The most hated book 2006-2010

The most hated book 2006-2010


16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you do know that women dont really like small heighted men, right? why do you think that is?
so can small men be just as good at parenting as tall men?

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
are you denying the fact? no i didn't think so.
yes im denying it. its total bllx.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
so can small men be just as good at parenting as tall men?
yes i suspect so, i have a friend from sheffield, hes quite wee and hes an excellent parent, much better than me really, patient and kind and considerate, soft spoken and yeah, kind of like a chick!


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
yes im denying it. its total bllx.
is it, where does tall, dark and handsome come from, should that be, small, baldy and handsome in the dark?

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why would they want to come back to someone with no manners and no sense of civility? would you, no neither would I, you just get side kicked, cya later, neeeeext! happy days.
Well actually they (you) are the ones without the manners to respect the fact
that this is a workplace and not a suitable location for them to try to spread
their religion.

And ... I want them to go away and not come back, they annoyed
my paying customers apart from anything else.

If being rude (I wasn't) achieves that then yay for being rude.

And given that they keep coming back (different ones every time) apparently
what I am doing isn't working well enough.

If you have any good advice on getting your fellow cultists to f*** off permanently
I am all ears.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
is it, where does tall, dark and handsome come from, should that be, small, baldy and handsome in the dark?
Yeah and men only like leggy blond women with big boobs...

You really are a font of idiotic toxic stereotypes.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
is it, where does tall, dark and handsome come from, should that be, small, baldy and handsome in the dark?
are you trying not only generalize physical attraction for all women. but you are also reducing attraction to black and white, you either like short or tall.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
Well actually they (you) are the ones without the manners to respect the fact
that this is a workplace and not a suitable location for them to try to spread
their religion.

And ... I want them to go away and not come back, they annoyed
my paying customers apart from anything else.

If being rude (I wasn't) achieves that then yay for being rude ...[text shortened]... have any good advice on getting your fellow cultists to f*** off permanently
I am all ears.
business people have representatives come in all the time, in about twenty years as a witness i can count on one hand the number of rude business people that i have spoken to, if you dont want them to come back all you need to say is, can i have a quite word with you, 'i would rather that you did not comeback, please take a note of it and try to comply with it'. i don't believe that they upset your customers, but then again, we only have your word for it and well, we know what that means. When we approach businesses its to leave literature in waiting areas, hotel foyer etc, no one has ever complained to me that they were annoyed by that, never and your assertions of making conversions is ludicrouis, i dont believe a word you say.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes i suspect so, i have a friend from sheffield, hes quite wee and hes an excellent parent, much better than me really, patient and kind and considerate, soft spoken and yeah, kind of like a chick!
so if small,weak men can be good parents where does it leave your theory that men bring something unique to being parents.

what do men specifically bring to parenting that a child cannot get from a women????


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
Yeah and men only like leggy blond women with big boobs...

You really are a font of idiotic toxic stereotypes.
just cause your baldy!


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
so if small,weak men can be good parents where does it leave your theory that men bring something unique to being parents.

what do men specifically bring to parenting that a child cannot get from a women????
skinny dipping in rivers, chicks dont dig skinny dipping in rivers. If you have a son and its scorching you can go skinny dipping, if you have no father, its impossible. chicks cant wear kilts with knives in the socks, they dont like camping and sleeping out in forests either, or fishing very much.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
just cause your baldy!
Actually I have a full head of hair, and given that most of the men in my
family (including my father) have kept theirs I expect to stay that way.

Just very gently going grey.

However I note the fact that your apparent mental image of me requires
me to be (in your eyes) ugly.

I would not that I have not assumed anything of the kind about you, as unlike
you, I consider what a person IS like, not what they look like.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
skinny dipping in rivers, chicks dont dig skinny dipping in rivers. If you have a son and its scorching you can go skinny dipping, if you have no father, its impossible.
you believe a man and women are essential to raising a well rounded child and you cannot think of one good reason why a man is needed. do you accept that two lesbians can therefore be as equally good as a man and woman.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
Actually I have a full head of hair, and given that most of the men in my
family (including my father) have kept theirs I expect to stay that way.

Just very gently going grey.

However I note the fact that your apparent mental image of me requires
me to be (in your eyes) ugly.

I would not that I have not assumed anything of the kind about you, as unlike
you, I consider what a person IS like, not what they look like.
steady on stedward, im only messin, no need for a lecture! you take yourself way too serious.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
you believe a man and women are essential to raising a well rounded child and you cannot think of one good reason why a man is needed. do you accept that two lesbians can therefore be as equally good as a man and woman.
i have provided three reasons, that they are not good enough is your evaluation, to me, they seem fine, skinny dipping, kilt wearing and camping in forests.

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