If I knew what you were talking about I would say something about whatever it is you are talking about. You already said the moon landings were not faked so what are you on now?
@metal-brain saidWhat a dumbass.
Brave it.
Cowards do not use Brave Search. They are not brave enough to want searches that are not rigged to omit factual information.
No. I just have to know how dangerous cosmic radiation is before I decide. You have to admit the radiation question is an unanswered question. How much exposure is too much?
There is talk about a moon colony in the future, but no talk about the dangers of cosmic radiation and solar radiation for long term stays on the moon. If long term stays on the moon are dangerous to people's health shouldn't we know? Why no talk about it? Isn't that really important to know?
Is it a secret? Why isn't NASA talking about it? Inquiring minds want to know.
-Removed-Bill Clinton alluded that the moon landing was faked. It is the first thing in this documentary so you will not have to watch much to see that part, but I recommend you watch the whole thing. It is surprisingly compelling.
You can also see Buzz punch a moon landing denier in the face in this documentary. I couldn't believe he did that! That alone makes it worth watching.
@sonhouse saidMirrors are not needed to measure the distance between the earth and the moon.
Why don't YOU tell me how that retroreflector got on the moon pointed in a direction that happens to allow laser beams from Earth to count a few photons back and get the distance to the moon within centimeters or inches if you prefer?
Do you deny it exists or some such?
Why do we know the distance to the moon within inches AND now can measure very well how ...[text shortened]... om Earth to totally hide the sun.
We could not have made such discoveries without those reflectors.
Regardless of what you believe you should watch this documentary. The astronauts this moon landing denier questioned got them so angry one literally kicked the guy in the ass and Buzz punched him in the face. Pretty hard too. LOL
At least watch it for a good laugh.
@metal-brain saidIn fact you don't NEED the mirror, but you can show that there is a mirror at the position. Doing that there is the question who put it up there.
Mirrors are not needed to measure the distance between the earth and the moon.
Regardless of what you believe you should watch this documentary. The astronauts this moon landing denier questioned got them so angry one literally kicked the guy in the ass and Buzz punched him in the face. Pretty hard too. LOL
At least watch it for a good laugh.
I am so glad you are SUCH an expert on moon measurments.
Before the advent of the retroreflectors we could get the distance to the moon within a mile or so but mirrors made that number go down to inches and now a direct measure of how fast the moon is receding from Earth, that would have been very difficult if not impossible before the advent of retroreflectors put in there by several countries.
But of course, you know everything so I should just shut up and roll over.
@sonhouse saidWhat is your source of information?
I am so glad you are SUCH an expert on moon measurments.
Before the advent of the retroreflectors we could get the distance to the moon within a mile or so but mirrors made that number go down to inches and now a direct measure of how fast the moon is receding from Earth, that would have been very difficult if not impossible before the advent of retroreflector ...[text shortened]... re by several countries.
But of course, you know everything so I should just shut up and roll over.
@ponderable said"you can show that there is a mirror at the position"
In fact you don't NEED the mirror, but you can show that there is a mirror at the position. Doing that there is the question who put it up there.
No, I cannot. Can you?