There is no “eternal son”

There is no “eternal son”


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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
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Divegeester wants to teach that the Son is no eternal Son.

But the Son of Man is assigned to "an eternal dominion" (Dan.7:14)

"And to Him was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages might sere HIm.
His domiunon is an eternal dominion, which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one that will not be detroyed."

Does he mean that the kingdom of the Son of Man is eternal but the Son of Man is not eternal?

One passage Divegeester might appeal to is 1 Cor. 15:24.
At the end of the millennium the Son delivers up the kingdom to His God and Father.

"Then the end, when He delivers up the kingdom to His God and Father, once He has abolished all rule and all authority and power."

Though this verse shows the utter submission and subjection of the Son of God to the Father, there is no cause to read into it something like -

God the Father saying, "Its about time! Give Me what is Mine and get out of here to exist no more - Son of God. Your office as Son of God is hereby terminated forever. You're out of a job, obsolete, no longer necessary, and hereby deprived of a kingdom being YOURS. NO LONGER hold any Son of God office."

The utter subjection of the Son to God the Father does not translate into the Son not being eternal nor does it mean the Father terminates that the Son is ordained a eternal dominion. It just reveals the perfect submission of the Son.

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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
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We get a glimpse into eternity in Revelation 21,22

And out of the throne of God and of the Lamb [one throne not two] the divine life of God pours forth in the sign into the eternal city of New Jerusalem.

"And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. (v.1)

And there will be no longer a curse. And the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His slaves will serve Him; And they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.

And night will be no more; and rthey have no need of the light of a lamp and of the light of the sun, for the Lord God will shine upon them; and they will reign forever and ever." (See Rev. 22:1,3-5)

Do you believe that the sons of God will reign forever and ever but the Firstborn Son Who bewcame the Lamb or God, will not reign forever and ever?

Do you believe that after the Firstborn Son has His function of "leading many sons into glory" (Heb. 1:10) the office of the Son is abolished but the many sons continue to "reign forever and ever" (Rev.22:5) ?

Hebrews 13:6 doesn't say that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and only until the end of the millennial period. Rather it says the Jesus is the same forever.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, even forever."

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

There is no “eternal son” in the Bible.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

Jesus flesh was created in Mary’s womb
Jesus flesh was born
Before that flesh was created in Mary’s womb, the flesh of Jesus did not exist.
All that existed was Jehovah’s spirit. ONE spirit, not two and not three spirits. ONE!
Jesus flesh housed the spirit of God, an extension of God himself. But still as Jehovah not a second person.

The mystery of God in Christ is not explained by the creation of three people in one god. It’s utter pagan nonsense.

Hear oh Israel the Lord your God is ONE.
It says this in the Bible hundreds of times.

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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
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There is no “eternal son” in the Bible.

So you don't believe then that there is an eternal Son?

Or are you just playing cute with word games for cheap rhetorical points?

How can Jesus Christ be "the same . . . yes, even forever and not be eternal Son?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said
We get a glimpse into eternity in Revelation 21,22

And out of the throne of God and of the Lamb [one throne not two] the divine life of God pours forth in the sign into the eternal city of New Jerusalem.

"And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its street. ...[text shortened]... ame forever.

[b]"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, even forever."
2 posts within the same minute.
Pre prepared waffle for burying dissent.
Spotted. Again.

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03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22
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Sorry if this sounds "sanctimonius" to you.
But I bump the question to you again.

How can Jesus Christ be "the same . . . yes, even forever" and not be eternal Son?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22
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@sonship said

There is no “eternal son” in the Bible.

So you don't believe then that there is an eternal Son?

Or are you just playing cute with word games for cheap rhetorical points?

How can Jesus Christ be "the same . . . yes, even forever and not be eternal Son?
Read my posts on page three and the one above.

Actually read them!

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
19 Apr 22

@sonship said

Sorry if this sounds "sanctimonius" to you.
But I bump the question to you again.

How can Jesus Christ be "the same . . . yes, even forever" and not be eternal Son?
Read my posts on page three.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
19 Apr 22


Jesus is the invisible god made visible
Jehovah made visible
Jehovah born into new baby flesh
Jesus flesh was born, created in Mary’s womb
Jesus came as a son, he started as a baby and grew up to be a son
This son had a beginning when Jesus flesh was born
Jehovah held this office of sonship simultaneously as being the Father - it’s a mystery how, says so in the NT, it’s a mystery of god in Christ.
This office of sonship had a purpose, it had a beginning and it will complete its purpose and it will have an end.
All that time Jesus will be the body housing the spirit of Jehovah

There is ONE entity, not three!
One god.

In this paragraph I am suppose to see how Jesus Christ is the same . . . yes even forever" (Heb. 13:8) and not be Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God?

SONSHIP is according to, not a temporary purpose, but an eternal purpose.

"Predestinating us unto sonship through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will." (Eph. 1:5)

This good pleasure of His will is the eternal purpose and not the temporary purpose.

"According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord." (3:11)

Jesus Christ the Son of God is "the same, yesterday, today, yes, even forever" . And in Jesus Christ is the eternal purpose - or the purpose of the AGES [plural]

For this reason God will display the surpassing ricxhes of His grace not just in the church age and not just in the millennial age. But in the [PLURAL] AGES to come forever.

"That He might display in the AGES [plural] to come the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus." (Eph. 2:7)

Either you are trying to argue that Jesus is the same ONLY to the end of the millennial kingdom and not "yes, even forever"

Or you are trying to teach that the purpose of God in Christ Jesus is the "temporary" purpose and not "the eternal purpose" .

Where is the phrase "no more the Son of God" in the Bible?
Where is "the Son no longer" or "the Son no more"?

Even in First Corinthians 15 ANYWHERE where is "the office of the Son is no more" or "so ENDS the office of the Son" or "the end of the Son of God"?

God is one.
Where is there "God is one so there is no longer the Son"?

Your paragraph contains some good insights.
Your paragraph doesn't demonstrate the Son Jesus Christ is not the same, yes,
even forever.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Apr 22

@divegeester said
I will tell you what’s going on here; KellyJay and sonship have read my clearly laid out posts on the previous pages and are now doing anything to not respond to those posts.

Guys, don’t throw the baby out with the hateful bath water, think over my posts, at least you will understand what I believe. You never know you might like the sound of it.
I just came back from work a little while ago; not blowing off; I have a life. I'll read and respond unless you want me to pull a dive and just say it's all faith speech; you have to wait till I get around to it.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Apr 22

@divegeester said
I am an independent, freethinking, progressive, liberal Christian.

Independent in that I do not belong to any denominational sect, creed or group.

Freethinking in that I am not bound by the doctrines of men nor the dogmatism which goes with them

Progressive in that I try to progress my own understanding of accepted “Christian” beliefs, especially if I find them t ...[text shortened]... in that I try to be tolerant of the beliefs of others except where they contravene the above point.
I agree with everything you said; without a doubt, you are all of those things, none of which helps you understand an unchanging truth.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
I agree with everything you said; without a doubt, you are all of those things, none of which helps you understand an unchanging truth.
Let me know when you find the time to read my posts about the godhead. I’ll be here 🙂

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Apr 22
2 edits

@divegeester said

Jesus is the invisible god made visible
Jehovah made visible
Jehovah born into new baby flesh
Jesus flesh was born, created in Mary’s womb
Jesus came as a son, he started as a baby and grew up to be a son
This son had a beginning when Jesus flesh was born
Jehovah held this office of sonship simultaneously as being the Father - it’s a mystery how, s ...[text shortened]... e Jesus will be the body housing the spirit of Jehovah

There is ONE entity, not three!
One god.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons making up one being God. They are One with each other, and they are One. God is love; love isn't a self-gratifying self-absorption as you are portraying God; the Trinity is an eternal relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit the love they have for each other is not something you get if there was only one person who is really into himself, as opposed to three caring each other.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Apr 22

@kellyjay said
I agree with everything you said; without a doubt, you are all of those things, none of which helps you understand an unchanging truth.
Actually those attributes have liberated me from the vice like grip of denominational dogma.

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