If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


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03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
1 edit


As I said, you posted that your 'choice of words may not have been the best.' so was giving you the opportunity to retract them and provide better ones.

Locate the post where I wrote that.
And then read the following, let us say, six or seven posts by me.

There are the preferred utterances I wrote.
You haven't paid attention.

14 Mar 15
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

As I said, you posted that your 'choice of words may not have been the best.' so was giving you the opportunity to retract them and provide better ones.

Locate the post where I wrote that.
And then read the following, let us say, six or seven posts by me.

There are the preferred utterances I wrote.
You haven't paid attention.
I 'was' paying attention. You wrote, "I already said my choice of words may not have been the best..."

Why were they not the best? Has Jesus not made suicide obsolete after all?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
1 edit


Why were they not the best?

It sounds funny ... novel.

While the concept of us benefiting from the death of Christ is completely legitimate.

I don't know if you are expecting me to grovel in perpetual regret or what.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18

In order for us to contact God, God has become incarnated as a human being.

This human being is a perfect man, a perfect person.

Many times we are deeply disappointed with what we see coming out of us. But the Bible reveals that before we even noticed how low we can go, God already knew. He made provision for our remedy before we were even born.

So when a man so disappointed with how he has behaved, he should know that what is a possible unpleasant shock to him was known ALL ALONG by God.

In a sense we were all FIRED before we even got to know who bad we were. Christ dying on the cross for us was, in a real sense, God saying to all people - "You're Fired."

He cannot use what we are.
He knew this from the fall of Adam.
We did not know this. God had to take the time that this would be proved to ourselves. He knew. We needed to know as He knew.

The death of Christ on His cross is needed because every single one of us came into the world a failure. God already made provision for our being of no use to His eternal purpose.

But in Christ, one with Christ, and having Christ grafted into us, we have everything.


26 Dec 14
23 Oct 18

@sonship said
In order for us to contact God, God has become incarnated as a human being.

This human being is a perfect man, a perfect person.

Many times we are deeply disappointed with what we see coming out of us. But the Bible reveals that before we even noticed how low we can go, God already knew. He made provision for our remedy before we were even born.

So when a man so di ...[text shortened]... purpose.

But in Christ, one with Christ, and having Christ grafted into us, we have everything.
This may be helpful for a place in Heaven, but it doesn't seem practical for everyday life here on earth.

Jesus seems distant and far away. To me anyway.

Satan rules earth.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
1 edit


This may be helpful for a place in Heaven, but it doesn't seem practical for everyday life here on earth.

I didn't notice anywhere in, say, Romans, where Paul said - "Wait until you go to Heaven to apply any of this."

Jesus seems distant and far away. To me anyway.

That is an honest admition which I respect and realize.
To you, God , Christ seem far, far away.

Try this for a week. When you wake up in the morning FIRST - call on the name of the Lord Jesus something like this -

"O Lord Jesus. Thankyou that You shed Your blood for me. Cleanse away the night. Cleanse away every sin. Lord Jesus, I give this day to You. Thankyou Lord."

You don't TALK to Him enough opening up your whole being TO Him.

The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, the word of faith which we proclaim. Call on Him first thing every morning for a week.

You have to find out where the insulation is.
You have to locate where the barrier is.
Its not hard if you are willing to open your whole heart to Jesus.

Satan rules earth.

That incompetent fallen angel is defeated by Christ. SHAME on him.

This victory is very subjective and works from the inside of man out. How do you expect to draw close to God while praising Satan as the ruler of the earth?

Its a lie.
Jesus is Lord.

I wake up praising Christ that He has destroyed him.
You better start speaking the truth.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
2 edits

Whew! after that a few recountings of the actual situation is needed.

Christ has destroyed him who has the authority of death.

"Since therefore the children have shared in blood and flesh, He also Himself in like manner partook of the same,

that through death He might destroy him who has the might of death, that is the devil.

And might release those who because of the fear of death through all their life were held in slavery." (Hebrew 2:14,15)

He incarnated as a man like us to die a Satan destroying death to release us. This works from the inside out. Eventually from the inside out to the whole environment.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
2 edits

Christ taught that His going to the cross was a judgment also upon the illegal ruler of this world - Satan.

John 12:31

"Now is the judgment of this world; now shall the ruler of this world be cast out.

And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself." (John 12:11,12)

Ah, to awake each morning PRAISING Christ. Utter - " Lord Jesus, Lord You have been crucified to judge this Satanic world and CAST OUT its illegal ruler. Thank You Lord. Today, Lord Jesus, let me experience that You have CAST OUT the evil spirit. Do so in me Lord Jesus. Do so today in me, according to Your word."

God will be faithful.


26 Dec 14
23 Oct 18

Your thread is about suicide.
Only those in complete despair and hopelessness would consider such an option.

Jesus doesn't seem to be helping:

The single mother of 2, about to get evicted.
The child about to be raped and murdered.
The man who lost his job, and soon his house.
The child who is about to die in 5 minutes from starvation.
Etc etc etc

Where is Jesus?

Maybe the "good news" only applies to Heaven, as I suggested.


15 Oct 06
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

lol. YOU don't listen to the "Son of God". Instead you follow the collective theology of Paul and followers of Paul.

Excuse me. But Jesus said He would send His apostles out. He said that to receive them was also to receive Himself.

[quote] [b]" Truly, truly, I say to you, He who receives whoever I shall send receives Me, and he who re ...[text shortened]... idn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul.
Christ didn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul.

You're correct in that Paul teaches against the new covenant. However, Jesus did not send Paul to do so.

The gospel preached by Jesus during His Ministry IS the new covenant. You believe in the gospel taught by Paul and followers of Paul.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18
1 edit


You're correct in that Paul teaches against the new covenant.

Don't try to put words in my mouth and then say I am correct.
I didn't say that Paul taught against the new covenant. I said you do.

However, Jesus did not send Paul to do so.

Your problem is not that you don't believe Paul was sent by Christ. Your problem is with the idea that Christ was sent by God.

The gospel preached by Jesus during His Ministry

Since it has been proved that you lack the courage to define in the New Testament what was Christ's ministry from what was not in any kind of clear way, I've become immune to your phrase.

I do not take it with any seriousness what-so-ever.

IS the new covenant. You believe in the gospel taught by Paul and followers of Paul.

What is noted by me is your rejection of Jesus Christ. This rejection you disguise as problems with Paul.

Your misdirection doesn't deceive me.
Your war is against God for sending His Son.


15 Oct 06
24 Oct 18
4 edits

@sonship said

You're correct in that Paul teaches against the new covenant.

Don't try to put words in my mouth and then say I am correct.
I didn't say that Paul taught against the new covenant. I said you do.

However, Jesus did not send Paul to do so.

Your problem is not that you don't believe Paul was sent by Christ. Your prob ...[text shortened]... ith Paul.

Your misdirection doesn't deceive me.
Your war is against God for sending His Son.
Don't try to put words in my mouth and then say I am correct.
I didn't say that Paul taught against the new covenant. I said you do.

Read what you actually wrote:
<<Christ didn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul. >>

It's ambiguous at best. I knew what you meant. It was said in jest.

Since it has been proved that you lack the courage to define in the New Testament what was Christ's ministry from what was not in any kind of clear way, I've become immune to your phrase.

I do not take it with any seriousness what-so-ever.

Actually over the years I've defined what was meant and you know I've defined what was meant.

Initially I used the phrase "...while He walked the Earth" and then you started making a point of adding things like , "...this was also when Jesus walked the Earth" whenever you cited something after the crucifixion. So we both know full well that you knew what was meant.

So I switched it to "...during His ministry" which was okay for a while. But then you started questioning it even though you knew full well what was meant. I even explained it to you regardless and even provide a link which explained how the phrase is commonly understood. Then you've since gone back pretending that you don't know what it meant.

This is the type of disingenuous I get from the likes of you, KJ and others whenever you are unable logically refute what I post. Instead of logically refuting it, you make up all sorts of nonsensical "reasons" as means of deflection.

Both are pretty commonly used phrases which I've also explained to you.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
24 Oct 18


Read what you actually wrote:
<<Christ didn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul. >>

The meaning:
1.) God did not send you to teach as you do.
2.) You teach against the new covenant.

It's ambiguous at best. I knew what you meant. It was said in jest.

In the same way, I think you know what the New Testament says. But for jest or something strange, you attempt to argue that its says something else - what your Godless philsophy wants to say.

In other words, you try to use the New Testament to dignify your Christ-less, Godless Humanistic philosophy.

It can't stand on its own. You want to enlist Christ to give your philosophy an appearance of sacred legitimacy.

Since it has been proved that you lack the courage to define in the New Testament what was Christ's ministry from what was not in any kind of clear way, I've become immune to your phrase.

I do not take it with any seriousness what-so-ever.

Actually over the years I've defined what was meant and you know I've defined what was meant.

If you have the passage of time has not made your method become more legitimate.

That others are unable to refute you is wishful daydreaming on your part. So below this I found nothing worth re-arguing.


15 Oct 06
24 Oct 18

@sonship said
Read what you actually wrote:
<<Christ didn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul. >>

The meaning:
1.) God did not send you to teach as you do.
2.) You teach against the new covenant.

It's ambiguous at best. I knew what you meant. It was said in jest.
...[text shortened]... to refute you is wishful daydreaming on your part. So below this I found nothing worth re-arguing.
That others are unable to refute you is wishful daydreaming on your part. So below this I found nothing worth re-arguing.

Yet another cheap excuse for you to ignore the facts of the matter.

No doubt you'll disingenuously continue to pretend that you STILL don't understand the phrases "...during His ministry" and "...while He walked the Earth".

Like many "salvation by faith alone" Christians, you're exceedingly dishonest.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
24 Oct 18

@chaney3 said
Your thread is about suicide.
Only those in complete despair and hopelessness would consider such an option.

Jesus doesn't seem to be helping:

The single mother of 2, about to get evicted.
The child about to be raped and murdered.
The man who lost his job, and soon his house.
The child who is about to die in 5 minutes from starvation.
Etc etc etc

Where is Jesus?

Maybe the "good news" only applies to Heaven, as I suggested.
Maybe you should become non Christian again for a while?

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