If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


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03 Jan 13
10 Nov 18
7 edits


What does “give account” actually mean in this circumstance?

It means that IF you are a Christian you will stand before Christ and use your mouth to explain about whatever He asks you concerning your life after you got saved.

We are use to using our lips to criticize others. On that day the Christian stands before the judgment seat of Christ, she or he will use the two lips to criticize themselves.

The Christian will be explaining to the very One who lives within. Therefore trickery will be IMPOSSIBLE.

I use my lips to say a lot of things about other people today. On that day I will give an accounting to my Lord about me. No one else will be on my mind. I will then use my mouth before God Almighty to criticize sonship.

Whatever He asks about I will have to answer. That is concerning my life AFTER I became a Christian.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
10 Nov 18

@sonship said
What does “give account” actually mean in this circumstance?

It means that IF you are a Christian you will stand before Christ and use your mouth to explain about whatever He asks you concerning your life after you got saved.

We are use to using our lips to criticize others. On that day the Christian stands before the judgm ...[text shortened]... d Almighty to criticize sonship.

Whatever He asks about I will have to answer.
Thanks I did realise that much.

Let me clarify; why do Christians here such as yourself and KellyJay frequently throw out at your detractors “you will have to give account to God” when it’s just a onversation.

For example KellyJay usually tries to soften this threat by including himself e.g. “you and I will have to give account....” but KellyJay considers himself “saved” and “beyond condemnation” so my question is a) why use this sort of threat anyway? And b) do you agree with me that him including himself in the threat when he is “saved” somehow indicate a subliminal “I’m alright jack” attached to this threat of a conversation with God?

That’s how it comes across to me.


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18
1 edit

@suzianne said
I already posted about them and what I see them doing.

The post you replied to was less about them and more about you.

You merely conflate them to facilitate your evasion.
Your post seemed to be just another in the long line of your accusing me of "accusing Christians" when you seemed to be doing the same.

So I was trying to understand exactly what your position is regarding them.

With John 10:26-28 in mind:
1) Do you agree that the Holy Spirit does not dwell in them at all since they do not hear and follow the voice of Jesus?
2) Do you agree that they are not "of His sheep"?

Plus you said that I was "accusing Christians". If you agree that they are not "of His sheep", then aren't you also "accusing Christians"? For that matter, in what way are they "Christians" if they are not "of His sheep"?

Can you answer the questions and clear that up first?

Then I'll address your ill-considered accusations.


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18
2 edits

@kellyjay said
No, you will give an account for what you do and say, I'm not part of that process.
I will stand before God for what I have done and said you will not be a part of that
process for me either.
You said that I will have "no excuse".

So excuse for what exactly? You neglected to answer the question.


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18

@sonship said
What does “give account” actually mean in this circumstance?

It means that IF you are a Christian you will stand before Christ and use your mouth to explain about whatever He asks you concerning your life after you got saved.

We are use to using our lips to criticize others. On that day the Christian stands before the judgm ...[text shortened]... Whatever He asks about I will have to answer. That is concerning my life AFTER I became a Christian.
It means that IF you are a Christian you will stand before Christ and use your mouth to explain about whatever He asks you concerning your life after you got saved.

If this is the case, then do you disagree with KJ when he says that I will have to "give an account for what [I ] do and say"?

14 Mar 15
10 Nov 18

@ghost-of-a-duke said
During his ministry, Jesus also preached 'I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.' (John 5:30).

Are you cool with that?
I don't think he's cool with that...


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18

@ghost-of-a-duke said
I don't think he's cool with that...
You're such a simp.

14 Mar 15
10 Nov 18

@thinkofone said
You're such a simp.
Usually, simps are the ones who can't answer a straightforward question.

14 Mar 15
10 Nov 18

It's been brought to my attention that ToO inadvertently missed this question and in no way was trying to avoid answering it. For his convenience I have copied it below:

During his ministry, Jesus also preached 'I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.' (John 5:30).

Are you cool with that?


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18
2 edits

GoaD is such a simp that he thinks that his trolling posts deserve to be taken seriously.

GoaD is for atheist tolls what becker is for Christian trolls.

They both operate on the level of young teens.

14 Mar 15
10 Nov 18

@thinkofone said
GoaD is such a simp that he thinks that his trolling posts deserve to be taken seriously.

GoaD is for atheist tolls what becker is for Christian trolls.

They both operate on the level of young teens.
Do you not take John 5:30 seriously?


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Do you not take John 5:30 seriously?
GoaD such a simp.

GoaD operates on the level of a young teen who thinks himself "clever", but the caliber of his posts betrays him.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
10 Nov 18
1 edit

@thinkofone said
GoaD such a simp.

GoaD operates on the level of a young teen who thinks himself "clever", but the caliber of his posts betrays him.
As does your avoiding questions put to you by nearly everyone you talk to.


15 Oct 06
10 Nov 18
1 edit

@kellyjay said
As does your avoiding questions put to you by nearly everyone you talk to.
You don't answer all questions asked by trolls, all questions that are asked as red herrings, all questions asked as a prelude to ad hominem attack, etc. either. I can't think of anyone on this forum who does.

It's really disingenuous for you to make this accusation. It's an example of your dishonesty.

14 Mar 15
10 Nov 18

@thinkofone said
You don't answer all questions asked by trolls, all questions that spirituality as red herrings, all questions asked as a prelude to ad hominem attack, etc. either. I can't think of anyone on this forum who does.

It's really disingenuous for you to make this accusation. It's an example of your dishonesty.
This is a spirituality forum. People asking if you believe in God is not trolling, people asking if you believe in God is not a prelude to an ad hominem attack.

You are dishonest in pretending otherwise.

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