If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
1 edit


I think anyone here in that situation will get more out of my Bible promises then they'd get looking at your ugly distorted self image.

You're likely to ADD to anyone's sick feeling.


28 Oct 05
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

I think anyone here in that situation will get more out of my Bible promises then the get looking at your ugly distorted self image.

You're likely to ADD to anyone's sick feeling.
Thanks for your fatuous banter, sonship, but it has not answered my serious questions about mental health and its connection to this serious subject of suicide.

14 Mar 15
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

I think anyone here in that situation will get more out of my Bible promises then they'd get looking at your ugly distorted self image.

You're likely to ADD to anyone's sick feeling.
Is this an example of one of the posts you later regret?

Thread update:

Sonship fails to comprehend that 90 percent of suicides are mental health-related and that flippantly referring to such individuals as 'shortsighted' is helpful to nobody, least of all those of suicidal intent (theist or otherwise) which, alas, no one has rendered obsolete.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
3 edits


Seems to me that you two are stuck. Days ago and pages ago, I already said my choice of words may not have been the best on making suicide obsolete.

You both tend to try to milk the past for all you can get - squeeze a little more juice out of what you think is a devastating point.

I've moved on without regrets. You're stuck in the past.
You're stuck on grandstanding that you know all about statistics on suicide.

I think people get more out of my referring them to the precious promises of God and the experience of those trusting in Jesus.

14 Mar 15
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

Seems to me that you two are stuck. Days ago and pages ago, I already said my choice of words may not have been the best on making suicide obsolete.

You both tend to try to milk the past for all you can get - squeeze a little more juice out of what you think is a devastating point.

I've moved on without regrets. You're stuck in the past.
Your stuck ...[text shortened]... et more out of my referring them to the precious promises and experience of those trusting in Jesus.
So, instead of saying 'Jesus had made suicide obsolete,' what do you wish you had said?!

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18

The first post of this thread:

If you never contemplate suicide then this thread is not for you. You may go. Goodbye.

All others, did you know that thorny and snarly knots of human life Jesus can break and untie?

His Spirit contains a terminating power that goes to the root of a woman or man's problem. Jesus goes deeper to the source of a human weakness. He can heal on a lower lever and a deeper level such as no one else can reach.

The naysayers here don't really care for your healing. They care to assure themselves that they need not listen to the Son of God. That's all.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18


So, instead of saying 'Jesus had made suicide obsolete,' what do you wish you had said?!

I'm not concerned about it any more.

You're stuck there. I've moved smoothly on.


15 Oct 06
23 Oct 18
1 edit

@sonship said
The first post of this thread:

If you never contemplate suicide then this thread is not for you. You may go. Goodbye.

All others, did you know that thorny and snarly knots of human life Jesus can break and untie?

His Spirit contains a terminating power that goes to the root of a woman or man's problem. Jesus goes deeper to the source of a human we ...[text shortened]... our healing. They care to assure themselves that they need not listen to the Son of God. That's all.
They care to assure themselves that they need not listen to the Son of God.

lol. YOU don't listen to the "Son of God". Instead you follow the collective theology of Paul and followers of Paul.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18

Look, just as we appropriate by faith that our sins have been forgiven and God faithfully follows our trust in this -

So also if we stand upon our co-death with Christ and co-rising with Him, the faithful God will honor our faith and work out its effectiveness in our lives.

It is not our faith alone in a vacuum.
It is our faith PLUS the FAITHFULNESS ... of God.


28 Oct 05
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

Seems to me that you two are stuck. Days ago and pages ago, I already said my choice of words may not have been the best on making suicide obsolete.

You both tend to try to milk the past for all you can get - squeeze a little more juice out of what you think is a devastating point.

I've moved on without regrets. You're stuck in the past.
You're stu ...[text shortened]... of my referring them to the precious promises of God and the experience of those trusting in Jesus.
What about the issue of mental health?

14 Mar 15
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

So, instead of saying 'Jesus had made suicide obsolete,' what do you wish you had said?!

I'm not concerned about it any more.

You're stuck there. I've moved smoothly on.
You said your 'choice of words may not have been the best.' so was simply giving you the opportunity to retract them and provide better ones.

That you can't (or won't) speaks volumes. - You haven't, in fact, moved on 'smoothly' at all' you've moved on belligerently.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18


I've been speaking volumes. You just haven't paid any attention.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18
3 edits


lol. YOU don't listen to the "Son of God". Instead you follow the collective theology of Paul and followers of Paul.

Excuse me. But Jesus said He would send His apostles out. He said that to receive them was also to receive Himself.

" Truly, truly, I say to you, He who receives whoever I shall send receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me." (John 13:20)

Do you think for a second I'd put my trust in a false apostle who won't confess the resurrection of Christ, over the Apostle Paul who contributed so much to the New Testament ?

Christ didn't send you to teach against the new covenant.
I'm pretty sure though, that He sent Paul.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
23 Oct 18

The God of our Lord Jesus Christ wants to be your Father and One who gives eternal comfort and good hope.

We ought not then be discouraged. For somewhere in the shadows we will find Christ.

"Now our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope in grace

Comfort your hearts and establish you in every good work and word." (2 Thess. 2:16,17)

As long as Jesus is available to us we should fear not. He has overcome and been victorious for all mankind, And through Him we can live.

"These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have affliction, but take courage,

I have overcome the world." ( John 16:38)

Look AWAY from your self. Look AWAY to Jesus Christ.

14 Mar 15
23 Oct 18

@sonship said

I've been speaking volumes. You just haven't paid any attention.
As I said, you posted that your 'choice of words may not have been the best.' so was giving you the opportunity to retract them and provide better ones.

What's the point in speaking volumes if your words are poorly chosen?

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