If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


14 Mar 15
17 Oct 18

@sonship said

You may value all life. But wouldn't you think that the significance of the death of, say Napoleon, is more significant then the death of your neighbor's pet dog ?

About the same ?
Instead of moving the goal posts, just remove the last 2 words of your post and try answering it yourself:

'But wouldn't you think that the significance of the death of, say Napoleon, is more significant then the death of your neighbor...'

14 Mar 15
17 Oct 18

'But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6)

Sonship's version:

'But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the significant.”

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
17 Oct 18


And we were discussing human life. You said 'person.'

I thought to try to work my way up to two human persons.
You said you respected all life.
So I thought compare two lives first - animal and human.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
17 Oct 18
2 edits


'But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6)

Sonship's version:

No Ghost. I do not have my own version. What James wrote in James 4:6 is just fine.

God gives grace to the humble.

14 Mar 15
17 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said

'But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6)

Sonship's version:

No Ghost. I do not have my own version. What James wrote in James 4:6 is just fine.

God gives grace to the humble.
So, how about answering this question:

'As a Christian do you place more value on the life and death of a significant person (say, who discovers a cure for a disease) than the life of a humble person who quietly raises a family?'

If 'no' then what are you going on about?!

Edit: A reminder of your original question before you tried escaping into comparisons with animals:

"Would you agree that the more significant a person's life was the more significant their death is?

14 Mar 15
17 Oct 18

@sonship said

And we were discussing human life. You said 'person.'

I thought to try to work my way up to two human persons.
You said you respected all life.
So I thought compare two lives first - animal and human.
Nonsense. You simply realized you had erred in suggesting a persons life had less value if they were not a significant person (whatever you mean by 'significant' ).

How about a little honesty here?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
17 Oct 18
1 edit


Nonsense. You simply realized you had erred in suggesting a persons life had less value if they were not a significant person (whatever you mean by 'significant' ).

How about a little honesty here?

First, I don't think I have said anything nonsensical here yet.
And I have been honest.

And I choose my words carefully. This is what I wrote.

You may value all life. But wouldn't you think that the significance of the death of, say Napoleon, is more significant then the death of your neighbor's pet dog ?

You may value all life means all life to you is significant.
All lives are significant.

Jesus said the sparrow's life meant something to God.
But He said our lives were of more value.

"Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion? And not one of them will fall to the earth apart from your Father. ...

But even the hairs on your head are all numbered. Therefore do not fear; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10:29-31)

Not a sparrow falls to the earth apart from God's attention.
Yet we human beings each are of more value to God then many sparrows.

Now, when I speak of the signigicance of the death of a very significant person. this is a bit tricky. It needs some clarification. Kennedy's death was significant as the death of a major world leader. But my mother, though not a major world leader, still had a somewhat much more personal significance to me.

I am sure many a loved person's death was very significant as a loss of value even though they were not a world famous person in history.

What I am getting to is that Jesus Christ is a parallel to the first man created. He is called "the second man". That is He is the Head of a new race. That is a kind of Adam 2.0.

His death carries with it all-inclusive significance like the death of the first fore-bearer of our race did - Adam.

For this post that's enough.


28 Oct 05
18 Oct 18

@sonship said
I am neither trying to recruit to my religion at any cost.
I do seek to introduce some people to a living Friend who is reality.
If a Muslim friend was contemplating suicide, would you counsel them to turn towards their own faith and those who share it - if it would save the person's life - or would you try to recruit the suicidal person to your religion?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
18 Oct 18

@ghost-of-a-duke said
Not particularly. I value all life.

Edit: As a Christian do you place more value on the life and death of a significant person (say, who discovers a cure for a disease) than the life of a humble person who quietly raises a family?
That's not really near what he said. This is where the convo starts to fly off the tracks.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Oct 18


So, how about answering this question:

'As a Christian do you place more value on the life and death of a significant person (say, who discovers a cure for a disease) than the life of a humble person who quietly raises a family?'

My point was missed. And the argument now is wandering away from what I wanted to explain about how significant the death of Christ is on a great universal level.

That point has been lost in a squabble about little people not being insignificant, or whether I changed from talking about people to people comparisons or people to animal comparisons.

If 'no' then what are you going on about?!

Christ accomplished tremendous things for us in His death.

We can put to work for us certain aspects of His death to free us, to liberate us. His death is useful not only for its redeeming power but its terminating power.

It had nothing to do with arguing that little people are not important.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Oct 18
3 edits


If a Muslim friend was contemplating suicide, would you counsel them to turn towards their own faith and those who share it - if it would save the person's life - or would you try to recruit the suicidal person to your religion

Did you miss this reply above?

I am neither trying to recruit to my religion at any cost.
I do seek to introduce some people to a living Friend who is reality.

That is when time and circumstances are favorable and not at "any cost" as in a wild effort which does not take into account people cannot be forced to fall in love.

If you rephrase or re-ask then I will re-ask you.
Well are you or are you not a more experienced troll then sonhouse ?

If you don't want to be asked again then don't re-ask about me recruiting to my religion at any cost.

Below this I found this reply as well.
Because a Moslim at least believes in God I might encourage them to cry out with all their heart to God. More likely to cry out to the Lord Jesus.

For the sake of them not committing suicide I would not tell them "Oh Yes. Jesus is not the Son of God and Muhammed is the final prophet."

No, for the sake of them not dying I would not deny the truth.

Question for your evening contemplation:

On this forum there is a little place for a Thumbs up symbol and a Thumbs down symbol. They appear to stand for approval.

Question: Is there to you any Universal and Ultimate "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" ?

Or put less trivially - On an ultimate and universal scale do you believe there is a final Approval and/or Disapproval ?

And if so why gives it ?

Have your skills of trolling increased beyond the level of other posters here?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
18 Oct 18
2 edits


If a Muslim friend was contemplating suicide, would you counsel them to turn towards their own faith and those who share it - if it would save the person's life - or would you try to recruit the suicidal person to your religion

When did you begin to mask your bewilderment and incomprehension of life as tolerance ?

14 Mar 15
18 Oct 18

@suzianne said
That's not really near what he said. This is where the convo starts to fly off the tracks.
His original question was "Would you agree that the more significant a person's life was the more significant their death is?'

Sonship did not specify he was talking about Jesus or define what he meant by 'significant.' We are living in a world where the death of a celebrity gets huge tv coverage and where the death of the hard working chap down the road doesn't get a mention. Is this chap's life and death any less important or 'significant' due to his lack of celebrity status?

Again, all life is significant. I hoped this wasn't just an atheist thing.


28 Oct 05
18 Oct 18

@sonship said

If a Muslim friend was contemplating suicide, would you counsel them to turn towards their own faith and those who share it - if it would save the person's life - or would you try to recruit the suicidal person to your religion

Did you miss this reply above?

[quote] I am neither trying to recruit to my religion at any cost.
I do seek to int ...[text shortened]... why gives it ?

Have your skills of trolling increased beyond the level of other posters here?
So, would you or wouldn't you?


28 Oct 05
18 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said
When did you begin to mask your bewilderment and incomprehension of life as tolerance ?
What are you on about?

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