The most hated book 2006-2010

The most hated book 2006-2010



26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
the examples you have given are not gender specific. the fact your wife feels unsafe and is unable to discipline your children is specific to her personality rather than her sex. there are plenty of strong woman who can discipline their children that prove this.

it also makes me wonder...why are your children so difficult to discipline that she needs you to do it? dont they treat their mother with respect?
most males are not taller and more physically stronger than their wives, as i said, reality and reason are dirty words!


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
I had some Jehovah's Witness's come into my shop the other day trying to get
us to display some JW literature to get more people into their cult.

Robbie is making me feel better and better about throwing them the hell out.

I think I revile your backwards ass patriarchal misogynistic sexist mediaevalism.
But I worry that may not be a strong enough word for how I feel about this kind
of crap.
be nice to them or i will find out where your shop is and kick yo A$$

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
the examples you have given are not gender specific. the fact your wife feels unsafe and is unable to discipline your children is specific to her personality rather than her sex. there are plenty of strong woman who can discipline their children that prove this.

it also makes me wonder...why are your children so difficult to discipline that she needs you to do it? dont they treat their mother with respect?
I would say in addition to the "it's her personality rather than gender" that
having a culture that teaches women that they are the weaker and
subservient gender that should always defer to men will tend to result in
women who believe that they are weaker and need a man to sort things out.

Self fulfilling prophecies and glass ceilings and all that.

Which is why attitudes like Robbie's are so toxic.

This is how you get women who believe that it's right and proper that they walk
around in tents because otherwise they are asking for men to rape them because
men have no control when they see a women...

The fact that women get indoctrinated to believe that they should be the home-maker
and look after the kinds while hubby earns the money and makes the decisions doesn't
mean it's not sexist.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
most males are not taller and more physically stronger than their wives, as i said, reality and reason are dirty words!
whats height and size got to do with being a parent?????????? how often do you have to use your strength?

so this is it, this is all you can think of that a man is specifically needed for. this why its essential for a child to have a father figure........because he's taller and stronger then mum?

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
be nice to them or i will find out where your shop is and kick yo A$$
Not a hope.

If they come into my place of work and try to use it to promote their idiotic
and toxic crap they will get thrown out, and will deserve it.

This is a business, not a church, and neither you nor they have any business
coming into it and trying to convert me OR my customers.

Also you are a pacifist and not allowed to be violent...

So how do you propose kicking anyone's ass?

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
be nice to them or i will find out where your shop is and kick yo A$$
if the only reason you can think of why men are essential to raising children is height and strength does this work for small, physically weak men? can they be good fathers?


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
I would say in addition to the "it's her personality rather than gender" that
having a culture that teaches women that they are the weaker and
subservient gender that should always defer to men will tend to result in
women who believe that they are weaker and need a man to sort things out.

Self fulfilling prophecies and glass ceilings and all th ...[text shortened]... kinds while hubby earns the money and makes the decisions doesn't
mean it's not sexist.
strange i have asked my wife if she would like to work, she has a degree in library science, but she says that she likes it in her home and who can blame her, its a secure and loving environment. Perhaps i will introduce her to your twisted and contorted reasoning and lunacy and see if she can sift through the morass of slime to locate something bordering on reason.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
whats height and size got to do with being a parent?????????? how often do you have to use your strength?

so this is it, this is all you can think of that a man is specifically needed for. this why its essential for a child to have a father figure........because he's taller and stronger then mum?
I got really puzzled (long time ago) by someone I knew who was mocking the idea
of women police officers because "what were they going to do against a criminal
with a gun ? ..." Because... you know... men are bulletproof???


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by googlefudge
Not a hope.

If they come into my place of work and try to use it to promote their idiotic
and toxic crap they will get thrown out, and will deserve it.

This is a business, not a church, and neither you nor they have any business
coming into it and trying to convert me OR my customers.

Also you are a pacifist and not allowed to be violent...

So how do you propose kicking anyone's ass?
like they care, they will simply find someone more amiable, a non lemon sucker, lifes too short to be bothered with people with bad attitudes, there are far too many pleasant people for that jive.

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
strange i have asked my wife if she would like to work, she has a degree in library science, but she says that she likes it in her home and who can blame her, its a secure and loving environment. Perhaps i will introduce her to your twisted and contorted reasoning and lunacy and see if she can sift through the morass of slime to locate something bordering on reason.
And because YOUR wife (apparently) prefers being a home-maker (nothing wrong with that)
that means that that is obviously the way society is meant to be and ALL women should do
the same?

31 May 06
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
like they care, they will simply find someone more amiable, a non lemon sucker, lifes too short to be bothered with people with bad attitudes, there are far too many pleasant people for that jive.
Well given that the idea is that they don't come back this is not a problem.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
if the only reason you can think of why men are essential to raising children is height and strength does this work for small, physically weak men? can they be good fathers?
you do know that women dont really like small heighted men, right? why do you think that is?


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by googlefudge
Well given that the idea is that they don't come back this is not a problem.
why would they want to come back to someone with no manners and no sense of civility? would you, no neither would I, you just get side kicked, cya later, neeeeext! happy days.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you do know that women dont really like small heighted men, right? why do you think that is?
women dont like small men?????? you and your crazy generalizations.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by stellspalfie
women dont like small men?????? you and your crazy generalizations.
are you denying the fact? no i didn't think so. They like men that are tall, dark and in googlefudges case, handsome in the dartk.

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