If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

If you never contemplate suicide then this thread is not for you. You may go. Goodbye.

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

Now that those who have never or would never consider solving their problems by suicide have left, any others I want to tell something to.

Don't kill yourself with a gun or by jumping off a bridge.

Believe in the TERMINATING death of Christ on your behalf and put it to work.

I said believe in the TERMINATING death of Jesus on your behalf and puts its mighty power to work for you killing of everything in you that saddens your life.

Let's start with a verse. Let's start with a promise.

"For the love of Christ constrains us because we have judged this, that One died for all, therefore all died." (2 Cor. 5:14)

This verse specifies not the redeeming death of Jesus. That is covered by many other passages. This verse is about the TERMINATING power of the death of Jesus.

One died, Jesus Christ so that potentially ALL DIED.
This is the gospel of realizing that you can UTILIZE the death of Christ to supernaturally do the work for you that you think suicide would do.

The thread will explore the TERMINATING power of the death of Christ (this time over the REDEEMING power of His death).

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

"For the love of Christ constrains us because we have judged this, that One died for all, therefore all died." (2 Cor. 5:14)

This New Testament truth delves into another area of the benefit of the death of Jesus. His death and be USED.

One died - Jesus. Therefore in principle ALL DIED.

Jesus Christ makes human suicide obsolete.
We can exercise faith and utilize the death of Christ for its terminating power to kill of all kinds of "germs" of our fallen lives, freeing us.

Paul pioneered and learned. We can all learn too!

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18
1 edit

Paul pioneered in learning to USE the death of Christ. And here not only for forgiveness through His redeeming blood.

But he learned to put to work the DEATH of Christ to liberate himself from many things which plagued him and made him unhappy and feeling hopeless.

Sure he did. Let's start here:

"I ... am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me ... " (See Galatians 2:20)

By faith, Paul stood upon the truth - He is crucified with Christ. One died for all therefore ALL DIED.

He did not want the Roman Christian to be IGNORANT. As many as have been baptized into Christ have been baptized INTO HIS DEATH.

"What then shall we said" Should we continue in sin that grace may abound?

Absolutely not! We who have died to sin, how shall we still live in it?

Or are you ignorant that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?

You have been buried therefore with Him through baptism into His death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so also we might walk in newness of life." (Rom. 6:1-4)

Let's bring this down to practicality soon.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
06 Oct 18

@sonship said
Paul pioneered in learning to USE the death of Christ. And here not only for forgiveness through His redeeming blood.

But he learned to put to work the DEATH of Christ to liberate himself from many things which plagued him and made him unhappy and feeling hopeless.

Sure he did. Let's start here:

"I ... am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I w ...[text shortened]... walk in newness of life." (Rom. 6:1-4)

Let's bring this down to practicality soon.
Will those who do kill themselves be tortured forever by your version of Jesus?

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

Let's say you are a woman who is a Christian. Yet you are overcome with rage at the dude who just spoke or did something disrespectful to you.

You may UTILIZE the terminating death of Christ to kill off that which is raging in you and causing severe unhappiness.

Lord Jesus, I am enraged with anger. Lord Jesus by faith stand upon the New Testament revelation - I am crucified with You Lord. I am buried with You Lord Jesus. You died and ALL DIED.

Lord Jesus, I don't believe my feelings. I believe Your word. I don't believe my humiliation. Lord Jesus I believe my co-death with You. Lord Jesus I take YOUR DEATH as my death and my dying with You. Thankyou Lord."

I am 100% sure that by exercising his faith in this way, Paul learned that Christ death could operate in him to terminated and kill off many negative things of the old man.

He learned and we believers must learn to PUT TO DEATH ... by the Holy Spirit the practices of the body.

You grit your teeth in anger?
You strain the muscles in your neck in aggravation?
You squint your eyes in anger?

These are all practices of the fallen flesh. Look -

"For if you live according to the flesh you are about to die, but if you by the Spirit put to death the practices of the body you will live." (Rom. 8:13)

One of the precious, precious ingredients of the Holy Spirit is the power of the death of Christ - the terminating and killing off power to slay the old man. That is to slay the old man and allow the believer to walk in newness of life, victorious, overcoming the old man.

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

This thread is not about eternal punishment.Though you would like to make every thread you see me write in to BE about eternal punishment, this thread is on another subject.

"So also you, reckon yourselves to be dead to sin, but living to God." (Rom. 6:10)

This thread involves how the Christian may reckon himself dead to sin and living to God.

14 Mar 15
06 Oct 18

I hope nobody reading this is in a suicidal frame of mind. If however, you are feeling depressed and want a less flippant approach to this serious issue that can affect anyone (theist or non-theist) then, by all means, send me a PM.

I won't judge. But I will listen and signpost you to appropriate Earthly support.

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18
3 edits

Now in John's Gospel there are three teachings that show how we ought to think of the death of Jesus Christ.

The emphasis of this subject is on ONE mainly. Here are the three and then I refer to the main one for this subject.

1.) He died a redeeming death as the slaughtered Lamb of God.

2.) He died a terminating death as the bronze serpent lifted up in the wilderness.

3.) He died a germinating death to be enlarged into many others like Him.

The death of the Lamb of God (Redeeming) is mainly seen in John 1:29, 35 . That is #1. above.

He died to mutilply Himself as many others like Him. He died a germinating death. That is seen in John 12:24. That is #3. above.

It is #2 we have to look for the TERMINATING death of Christ. By His death He judges all that is of Satan in us and puts it to death via our believing in our co-death with Him

John 3:14,15:

"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. That everyone who believes into Him may have eternal life."

This is Jesus the Son of God DYING in the form of the Serpent. This is Jesus dying to TERMINATE the poison of the sin nature injected into fallen man.

We are to look believing to Him that His death is a judgment upon the Satanic nature. He puts to death the Satanic influence in us. We can put His death to work in us by faith.

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18
3 edits

Send for professional or pseudo professional help if you can.

But I make no apologies for recommending Dr. Jesus.

No one does a truly INSIDE job like Jesus does an inside job.

Can a suicidal person be helped by a psychologist? I certainly hope so. Nothing in this thread is a "Thou Shalt Not See a Psychologist".

Get help from there if you can.

Now, no apologies. Nobody but nobody can do an inside job on your mind, emotion, and will and conscience the way Jesus Christ can do an inside healing.

IF you can get help from a professional, DO IT.
But this thread is about Dr. Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, who can get down on a molecular level, an atomic level, indeed a quantum level in your soul like no doctor can. Bless their well needed profession.

No one can get down to the inward nitty gritty of your being like Jesus Christ can. That is why you are scare to say -

"Lord Jesus, I receive You into my heart - Lord and Savior."

Think about it. In your GUT you know that if you do that something very deep will happen to you. And someone screams in your ear - "Don't do that! Don't do that! Pay $100 an hour to a psychologist and get medication which costs you a bundle. But don't turn your very HEART over to Jesus."

Get help from a professional by all means. We don't forbid it.
But Christ when received will do a deeper work in your soul.

" ... and all the churches will know that I am He who searches the inward parts and the hearts; and I will give to each one of you according to your works." (Rev. 2:23b)

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
06 Oct 18

@divegeester said
Will those who do kill themselves be tortured forever by your version of Jesus?
Why are you ignoring my legitimate question sonship?

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03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18
2 edits

Why are you ignoring my legitimate question sonship?

I said the thread in not about the subject you wish to change all my subjects to.

And I ask you legitimate questions that go unanswered.

Like this:

"He who believes into the Son has eternal life; but he who disobeys the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides upon him." (John 3:36)

If for the wrath of God to abide on someone means their non-existence then are those who have never been born and do not exist have God's wrath abiding upon them?

I don't recall an answer from you when that was the subject. You can ignore questioners. But nobody else can ignore YOU, of course.

The Axe man


11 Apr 09
06 Oct 18

@ghost-of-a-duke said
I hope nobody reading this is in a suicidal frame of mind. If however, you are feeling depressed and want a less flippant approach to this serious issue that can affect anyone (theist or non-theist) then, by all means, send me a PM.

I won't judge. But I will listen and signpost you to appropriate Earthly support.
you'll judge. you always do...

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
06 Oct 18

Applying the death of Christ for freedom from nuisance faults by faith is on the same principle of applying the blood of Christ for freedom from condemnation.

We believers apply the redemption of Christ and supernatural PEACE pervades our hearts. We know that its source is not from us.

We believers can also, in exact like manner, apply the death of Christ to besetting habits through faith. And the result is the same. Quite apart from our generation, our concoction GRACE empowers us to overcome.

The price paid is you die with Christ so that you can live by Christ.

"But my EGO, I just love!"

You'll love your life more when you see how effective a partnership operates - letting Jesus Christ grace you, live in you.

Consider this again as we look once more at Paul's proclamation.

"I [ego] am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who loves in me;

and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the [i[faith[/i] of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

I do not nullify the grace of God; ...." (Gal. 2:20,21a)

The grace of God is available to every Christian. He does not neglect it. He does not waste it. He does not nullify it. He allows this empowering grace to live in him and transform him.


28 Oct 05
07 Oct 18

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