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Buzz Aldrin admits moon landing scam

Buzz Aldrin admits moon landing scam


No. I said I don't know just like you did.
So you are a NASA film denier then?
How many times did you avoid answering that question?

@sonhouse said
Why don't YOU tell me how that retroreflector got on the moon pointed in a direction that happens to allow laser beams from Earth to count a few photons back and get the distance to the moon within centimeters or inches if you prefer?
Do you deny it exists or some such?
Why do we know the distance to the moon within inches AND now can measure very well how ...[text shortened]... om Earth to totally hide the sun.
We could not have made such discoveries without those reflectors.
Did you do that or did someone else claim to have done that?
Can you see the mirrors on the moon with a telescope? Yes or no?

Why would the moon be moving away from the earth slightly every year? Shouldn't the moon be getting closer every year?

@jj-adams said
The level of radiation exposure has been addressed and explained many times in great detail.
No it has not. This is the first time you posted that link on this thread.
Explain why traveling to MARS can be bad for people's health but traveling to the moon is not.


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@metal-brain said
No it has not. This is the first time you posted that link on this thread.
Explain why traveling to MARS can be bad for people's health but traveling to the moon is not.

I didn't say it has been brought up HERE before, only that it has been addressed, going back many years countless times, if you'd just bothered to have looked for it instead of claiming it was a problem for you to accept the moon missions..

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Your link did not explain much.
Explain why traveling to MARS can be bad for people's health but traveling to the moon is not. Here is an excerpt from the link below:

"Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) in Washington, DC have been studying how ionizing radiation may affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in humans to better prepare astronauts to make long-duration trips across the solar system.

On such missions, astronauts will be exposed to radiation from a number of different sources and, currently, there are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out."


It says "currently, there are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out."
So did the people that traveled to the moon just get lucky and people going to Mars would have a long trip and not be so lucky? Please explain.

@metal-brain said
Your link did not explain much.
Explain why traveling to MARS can be bad for people's health but traveling to the moon is not. Here is an excerpt from the link below:
Because travelling to Mars takes many months and over a year's exposure with the return trip versus a few days to the moon.

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@jj-adams said
Because travelling to Mars takes many months and over a year's exposure with the return trip versus a few days to the moon.
Is that a guess?
What is your source of information?

This is not a trivial question. If a colony on the moon is going to give people gut cancer because they were there too long we need to know. Are people just going to be there for short trips to do robot maintenance to avoid getting gut cancer? On top of that, I thought most of the radiation would be from solar radiation, but the link you posted said it was mainly cosmic radiation. No way to avoid that outside of earth's magnetic field. And what about a strong solar ejection? Could that be deadly if you are at the wrong part of space at the wrong time?

Can you avoid comic rays by digging far enough under the surface of the moon for a colony? If so, how far down is enough?

@sonhouse said
Why don't YOU tell me how that retroreflector got on the moon pointed in a direction that happens to allow laser beams from Earth to count a few photons back and get the distance to the moon within centimeters or inches if you prefer?
Do you deny it exists or some such?
Why do we know the distance to the moon within inches AND now can measure very well how ...[text shortened]... om Earth to totally hide the sun.
We could not have made such discoveries without those reflectors.
You claim to have worked for NASA.
Can you take a picture of the mirrors using NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter?

@metal-brain said
Is that a guess?
What is your source of information?

This is not a trivial question. If a colony on the moon is going to give people gut cancer because they were there too long we need to know. Are people just going to be there for short trips to do robot maintenance to avoid getting gut cancer? On top of that, I thought most of the radiation would be from solar radia ...[text shortened]... ays by digging far enough under the surface of the moon for a colony? If so, how far down is enough?
I'm sick of you asking questions and expecting everyone to google the answers for you.
Just do it yourself for eff sake.

@jj-adams said
I'm sick of you asking questions and expecting everyone to google the answers for you.
Just do it yourself for eff sake.
I suspected it was a mere guess. I was right.
You quite simply do not know. That is why you are frustrated. You are starting to realize how much they are not telling you and it bothers you.

How long is exposure to cosmic radiation too much? Will trips to the moon have to be cut short to avoid people getting gut cancer? If people will have to be there just long enough to do robot maintenance and leave wouldn't you want to know that?

Is lead still the best element for protection from radiation?

Are there mirrors on the moon?
Where is it? Show me it.

You believe lots of things you cannot see. You cannot see subatomic particles either. Does that mean you do not believe they exist? Does god exist? Theists and atheists alike believe in things they cannot see, so let's not do this silly back and forth all day long.

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You are a liar. I never denied the moon landing. In fact, I was the first person to post a fact check from Reuters saying Buzz's comment did not prove the moon landing never happened. I beat you to it.

I think you are just envious you did not post it first.


The radiation levels are not like the workers who had to go into Chernobyl, Like the Van Allen belt, is not a total sphere around Earth, it is a belt which means you can avoid it by just aiming the spacecraft to skirt it. And the radiation on the moon or in space can be a problem for long term visits like ISS but a few hours or a day on the moon is not dangerous.
You overstate the danger.
Even an ISS visit for months shows minimal radiation damage, which is for sure happening but not life threatening.
Maybe 30 years later they get cancer or some such but the come and go for months up there with nothing extreme happening so the same environment is on the moon, same exposure to coronal discharges and such, it could be dangerous if a big one hit while say, there were folks on the moon or in a longer time frame like the present 6 ish months it would take to get to Mars, if a big solar flare hit THAT spacecraft, it could be deadly but that is not too likely given such flares go off in narrow angles, aimed at some point in space. One hit Earth a month ago and screwed up communications for hams on low bands and sats too but most of them miss Earth and so most of them would miss a craft going to Mars. Big deal if it DOES hit however.

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