The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
11 Oct 18

@fmf said
Like I said,  you believe that your God has chosen you to be spared punishment that you believe people who are not members of your religion deserve. You believe you don't even have to do anything. You believe you only have to believe certain things. You call all this "humility" but it's not.
You say a lot of things, that doesn't mean they are true. God sent Jesus for us all,
and its whosoever is willing to accept Him. That doesn't make me any more
special than the next guy! You are wrapped up in making this all about us, it isn't,
it is all about God and God's Kingdom. There isn't anything about me, its all about
Jesus Christ, we all have to put our faith in him not ourselves. It is a great salvation
won for us by Jesus Christ, none of us can take credit for our salvation that has
been offered to all.


16 Feb 08
11 Oct 18
1 edit

@kellyjay said
You say a lot of things, that doesn't mean they are true. God sent Jesus for us all,
and its whosoever is willing to accept Him. That doesn't make me any more
special than the next guy! You are wrapped up in making this all about us, it isn't,
it is all about God and God's Kingdom. There isn't anything about me, its all about
Jesus Christ, we all have to put our faith in ...[text shortened]... for us by Jesus Christ, none of us can take credit for our salvation that has
been offered to all.
The problem you have in discussions like this is your adherence to the doctrine of eternal suffering which will always cast a violently skewed juxtaposition to God’s eternal mercy.

To claim salvation is one thing, but the point FMF is making is that on the one hand you have this God who demands justice and metes out eternal punishment, and on the other hand all you have had to do to escape it is think and believe certain things and ask Jesus for forgiveness. It’s a ridiculous scenario where the god of eternal hell is happy with a “sorry” in the name of Jesus.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18
1 edit

@kellyjay said
You say a lot of things, that doesn't mean they are true. God sent Jesus for us all,
and its whosoever is willing to accept Him. That doesn't make me any more
special than the next guy! You are wrapped up in making this all about us, it isn't,
it is all about God and God's Kingdom. There isn't anything about me, its all about
Jesus Christ, we all have to put our faith in ...[text shortened]... for us by Jesus Christ, none of us can take credit for our salvation that has
been offered to all.
There's nothing about "humility" here. Remember, I am still waiting for you to address the content of what I put to you on page 1.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@kellyjay said
You say a lot of things, that doesn't mean they are true.
The expression "Like I said" is a reminder that you have not addressed what I have said.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
11 Oct 18

@fmf said
There's nothing about "humility" here. Remember, I am still waiting for you to address the content of what I put to you on page 1.
I have addressed it, but I guess you missed it.
You changing the topic back to humility now after talking about Heaven and Hell?


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18
1 edit

@kellyjay said
God sent Jesus for us all,and its whosoever is willing to accept Him. That doesn't make me any more
special than the next guy!
You have said that you welcome the 'end times' because after the destruction of the world you will go on to an afterlife. Meanwhile billions and billions of people that we can call "the next guy" will have their lives [and those of their children] destroyed and then they will be tortured for all eternity by fire. You think these superstitious beliefs on your part don't make you see yourself as being any different than "the next guy"?


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@kellyjay said
You changing the topic back to humility now after talking about Heaven and Hell?
My issue with "humility" has been about "Heaven and Hell" since page 1. "Changing the topic"?


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@kellyjay said
You are wrapped up in making this all about us, it isn't,
it is all about God and God's Kingdom.
What I am putting to you is about you and other "born again" Christians and not about "God and God's Kingdom". Don't pretend it isn't about you.

01 Oct 04
11 Oct 18

@fmf said
However, there is the difference in the sense that I am talking about. I don't give two hoots about some other sense that you may have.
What difference are you talking about? Yes some Christians may not demonstrate humility if they taunt non believers with the fact that that they believe they are going to hell. That doesn't mean all Christians lack humility.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@dj2becker said
What difference are you talking about?
The difference I have been talking about for 14 pages. It is the disconnect between what the content of the ideology is and characterizing it as founded on "humility" as I have explained already.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18
2 edits

@kellyjay said
I believe that all of man's efforts are meaningless and self serving before God, and
the only way that allows us to come to God was prepared for us by God, Jesus
Oh well. Just toss all these meaningless non-Christians into a furnace and let them burn in agony forever. That's what they deserve after all. You, on the other hand, shall go to "Heaven" ~ despite being "evil and wicked" ~ because of your doubleplusgoodthink. And of course, you assure us your god figure has chosen you for this ~ you call it [or - more accurately - unilaterally declare yourself to be...] "born again".


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@dj2becker said
Arguing that there is a 'disconnect' between what people believe they are and actually are with regards to something that is neither right nor wrong sounds pretty moot to me.
You're barking up the wrong tree. Start a thread about the morality of "humility" and see if anyone wants to talk to you about it.

01 Oct 04
11 Oct 18
1 edit

@fmf said
The difference I have been talking about for 14 pages. It is the disconnect between what the content of the ideology is and characterizing it as founded on "humility" as I have explained already.
So you are saying it's impossible to be a Christian and be humble is that about it? Do you believe Dive is not humble?


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18
1 edit

@dj2becker said
So you are saying it's impossible to be a Christian and be humble is that about it?
I am saying what I am saying. Absolutely no need for you to paraphrase me.


28 Oct 05
11 Oct 18

@dj2becker said
Do you believe Dive is not humble?
divegeester is one of the most humble characters on this forum ~ there is scarcely any pretence or detectable immodesty, indeed he is well known, I'd say, for his self-deprecation ~ but this has little or nothing to do with what I have been arguing with regard to ideology these last 14 pages.

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