@metal-brain saidAs I said, you have never proven anything in this or any forum. You only double-down on your ridiculous conspiracy theories.
I already did.
Why do you lie so much? I proved it, he didn't and you didn't. I did.
-Removed-I never claimed the whole film was faked, just the part that was animated and that is not a secret and never has been a secret. You have never seen a subatomic particle either, but you believe in them, don't you? We all have to admit things exist that we cannot see. There are wars being fought that we cannot see. We have to trust the film we see is really in Ukraine or some other war torn region.
Buzz said part of film was animated. Isn't that why you created this thread in the first place? He didn't say it was a scam though. Why is that in the title to this thread you created?
Like I said, my deal was Apollo tracking and timing. I never saw any filming, I had to pay attention to my own job and that was all I saw. I saw what everyone else saw on TV. What would have been the problem with animation showing where Apollo went? It wasn't like someone was waiting on the moon to photograph anything before our boys landed there.