If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


14 Mar 15
20 Oct 18

@sonship said

A Christian in the end stages of cancer, for example, where only a slow painful death and loss of dignity is ahead of them, may make an informed decision to end their own life.

To the dignity part I would say that he is shortsighted. Such a Christian should see that DIGNITY is God Himself. If you are one with God you are one with the essence of ...[text shortened]... for He was the very embodiment of human dignity.

"Lord Jesus, YOU, Lord, are my dignity. "
So to clarify, you are unable to comprehend a Christian taking the informed decision to end their own life if say diagnosed with dementia? You think such a person is 'shortsighted' when they look at the certain future ahead of them (for dementia is incurable and leads to progressive mental deterioration) and don't want to go through the horror of complete memory loss, not even being able to recognize their own family?

You don't comprehend how they would wish to avoid the complete loss of dignity, being fed, dressed and toileted by nurses and carers? You would have them endure that?

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03 Jan 13
20 Oct 18


So to clarify, you are unable to comprehend a Christian taking the informed decision to end their own life if say diagnosed with dementia?

I just said what I would say to such a Christian. That is my feeling about what he or she should know.

If you want to keep bringing up difficult cases and saying "What about THIS case?" I won't argue with you on each case.

If from here on it is just repetitions of you submitting very difficult cases to see if you can locate something less then 1000% consistancy, I see no reason to debate this.

Let me just agree that there would be some cases which are very, very difficult to discuss.

This however, will not stop me from recommending this aspect of Christ's work - the terminating power in the Holy Spirit at our disposal as believers in Jesus Christ.

14 Mar 15
20 Oct 18

@sonship said

So to clarify, you are unable to comprehend a Christian taking the informed decision to end their own life if say diagnosed with dementia?

I just said what I would say to such a Christian. That is my feeling about what he or she should know.

If you want to keep bringing up difficult cases and saying "What about THIS case?" I won't a ...[text shortened]... rist's work - the terminating power in the Holy Spirit at our disposal as believers in Jesus Christ.
I think suicide was a too bigger topic for you to have taken on. We should probably leave it there.

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16 Feb 08
20 Oct 18

@sonship said

So to clarify, you are unable to comprehend a Christian taking the informed decision to end their own life if say diagnosed with dementia?

I just said what I would say to such a Christian. That is my feeling about what he or she should know.

If you want to keep bringing up difficult cases and saying "What about THIS case?" I won't a ...[text shortened]... rist's work - the terminating power in the Holy Spirit at our disposal as believers in Jesus Christ.
You can’t even bear to answer simple but important questions on this topic. I’m pretty sure you have nothing of value to add to it.

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03 Jan 13
20 Oct 18


This however, will not stop me from recommending this aspect of Christ's work - the terminating power in the Holy Spirit at our disposal as believers in Jesus Christ.

Paul knew that Christ within us was the treasure. Though the outer man of the old nature was decaying the inner man - the man mingled with the Spirit of Christ, was being renewed day by day by day.

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not our of us." (2 Cor. 4:7)

Christ's Spirit - the treasure,
The receiving soul - the earthen vessel.

The excellency of the power is not out of the man's old being.
The excellency of the power is out of God.

Though they are pressed on every side, from all directions, they are not destroyed because they turn to the excellency of the power of Christ's life within their earthen vessel - day by day empowering and renewing their new "inner man".

"We are pressed on every side but not constricted; unable to find a way out but not utterly without a way out.

Persecuted but not abandoned;
cast down but not destroyed;
Always bearing about in the body the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body." (vs.9-10)

What words of encouragement wrought out of valuable experience.

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03 Jan 13
20 Oct 18
2 edits

Paul was a pioneer in the life of Christ - he and his companions in ministry.

The more they suffered every and all kinds of difficulties the more they depended not on themselves but on the excellency of the treasure of Christ living in them, renewing them.

He says the life of Jesus was manifested in their bodies through this. People behold Christ living again on the earth. But this time in men and women fully given TO Christ.

Always bearing about in the body the putting to death of Jesus that the life of Jesus also might be manifested in our body.

For we who are alive are always being delivered unto death for Jesus' sake that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh.

All that the world and Satan could do God used to turn the tables and manifest Jesus Christ living AGAIN, this time in His apostles.

Death worked in them caused divine life to be infused into his audience and fill also his writings - writing sustaining the church of 20 centuries.

"So then death operates in us, but life in you." (v.12)

What does Divegeester offer? A lot of grumbling about "hell fire Christians" he is eloquent at complaining about for you.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said
Paul was a pioneer in the life of Christ - he and his companions in ministry.

The more they suffered every and all kinds of difficulties the more they depended not on themselves but on the excellency of the treasure of Christ living in them, renewing them.

He says the life of Jesus was manifested in their bodies through this. People behold Christ living again on the ea ...[text shortened]... lot of grumbling about "hell fire Christians" he is eloquent at complaining about for you.
According to your belief on suicide, if a Christian kills themself are they precluded from eternal life?

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03 Jan 13
20 Oct 18
2 edits


I count now the third time you have tried to hi jack this thread to your usual superficial reduction of all things New Testament.
You have asked this, I think, twice before and received my replies.

You have your "hell fire Christians" metaphor vs literal challenge thread. Go over and tend to that. Why don't you?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
20 Oct 18

@sonship said

I count now the third time you have tried to hi jack this thread to your usual superficial reduction of all things New Testament.
You have asked this, I think, twice before and received my replies.

You have your "hell fire Christians" metaphor vs literal challenge thread. Go over and tend to that. Why don't you?
My question is real life and thread pertinent. Yet again another BIG Christian in this forum is unable to answe a straightforward quesrion about their beliefs.

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03 Jan 13
21 Oct 18


Divegeester like to repetitively ask the same question.

He ignores replies or doesn't see them and asks again and again. I am so sure that I answered this, I only urge anyone who wants to know how this poster would reply, should just start reading all the posts to this thread.

I am pretty sure you'll come across my answer.

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03 Jan 13
21 Oct 18
1 edit

On a previous page I wrote in answer to Divegeester's question about a Christian committing suicide.

I don't believe suicide is a mortal sin which automatically leads to eternal damnation. That's my position until I have some reason to revise it.

He is likely to not read this or re-ask several times anyway.
It proves something to him to re-ask.
I am never quite sure WHAT it is suppose to prove to re-ask.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Oct 18

@sonship said
On a previous page I wrote in answer to Divegeester's question about a Christian committing suicide.

I don't believe suicide is a mortal sin which automatically leads to eternal damnation. That's my position until I have some reason to revise it.

He is likely to not read this or re-ask several times anyway.
It proves something to him to re-ask.
I am never quite sure WHAT it is suppose to prove to re-ask.
I don’t read more than 10% maximum of what you post so it’s likely I missed it. Thanks for reposting it albeit in this strange third person way of writing.

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03 Jan 13
21 Oct 18
3 edits


I don’t read more than 10% maximum of what you post so it’s likely I missed it. Thanks for reposting it albeit in this strange third person way of writing.

You're not welcome, lazy, uninterested guy.

14 Mar 15
21 Oct 18

@sonship said

You're not welcome, lazy, uninterested guy.
Strip away all that regurgitated Watchman Nee stuff and this is what we are left with.

In the recent threads by wsay123000 where he has cut and paste masses of text, have you keenly read every word he has posted, or are people only lazy if they don't read your lengthy monologues?

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
21 Oct 18
2 edits

@sonship said
You're not welcome, lazy, uninterested guy.
Vanity and bitterness ooze from you like sap from a cut tree.

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