The most hated book 2006-2010

The most hated book 2006-2010


31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You seem to have missed the entire point, India culturally has the lowest divorce rates of any developed nation because traditional values are practiced. Look how your western materialism has contributed to more family break up than at any point in history. More single parent families than ever before. The highest instance of divorce than ever b ...[text shortened]... ed anyone except lawyers, will you tell us or will you continue the charade of the new morality.
Yeah because being forced to stay in an abusive relationship because divorce is
taboo is really great for creating good child raising environments.

You can take your 'traditional values' and insert them where the sun doesn't shine.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
The Thomson Reuters Foundation recently polled India as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women to live, behind Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan. Yet here you are lauding India's 'traditional values', it would be funny if it wasn't quite so utterly tragic.

As to your s ...[text shortened]... l like everyone to live happily ever after but this is the real world and not a Disney film.
Good Point. well put.

I second this.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
The Thomson Reuters Foundation recently polled India as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women to live, behind Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan. Yet here you are lauding India's 'traditional values', it would be funny if it wasn't quite so utterly tragic.

As to your s ...[text shortened]... l like everyone to live happily ever after but this is the real world and not a Disney film.
only the fourth, thats nada! you still have failed to explain how or why your western materialistic values which have directly contributed to the highest ever divorce rates and family breakdown have benefited us, instead you seek to shift the blame elsewhere, India has its problems no one is denying, but the traditional family works excellently as a model.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Read the post again for goodness sake.
no once was quite enough.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
no once was quite enough.
Evidently not as you clearly misread it.

Stellspalfie said...
[I] bring lots to the family. nothing specific to
gender or sexuality though.

You responded with...
You bring nothing, wow.

How does "I bring lots" get turned into "you bring nothing" without you being
abysmally bad at reading what other people actually say?


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
i think you misread my post.

nothing you have said about yourself as a parent is gender specific.

edit: you have told your wife you are a j.w. and are unable to fight havent you?
yes it is, simply because you fail to recognise it does not make it so, first my wife feels protected because i am stronger and bigger than she is because i am male and males tend to be bigger and more physically stronger than women, secondly in her culture males are authority figures in the family, therefore if she has a problem that needs sorting, she comes to me and i sort it, this relieves her of the pressure of having to administer discipline so she can get on with other things, now while you namby pamby materialists may shirk this type of family responsibility, or send your wives out to fight your battles, we in the traditional family know our roles and we are thankful to God for having made us male and female, realising that we compliment each other, you can seek to negate the differences in gender all you like, God knows your media does, but your values are not our values.


23 Nov 11
18 Jul 13

Given the over population problem many countries, including the U.S., face we really do not need to worry about creating more humans. I do not understand why a true conservative would not support homosexual rights to marry. Why should the government intervene in a decision made by two consenting adults, a decision that does not hurt any other humans nor any other species, be prevented? This includes prostitution when all parties are at least 21 years of age and no one is forced into the "profession". Politicians should NOT be concerned with who we sleep with but rather what kinds of employment, education and health care we have once we get out of bed.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by Phranny
Given the over population problem many countries, including the U.S., face we really do not need to worry about creating more humans. I do not understand why a true conservative would not support homosexual rights to marry. Why should the government intervene in a decision made by two consenting adults, a decision that does not hurt any other humans nor an but rather what kinds of employment, education and health care we have once we get out of bed.
perhaps the largest ever recorded instances of HIV+ among homosexuals should not be a government issue?

The government legislates on all types of social behaviour, allowing gays to marry is simply an attempt to add legitimacy to a morality, marriage is not open to everyone, bigamists for example, you need to qualify for marriage and gays by definition do not qualify for marriage, because marriage is the union of a man and a woman. The fact that they are consenting, or allegedly not harming anyone else are irrelevant, if i consent to smoke opium and harm no one else, why should the government not making opium use legal? its a ludicrous argument to say that they should on this basis.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
only the fourth, thats nada! you still have failed to explain how or why your western materialistic values which have directly contributed to the highest ever divorce rates and family breakdown have benefited us, instead you seek to shift the blame elsewhere, India has its problems no one is denying, but the traditional family works excellently as a model.
I have failed to explain anything because i'm not seeking to explain anything. I mean, when have you ever read anything with any sincerity which contradicts what you have chosen to believe. Closed minded and ignorant and all that jazz.

All I have done is pointed out your rosé tinted perception of Indian 'traditional values' as a beacon of family harmony is utterly preposterous.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes it is, simply because you fail to recognise it does not make it so, first my wife feels protected because i am stronger and bigger than she is because i am male and males tend to be bigger and more physically stronger than women, secondly in her culture males are authority figures in the family, therefore if she has a problem that needs sorting, ...[text shortened]... fferences in gender all you like, God knows your media does, but your values are not our values.
Namby pamby materialists?! LOL!!

I could smash your fat middle-aged podgy ass into the dust before you could say 'self certified opinion'.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Namby pamby materialists?! LOL!!

I could smash your fat middle-aged podgy ass into the dust before you could say 'self certified opinion'.
any more of that patter and i'll be forced to go foraging into England to steal your women and precious metals. Podgy ass? I have started cycling again, after a month or two, there will be nothing podby about my ass and i will simply run away like the gingerbread man giving you the v's!

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes it is, simply because you fail to recognise it does not make it so, first my wife feels protected because i am stronger and bigger than she is because i am male and males tend to be bigger and more physically stronger than women, secondly in her culture males are authority figures in the family, therefore if she has a problem that needs sorting, ...[text shortened]... fferences in gender all you like, God knows your media does, but your values are not our values.
I had some Jehovah's Witness's come into my shop the other day trying to get
us to display some JW literature to get more people into their cult.

Robbie is making me feel better and better about throwing them the hell out.

I think I revile your backwards ass patriarchal misogynistic sexist mediaevalism.
But I worry that may not be a strong enough word for how I feel about this kind
of crap.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
any more of that patter and i'll be forced to go foraging into England to steal your women and precious metals. Podgy ass? I have started cycling again, after a month or two, there will be nothing podby about my ass and i will simply run away like the gingerbread man giving you the v's!
Yes the Scott's got quite good at running away.

Came from getting their ass's handed to them on a regular basis.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes it is, simply because you fail to recognise it does not make it so, first my wife feels protected because i am stronger and bigger than she is because i am male and males tend to be bigger and more physically stronger than women, secondly in her culture males are authority figures in the family, therefore if she has a problem that needs sorting, ...[text shortened]... fferences in gender all you like, God knows your media does, but your values are not our values.
the examples you have given are not gender specific. the fact your wife feels unsafe and is unable to discipline your children is specific to her personality rather than her sex. there are plenty of strong woman who can discipline their children that prove this.

it also makes me wonder...why are your children so difficult to discipline that she needs you to do it? dont they treat their mother with respect?


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
Yes the Scott's got quite good at running away.

Came from getting their ass's handed to them on a regular basis.
thats Scot's and last time i heard it was a Scot your nation was worshipping at wimbledon. Andy Andy, we love you! suck it up fatboy and ackowledge our greatness!

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