If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


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03 Jan 13
12 Nov 18
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Keep your shirt on. I'd give you a C, maybe a C+.
No A though.

Thanks for some answers.


26 Dec 14
12 Nov 18

Sonship, I really see no reason why you can't discuss this, because:

You truly cannot know the real answers anyway.

Nobody knows if a "trinity belief" is required for salvation.

Nobody knows the true answers regarding what Revelation means.

It's all speculation.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
12 Nov 18
2 edits


Nobody knows if a "trinity belief" is required for salvation.

I would suggest that you find past threads in which I addressed the assurance of salvation questions as it relates to the triune - nature of God. If I recall correctly, I think I wrote perhaps four to six fairly long posts just on that "challenge." And it was by no means the first time.

Perhaps that was in September or October. Go read them.
I see no real need to repeat them to him per se.

Divegeester can taunt as he wishes. That is totally his prerogative, to imagine that he has proved something special for Unitarian sectarianism or whatever it is he imagines he has scored a great point on.


26 Dec 14
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

Nobody knows if a "trinity belief" is required for salvation.

I would suggest that you find past threads in which I addressed the assurance of salvation questions as it relates to the triune - nature of God. If I recall correctly, I think I wrote perhaps four to six fairly long posts just on that "challenge." And it was by no means the first t ...[text shortened]... ing special for Unitarian sectarianism or whatever it is he imagines he has scored a great point on.
Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

Admitting that is a good place to start.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Nov 18

@chaney3 said
Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

Admitting that is a good place to start.
If you start reading the Bible and actually believing what it says, you will find that
much of what is passed off here as truth, doesn't line up with the reality of the God
of the Bible.


26 Dec 14
12 Nov 18

@kellyjay said
If you start reading the Bible and actually believing what it says, you will find that
much of what is passed off here as truth, doesn't line up with the reality of the God
of the Bible.
The God of the Old Testament is mean, angry, jealous, vengeful and full of regrets.

No wonder He needed an image upgrade in Jesus.

Yet, there's zero proof that Jesus is God. He's the Son of God (whatever that means, with no mother), but that's another matter.

It's all speculation.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
12 Nov 18

@chaney3 said
The God of the Old Testament is mean, angry, jealous, vengeful and full of regrets.

No wonder He needed an image upgrade in Jesus.

Yet, there's zero proof that Jesus is God. He's the Son of God (whatever that means, with no mother), but that's another matter.

It's all speculation.
The God of the Old Testament is the same one in the New. The difference is the
relationship He had with man. After Jesus who was sent by the God of the OT to
us because He loves us, now had a good cause to spare man. Until that time it
was the God of the Old Testaments long suffering that didn't get the whole human
race completely killed off. Instead the God of the OT or just "God" for short did
a work through man until man could be saved.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
12 Nov 18
1 edit


Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

Admitting that is a good place to start.

The God of the Old Testament is mean, angry, jealous, vengeful and full of regrets.

First you want everyone to admit that we don't know very much about God.
And then you turn right around and talk about all you know.

Didn't take you long to contradict yourself.


26 Dec 14
12 Nov 18

@sonship said

Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

Admitting that is a good place to start.

The God of the Old Testament is mean, angry, jealous, vengeful and full of regrets.

First you want everyone to admit that we don't know very much about God.
And then you turn right around and talk about all you know.

Didn't take you long to contradict yourself.
I didn't say we knew nothing about God.

Don't put words in my mouth.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Nov 18
3 edits


You said.

Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

I didn't put words in your mouth.
Be careful what words you put in your own mouth.

So I stand by it.
First you want everyone to admit that we don't know very much about God.
And then you turn right around and talk about all you know.


26 Dec 14
13 Nov 18
1 edit

@sonship said

You said.
Other than knowing God is there, we really don't have a clue about too much else.

I didn't put words in your mouth.
Be careful what words you put in your own mouth.

So I stand by it.
First you want everyone to admit that we don't know very much about God.
And then you turn right around and talk about all you know.
What do you really know about the trinity? The afterlife?

Not much.

Edit: don't worry, biblical scholars don't know either.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Nov 18
1 edit


You should speak for yourself.

What I hear is this - "I only know so much. Probably everyone else knows about the same thing."

Learn to speak for yourself. And if you're not REALLY opened to getting some help, don't pretend that you are.


28 Oct 05
13 Nov 18

@sonship said
You should speak for yourself.

What I hear is this - "I only know so much. Probably everyone else knows about the same thing."

Learn to speak for yourself.
This is a bit rich coming from someone who has been doing hardly anything else here except regurgitating the teachings of "Witness Lee" for year after year and who ~ when he gets knocked off the perch of his blogger-type monologues and 'speaks for himself' without a script ~ too often shows himself to be a deeply insecure, rancorous, vainglorious, and an almost peerlessly unoriginal poster. You may not agree but you might appreciate the candour.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Nov 18
2 edits


What do you really know about the trinity? The afterlife?

The Trinity is for the present life, the here and now life.
Very much so.

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." (2 Cor. 13:14)

See? This rich enjoyment of the three-one God is for right now - PRESENTLY - "be with you all".

Here again, there is no waiting for the afterlife. There is the enjoyment of the Trinity in the present life.
" For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, Of whom every family in the heavens and on earth is named, That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened through His Spirit into the inner man, that Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith." (Eph. 3:12-17)

See how the Father and His Spirit and Christ are operating together, coordinating together, working as one to strengthen the believer into the inner man for Christ to make His home in man.

You cannot separate what the Trinity IS from what the Trinity DOES. He works together for the dispensing of God into man. This extends from this age and on into the next and into eternity.

Would you like to see more verses like this ?
I mean the Triune God operating to carry out God's eternal purpose in His people.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
13 Nov 18
6 edits

What do you really know about the trinity?

Well, if your sins are all confessed up and you have a clear conscience under the blood of Jesus, you have unhindered fellowship with the triune God.

Paul's speaking of the three-oneness of God in Romans 8 is not doctrinal. But it is a speaking in the way of the hearers seeming to understand intuitively what he is talking about. A formal creedal doctrine is not being emphasized. But the experience of God within as life is the focal point.

Watch Paul speak this "shop talk" seeming to take for granted that the audience DOES known exactly what he is speaking.

But you are not in the flesh, but in the [human] spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he is not of Him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the [human] spirit life because of righteousness.

And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you." (Romans 8:9-11)

1) Paul is speaking of the Three of the Triune God.
2) Paul is using the titles interchangeably.
3) For ANY one of the three to dwell in the believer is for the other to dwell in the believer.
4) The believer really cannot detect any difference.

The Spirit of God IS
the Spirit of Christ IS
Christ IS
the Spirit of the One Who raised Jesus from the dead.
They are interchangeable titles.

This is the Triune God indwelling the believer.
This is the Father - Son - Holy Spirit indwelling the believer giving her divine life.

And this is Paul's "shop talk" rather than doctrinal dogmatic formulation just to have a perplexing creed.
This is the Trinity for the Christians' enjoyment and experience of God living in them.

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