If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
24 Oct 18

@chaney3 said
This may be helpful for a place in Heaven, but it doesn't seem practical for everyday life here on earth.

Jesus seems distant and far away. To me anyway.

Satan rules earth.
Would you ask someone you always argue with to come abide in your home?

Jesus does not abide where he is not welcome. If you create an adversarial environment, why do you wonder why he does not come abide with you?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
24 Oct 18

@suzianne said
Jesus does not abide where he is not welcome. If you create an adversarial environment, why do you wonder why he does not come abide with you?
Nicely put.


15 Oct 06
24 Oct 18
2 edits

@suzianne said
Would you ask someone you always argue with to come abide in your home?

Jesus does not abide where he is not welcome. If you create an adversarial environment, why do you wonder why he does not come abide with you?
John 14
21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”
23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him...

According to the gospel preached by Jesus during His ministry, it is only those who KEEPs His commandments (word) that have Jesus and God abide in them.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
5 edits


Like many "salvation by faith alone" Christians, you're exceedingly dishonest.

I am not being dishonest in the least.
Your phrase above "salvation by faith alone" can easily be misleading and misrepresentative.

I usually use the phrase "the assurance of salvation".

And by that I do not mean there is no need for sanctification, transformation, conformation, kingdom living and overcoming for full salvation.

I think the dishonesty is coming from you, using push button phrases to misrepresent some Christians.

But your phases "during His ministry", as has been pointed out scores of times, is your sneaky modernist euphemism for denying the resurrection of Christ and well over half of the New Testament.

Of course I am pretty sure it is also a euphemism for denying the incarnation of God as the man Jesus Christ.

We've been through this all before.
Only new posters may succumb to your deceptive twistings of the Bible.


15 Oct 06
24 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said

Like many "salvation by faith alone" Christians, you're exceedingly dishonest.

I am not being dishonest in the least.
Your phrase above "salvation by faith alone" can easily be misleading and misrepresentative.

I usually use the phrase "the assurance of salvation".

And by that I do not mean there is no need for [b] sanctifi ...[text shortened]... ist.

We've been through this all before.
You might as well try your tricks on some new posters.
I am not being dishonest in the least.

If you didn't take that sentence out of context, perhaps you'd understand what was meant.

Here is my post again in its entirety:
That others are unable to refute you is wishful daydreaming on your part. So below this I found nothing worth re-arguing.

Yet another cheap excuse for you to ignore the facts of the matter.

No doubt you'll disingenuously continue to pretend that you STILL don't understand the phrases "...during His ministry" and "...while He walked the Earth".

Like many "salvation by faith alone" Christians, you're exceedingly dishonest.

Better yet, put it in context of my post prior to that:
Since it has been proved that you lack the courage to define in the New Testament what was Christ's ministry from what was not in any kind of clear way, I've become immune to your phrase.

I do not take it with any seriousness what-so-ever.

Actually over the years I've defined what was meant and you know I've defined what was meant.

Initially I used the phrase "...while He walked the Earth" and then you started making a point of adding things like , "...this was also when Jesus walked the Earth" whenever you cited something after the crucifixion. So we both know full well that you knew what was meant.

So I switched it to "...during His ministry" which was okay for a while. But then you started questioning it even though you knew full well what was meant. I even explained it to you regardless and even provide a link which explained how the phrase is commonly understood. Then you've since gone back pretending that you don't know what it meant.

This is the type of disingenuous I get from the likes of you, KJ and others whenever you are unable logically refute what I post. Instead of logically refuting it, you make up all sorts of nonsensical "reasons" as means of deflection.

Both are pretty commonly used phrases which I've also explained to you.

Do you still not understand your dishonesty?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
4 edits


There is no dishonesty from me in my assessing your "theology". But since you labored here, for somebody's sake, not mine, to justify yourself, I'll take some time to examine your defense.

Actually over the years I've defined what was meant and you know I've defined what was meant.

Over the years, probably you did make a couple of times some unimpressive (to me) and feeble excuses. If something were strong enough for me to consider worth recalling, I would recall it.

I CAN'T REMEMBER ... any impressive rationale. Jog my memory if you want.

But over the years, I would say, I recall, maybe one and a half time, trying to tell us what you meant by "during His ministry".

NOTHING about those few attempts can I remember being strong enough to impress this poster. If you have some review below, I will look at it again.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
1 edit

Initially I used the phrase "...while He walked the Earth" and then you started making a point of adding things like , "...this was also when Jesus walked the Earth" whenever you cited something after the crucifixion. So we both know full well that you knew what was meant.

I do recall pointing to words and deeds of Jesus after His resurrection and even in His state of exaltation, ie. His words in the book of Revelation. All of these I THEN and continue to understand NOW do not count in YOUR version of the Gospel as anything more than mythic or legendary additions by people who knew LESS then YOU assume you know about Christ.

Whether "during His ministry" or "while He walked on earth" I have ZERO confidence that you regard the New Testament as recounting these facts as TRUTH. For you they simply are not true.

So I switched it to "...during His ministry" which was okay for a while.

In YOUR mind it was "okay for awhile". It NEVER made things OK for us who believe the New Testament. Who said it made everything "okay for awhile"?

But then you started questioning it even though you knew full well what was meant.

You are imagining some things. No, ThinkOfOne, NEITHER phrase removed the sense in me that "Here's a man who wants to come across as a teacher of the New Testament, who doesn't believe the work of Christ in His redemptive death and resurrection. Plain and simple."

MOST OF THE TIME ... you would not explain HOW you assure us "THESE are the teachings of Jesus Christ, THESE are not."

Other than a wink and a nod to trust you, MOST of the time you kept that "methodology" close to the vest. Don't stop with me. Ask others. I think many of different persuasions will tell you the same thing.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
5 edits


Vaguely we realize you are some kind of "red letter" believer who asks us to trust you that you can point out what Jesus really taught and what was fictitiously inserted into the documents of the New Testament purporting to be what He taught.

I even explained it to you regardless and even provide a link which explained how the phrase is commonly understood. Then you've since gone back pretending that you don't know what it meant.

I am not PRETENDING ANYTHING. You have said nothing strong enough to make any impression. Nothing I have read from you had enough strength in it to churn the inside of a garbage can.

The heroic defense of your rejection of huge segments of the Gospel, which defense I am suppose to secretly KNOW was - Oh - So effective, is in your imagination.

This is the type of disingenuous I get from the likes of you, KJ and others whenever you are unable logically refute what I post. Instead of logically refuting it, you make up all sorts of nonsensical "reasons" as means of deflection.

Both are pretty commonly used phrases which I've also explained to you.

While your defense seems mighty in your eyes, it totally failed to impress. I honestly cannot remember ANYTHING which I thought was worth a tenth of damn.

You can't teach us about Jesus Christ !
You don't believe in Jesus Christ.

Its not hard to figure out.

Is this factual or not true ?

" ... It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us." (See Rom. 8:34)

My answer - "YES".
Is your answer "YES" or SILENCE ?


15 Oct 06
24 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said

Vaguely we realize you are some kind of "red letter" believer who asks us to trust you that you can point out what Jesus really taught and what was fictitiously inserted into the documents of the New Testament purporting to be what He taught.

I even explained it to you regardless and even provide a link which explained how the phrase is commonly underst ...[text shortened]...

My answer - "YES".
Is your answer "YES" or SILENCE ?
C'mon Jaywill. Stop taking sentences out of context and addressing each one as if it were said in a vacuum. When you do that, you've repeatedly shown that you are unable to keep track of what's being said.

The point is that you've pretended that you don't understand what was meant by the phrases "...while He walked the Earth" and "...during His ministry". THAT is what I said was dishonest.

It's worse than trying to have a rational discussion with Emily Litella. At least should could understand after things were explained to her.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
3 edits


The point is that you've pretended that you don't understand what was meant by the phrases "...while He walked the Earth" and "...during His ministry". THAT is what I said was dishonest.

Again, I am not pretending to not understand anything.

The more you say that the less I am interested in going back to see WHY your argument was so unimpressive.

Perhaps if you stop saying I am PRETENDING this or that, I might go back to see if I underappreciated some point or even didn't read something.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
2 edits


Actually your continued emphasis of me PRETENDING backfires on your purpose. It appears that your argument (whatever it was) is so weak that it requires (supportive) ad homs on my genuineness to make your argument appear stronger than it actually is.

It is NOTED that you answer my question with SILENCE or evasion. Or is your YOUTUBE suppose to be YOUR reply or the reply of someone ELSE who I have to then hunt down and argue with THAT person ?

The simple YES or NO you should be able to answer without debate by proxy behind someone NOT in the discussion.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
3 edits


This Emily thing Youtube was obviously intended by you to be an amusing lampoon on something. I was expecting something substantive, clarifying your position on the ministry of Christ.

What I got, I only spent 12 seconds or less on after realizing it was just a time wasting distraction.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
1 edit


After you settle down from your giggle, tell us if Romans 8:34 represents the ministry of Christ now or not.

" ... It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us." (See Rom. 8:34)

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18

So I switched it to "...during His ministry" which was okay for a while. But then you started questioning it even though you knew full well what was meant. I even explained it to you regardless and even provide a link which explained how the phrase is commonly understood. Then you've since gone back pretending that you don't know what it meant.

Anyone know what link he meant ?
What's the link?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
25 Oct 18

@thinkofone said
John 14
21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him.”
23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him...

According to the gospel pr ...[text shortened]... ministry, it is only those who KEEPs His commandments (word) that have Jesus and God abide in them.
I'm almost endlessly tired of you getting the cart before the horse on this.

But you do not believe that Jesus is the Son of God, nor do you believe that he was sent by God to be the Savior of the world, so no, I'm not actually surprised at your cart-before-the-horse doctrine. You believe it because for you, there is no other choice. But you are still wrong.

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