If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18
1 edit


So you’ve asked one question to which I’ve replied, but you dont want to follow up on that, instead you now want to fire a further salvo?

I obviously acknowledge your reply.
You consider yourself a logical child.
That does explain some things.

And I ask you another.
What am I doing that you don't do?

So answer. I have many more that I could try on you since you continue to lie that yours are evaded.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18


If God is a final decider of ultimate destinies involving either eternal life or eternal punishment, is He less competent then you to do so?

Yes or No ?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18
1 edit


If for John the Baptist to say to abide under the wrath of God is to be made non-existent in John 3:36,
does that mean that everyone who does not exist has the wrath of God abiding on him ?

Yes or No?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18


When Jesus says He and His Father will come to His lover to make an abode with him as "We" in John 14:23, Which one of the "We" is NOT God ?

"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)

Which one of the "We" there is not God - the Father or the Son ?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18


In Isaiah 9:6 when the Son ... given is called the Eternal Father, besides the Father of the Trinity how many other Fathers are there in the Bible who are called "Eternal Father" ?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
11 Nov 18
1 edit


Jesus said that it would have been better for Judas Iscariot to have never been born (Matt. 26:24).
Did He mean that it would have been better for Judas to be non-existent abiding under the wrath of God?

Yes or No?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Nov 18

@sonship said
Logical child.

Game over.

You are a logical child ?
Well, you've been one for far too long.
Grow up.

If you should turn out to be wrong and God does condemn His enemies to eternal torment,
will you stay with the unrighteous God or ask Him to allow you to spend eternity with Satan in his "wrong" and "unrighteous" torment ?

I don't think you've ever given me a straight answer.
He spends more time worrying about metaphors than He does sharing the grace
of Jesus Christ.


28 Oct 05
12 Nov 18

@kellyjay said
He spends more time worrying about metaphors than He does sharing the grace
of Jesus Christ.
You spend too much time engaged in prideful damage limitation after misunderstanding or misexpressing theoretical things and not enough time demonstrating some influence of Jesus Christ that others might want to emulate.


15 Oct 06
12 Nov 18

@suzianne said
First of all, my accusations are not "ill-considered". Your remarkable ego demands that you act as if you are the only one in this forum with a brain, but I assure you that this is not the case.

Yes, you accuse Christians. Yes, recently I have been accusing Christians. There is, however, a crucial difference. (hahhhh, see what I did there? Bah, nevermind...)

The d ...[text shortened]... hat Christianity is. Christianity is alive and well, as is our God and our Lord, Jesus, the Christ.
SOME "Christians" DO taint Christianity, but their creed is not what Christianity is. Christianity is alive and well, as is our God and our Lord, Jesus, the Christ.

Unfortunately it's much more than "SOME". In 2016 Trump had a 58%-39% margin over Clinton amongst Protestants. 52%-45% amongst Catholics.

Given your views about Christians who vote Republican, how can you reasonably consider Christianity to be "alive and well"? To put it in perspective, note the percentages amongst non-Christians.

How can that possibly be?

Whether you want to admit it or not, Christianity does not have the gospel preached by Jesus as its foundation. Instead it has the gospel preached by Paul and his followers as its foundation. This is the underlying problem.

Your accusations appear to be borne from simple hate, you attack ALL Christians as having a hollow faith, while you yourself do not even believe.

I'm not "attack[ing] ALL Christians". Rather I'm pointing out that the foundation of Christianity is unsound - it's built upon sand. If the gospel preached by Jesus were the foundation of Christianity, only a small percentage of Christians would vote Republican - no less for the likes of Trump.

They make a mockery of what it actually means to be Christian. I do what I do because I AM a Christian. I love God, and I try to love my neighbor as I love myself, and I usually succeed, unless I am met with someone claiming to be like Jesus and yet they spit on Jesus; it's very hard to love these types of Christians.

Yes there are those who really do try to "love your neighbor as yourself". Unfortunately you're in the minority.

My accusations have been towards people who know better, and yet still cannot be bothered to do what they know is right.

No idea how you've drawn the conclusion that they "know better". Read their posts. They believe that they are "of [His] sheep", that they "hear His voice", that they "follow [Him]". They believe that they have been "born again" and are guided by the "Holy Spirit". The believe and are emboldened by the idea that they have "the word of God" as their foundation - no matter how far removed they are from "lov[ing] your neighbor as yourself".

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

So you’ve asked one question to which I’ve replied, but you dont want to follow up on that, instead you now want to fire a further salvo?

I obviously acknowledge your reply.
You consider yourself a logical child.
That does explain some things.

And I ask you another.
What am I doing that you don't do?

So answer. I have many more that I could try on you since you continue to lie that yours are evaded.
You gave me a choice of two alternatives, they were YOUR alternatives with no explanation of what they meant. You demanded I choose, so I did. Unequivocally.

Are you prepared to unequivocally answer my question now?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

If you should turn out to be wrong and God does condemn His enemies to eternal torment,
will you stay with the unrighteous God or ask Him to allow you to spend eternity with Satan in his "wrong" and "unrighteous" torment ?

I await your answer.

And another:

If God is a final decider of ultimate destinies involving either eternal life or eternal punishment, is He less competent then you to do so?

Yes or No ?
Are you now going to answer my question?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

If God is a final decider of ultimate destinies involving either eternal life or eternal punishment, is He less competent then you to do so?

Yes or No ?
Are you now going to answer my question?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

If for John the Baptist to say to abide under the wrath of God is to be made non-existent in John 3:36,
does that mean that everyone who does not exist has the wrath of God abiding on him ?

Yes or No?
Are you now going to answer my question?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

When Jesus says He and His Father will come to His lover to make an abode with him as "We" in John 14:23, Which one of the "We" is NOT God ?

"Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My words; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him." (John 14:23)

Which one of the "We" there is not God - the Father or the Son ?
Are you now going to answer my question?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

In Isaiah 9:6 when the Son ... given is called the Eternal Father, besides the Father of the Trinity how many other Fathers are there in the Bible who are called "Eternal Father" ?
Are you now going to answer my question?

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