then so be it.

What’s your next question “do I believe Jesus wants me for a rainbow”?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Apr 22

@divegeester said
Ok I’ll accept that what I believe is my dogma. Will you know stop using that as excuse to not look closely at what I’ve been writing?
Like you do to me? I am at work when I have time I will read what you have to say and not dismiss the whole as faith speech or some other insulting claim.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
Like you do to me? I am at work when I have time I will read what you have to say and not dismiss the whole as faith speech or some other insulting claim.
Your blocks of faith speak are labelled such because you tend to post them rather than answer a directly placed question with a direct answer. You use them a rhetorical tactic for avoiding questions. It is nothing more than that.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Apr 22

@divegeester said
Your blocks of faith speak are labelled such because you tend to post them rather than answer a directly placed question with a direct answer. You use them a rhetorical tactic for avoiding questions. It is nothing more than that.
As I said you are asking me to treat you differently than you do me.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
As I said you are asking me to treat you differently than you do me.
No I’m not. I’m explaining why some of your lengthy replies occasionally receive negative feedback.

Look, if you’re looking for an excuse to NOT read what I’ve taken good time to explain to you, then don’t read it, remain in your state of ignorance about my beliefs.

You seem to be determined to do anything, post anything, moan about anything….anything except read what I’ve written and have a little think about it.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
19 Apr 22

@divegeester said
No I’m not. I’m explaining why some of your lengthy replies occasionally receive negative feedback.

Look, if you’re looking for an excuse to NOT read what I’ve taken good time to explain to you, then don’t read it, remain in your state of ignorance about my beliefs.

You seem to be determined to do anything, post anything, moan about anything….anything except read what I’ve written and have a little think about it.
Yes I am sure you feel justified in blowing off a reply entirely.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
2 edits


I don’t recognise your version of Jesus, nor do I subscribe to your brand of cultish Christianity. If that’s “sectarianism” then so be it.

You confess Jesus as your Lord as I confess Jesus as Lord.

No, no questions about rainbows.
But since we both confesss Jesus as Lord -

1.) Are we both members of same one Body in Christ?

2.) Are we both members of the same one universal church?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
Yes I am sure you feel justified in blowing off a reply entirely.
So, did you find the time to read my posts on the previous page?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said

I don’t recognise your version of Jesus, nor do I subscribe to your brand of cultish Christianity. If that’s “sectarianism” then so be it.

You confess Jesus as your Lord as I confess Jesus as Lord.

No, no questions about rainbows.
But since we both confesss Jesus as Lord -

1.) Are we both members of same one Body in Christ?

2.) Are we both members of the same one universal church?
What are you on about now sonship. I’m not the first person today to ask if you are ok!

You are pretending to not be aware of the principle behind Matt 24:5; it’s really really odd behaviour by you.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22
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I will tell you what’s going on here; KellyJay and sonship have read my clearly laid out posts on the previous pages and are now doing anything to not respond to those posts.

Guys, don’t throw the baby out with the hateful bath water, think over my posts, at least you will understand what I believe. You never know you might like the sound of it.

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