The most hated book 2006-2010

The most hated book 2006-2010



26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I don't see how someone's sexual orientation can make them a good or bad parent? Surely there is more criteria to define whether someone is a good or bad parent than just their sexual preference?
A father and a mother compliment each other perfectly and bring qualities to parenthood that no other combination can even come close to. God in his wisdom designed it to be so and anything else is to deny a child the benefits of such a compliment.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
India, that bastion of women's rights. High levels of domestic and sexual abuse, prostitution and child prostitution is rife and it's a place where a bride is burnt to death every hour and acid attacks on women are rising.

And yes, I've been there.
You seem to have missed the entire point, India culturally has the lowest divorce rates of any developed nation because traditional values are practiced. Look how your western materialism has contributed to more family break up than at any point in history. More single parent families than ever before. The highest instance of divorce than ever before. How has this benefited anyone except lawyers, will you tell us or will you continue the charade of the new morality.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
he looks through some rose tinted magical lenses of an india in a bygone age. its a myth that all indian women stay at home and as the economy booms and the standard of living increases the quantity of working mothers will increase. its already around 25% including rural areas, so the urban stats alone would be up there with western culture.
Like all materialists you think that quality of life is dependent upon material factors. Not so, for a persons life does not originate from the things they possess. I know some cleaners who have a better quality of life than the doctors they clean for.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
A father and a mother compliment each other perfectly and bring qualities to parenthood that no other combination can even come close to. God in his wisdom designed it to be so and anything else is to deny a child the benefits of such a compliment.
specifically what does a father bring? and if a father isnt there to bring it, what negative effects does it have on the child?

if god designed it this way, why has child birth historically been so dangerous to woman?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You seem to have missed the entire point, India culturally has the lowest divorce rates of any developed nation because traditional values are practiced. Look how your western materialism has contributed to more family break up than at any point in history. More single parent families than ever before. The highest instance of divorce than ever b ...[text shortened]... ed anyone except lawyers, will you tell us or will you continue the charade of the new morality.
Traditional values? Is violence a 'traditional value'? What about acid attacks and burning brides, are they part of your traditional values?

Personally, as someone who's parents divorced when I was fairly young, I did benefit from their separation in the long run. Anything was better than living through the misery and rows that I remember. I now have two families, an extra step brother and a half brother.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
A father and a mother compliment each other perfectly and bring qualities to parenthood that no other combination can even come close to. God in his wisdom designed it to be so and anything else is to deny a child the benefits of such a compliment.
I see. So someone's sexual preference is the defining characteristic of whether they will be a good or bad parent. 🙄

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Like all materialists you think that quality of life is dependent upon material factors. Not so, for a persons life does not originate from the things they possess. I know some cleaners who have a better quality of life than the doctors they clean for.
me???? i gave up work to raise my very materialistic of me.

i made no comment on if the quality of life is better for working parents in india. i was correcting your outdated opinion that mothers in india all stay at home.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
specifically what does a father bring? and if a father isnt there to bring it, what negative effects does it have on the child?

if god designed it this way, why has child birth historically been so dangerous to woman?
You are a father what do you bring to your family? Negative effects? Look I am not getting into silly broad generalisation, research it yourself. Child birth only became dangerous after the fall and we are talking of parenting not child birth.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Traditional values? Is violence a 'traditional value'? What about acid attacks and burning brides, are they part of your traditional values?

Personally, as someone who's parents divorced when I was fairly young, I did benefit from their separation in the long run. Anything was better than living through the misery and rows that I remember. I now have two families, an extra step brother and a half brother.
My goodness to listen to you one would never attend a wedding in India lest they were gunned down. You benefitted in the long run but I bet any child would like to have their mother and father happy in a stable and loving marriage.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You are a father what do you bring to your family? Negative effects? Look I am not getting into silly broad generalisation, research it yourself. Child birth only became dangerous after the fall and we are talking of parenting not child birth.
i bring lots to the family. nothing specific to gender or sexuality though.

your turn. what do you bring specific to your gender? and how would it effect your kids if they didnt experience said specific thing?


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
me???? i gave up work to raise my very materialistic of me.

i made no comment on if the quality of life is better for working parents in india. i was correcting your outdated opinion that mothers in india all stay at home.
You are to be commended and I mean that sincerely. I work partime also for the sake of my family, we are pretty close thankfully. Ecenomics is a monster mess with it at your peril better is to apply the Bibles wise counsel to live simply, to flee from the pursuit of riches and to be content.


26 Aug 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by stellspalfie
i bring lots to the family. nothing specific to gender or sexuality though.

your turn. what do you bring specific to your gender? and how would it effect your kids if they didnt experience said specific thing?
You bring nothing, wow. My wife feels protected in my presence, my kid knows that there are limits upon which he will be disciplined, my wife has a much softer approach. If the kid does not listen to his mother she appeals to me and I get her a result.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You bring nothing, wow. My wife feels protected in my presence, my kid knows that there are limits upon which he will be disciplined, my wife has a much softer approach. If the kid does not listen to his mother she appeals to me and I get her a result.
Read the post again for goodness sake.

16 Jan 07
18 Jul 13
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
You bring nothing, wow. My wife feels protected in my presence, my kid knows that there are limits upon which he will be disciplined, my wife has a much softer approach. If the kid does not listen to his mother she appeals to me and I get her a result.
i think you misread my post.

nothing you have said about yourself as a parent is gender specific.

edit: you have told your wife you are a j.w. and are unable to fight havent you?


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
18 Jul 13

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
My goodness to listen to you one would never attend a wedding in India lest they were gunned down. You benefitted in the long run but I bet any child would like to have their mother and father happy in a stable and loving marriage.
The Thomson Reuters Foundation recently polled India as the fourth most dangerous country in the world for women to live, behind Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan. Yet here you are lauding India's 'traditional values', it would be funny if it wasn't quite so utterly tragic.

As to your second point, most of us live in the real world and accept that for whatever reason sometimes relationships break down beyond repair. Sure, we would all like everyone to live happily ever after but this is the real world and not a Disney film.

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