@metal-brain saidI said it was a guess jebus can't you look up anything on your own?
Not google. Brave it.
Interesting theory about the laser. Can you prove it?
Answer is yes the laser beam is over a mile wide when it hits the moon and way more when it gets back. Sensors to pick it up must be really sensitive.
Now you go find it.
@jj-adams saidI proved it, not you.
I said it was a guess jebus can't you look up anything on your own?
Answer is yes the laser beam is over a mile wide when it hits the moon and way more when it gets back. Sensors to pick it up must be really sensitive.
Now you go find it.
I did all of your work for you. Do I even get a thank you?
But wait........how do you get the laser beam to return to your position on the earth? Isn't the odds of that happening very slim? It seems it would be really hard to get the laser to come back to the earth at all, let alone on the tiny little speck of the planet you are on. Has it really been done?Missed this gem earlier:
There is a wikipedia article that gives you some basics:
@ponderable saidI already said you were right several posts ago.
Missed this gem earlier:
There is a wikipedia article that gives you some basics:
Are you trying to relive history?
@metal-brain saidI already explained it. Dive wants to relive history as well.
You are right. It is still a long shot though. Here is an excerpt from the link below:
" Targeting the reflectors on the moon may sound simple, but it means tracking them down to their specific locations as the moon is moving in orbit.
Particles called photons in the lasers can also be scattered as they travel to and from the moon through Earth’s thick atmosphere. S ...[text shortened]... are incredibly small. "
As a former Apollo technician, I am offended by these charges.
For instance, I don't think you even come close to understanding Ponders statement of the mirror left on the moon just so happened to be placed in a position that it would automatically reflect light back from laser shots at it, where the return was counted in individual photons getting back but enough to show the distance to the moon in terms of centimeters or millimeters instead of miles or kilometers before.
You ignore evidence like that in your zeal to buddy buddy with other moon landing deniers.
The more time that goes by the more likely it will be that close up images of the landing sites will come out and totally destroy these preposterous charges.
For one thing, I know personally what kind of computer power existed ATT and it wasn't even CLOSE to the ability to actually perpetrate such a fake landing.
The computer on Apollo was about the strength or less than that of the Commodore 64 and didn't even have a keyboard, just buttons pushed to start specific code operating.
So you tell me how they could have technically pulled off a stunt like that when we had ZERO in the way of image manipulation in the 60's and 70's.
So me proof of even video monitors ATT other than the projectors used to track Apollo and such.
You put out a cherry picked statement by Buzz and then present that statement as proof of a fake landing.
It would take the combined effort of most of us Apollo tech's ATT time and there WOULD be people who would not be able to hold back on such an atrocity if it had actually occurred.
I WAS THERE and saw up close the level of technology used and believe me it was incredible the tech they could come up with in terms of my specific job but my job was Apollo Tracking and timing, which was a transponder onboard Apollo that retransmitted a digital signal, a very complex signal sent to the transponder that resent that signal back to Earth and comparing the two signals tagged the distance to Apollo to within 50 feet all the way to the moon and that data came through perfectly.
The timing part of my job was two atomic clocks and one non atomic quartz temperature controlled as well as could be done back then, the object was to coordinate the transfer of data from on radio telescope on one part of the planet to the handover to another telescope so that the rotation of the Earth would not stop the data getting home, which had to be done within one tenth of a MICROSECOND to ensure reliable data transmission.
All that with ZERO in the way of super or even CLOSE to super comps.
One of my duties involved being allowed to use of of what was called computers back then, they needed to show use of those computers to show the overseers that they needed them.
It had such features as say to add two and two manually, you flipped a bank of 16 switches that would represent say the number 2, then flip a switch which said that was an input, then flip the input again, the same number then hit what was called enter ATT, and it spit out an answer.
There was no such thing as a video monitor or keyboard, all the inputs were either flipping those switches as one bit, then entering it and so forth and the best we had was to program a bunch of punched cards with that data on them so we would not have to physically go to the lengths of entering a few thousand such switch flips, the cards did that job at least but that was all we had.
We also had analog computers where one of my jobs was to input a hard wired board with about 1400 little connector pads which would allow the connection of individual connectors in a specific pattern to make a program for an analog computer, which was the electronic equivalent of a slide rule with just about that level of accuracy, and the specific job I had ATT was a wiring of many of those posts together to make a program that analyzed the rotation of a satellite spinning and where weights were placed inside that could make the thing spin in a wobble which was to be avoided.
That was ONE program needing days of careful wiring of the program patch panel,
Later, my boss, Horst Shlingloff, the engineer in charge of updating that system where the punched cards inputting into a digital computer could control the setting of the analog computer which sped things up considerably but it was still a lengthy process but a LOT faster than me soldering point to point contacts by the hundreds to make ONE program on an analog computer.
So you tell me just how such technology could have been used by ANYONE on Earth to make viable evidence of a fake landing.
ATT it was much 'easier' to just go to the moon the hard way than to attempt any kind of deception and I WAS THERE AT GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER ATT.
The folks I worked with were VERY dedicated technicians, scientists and engineers by the THOUSANDS all of us working together with our little, well at least MY little part in getting Apollo there and back safely.
@jj-adams saidDon't you understand that a laser is an example of a coherent light beam?
I said it was a guess jebus can't you look up anything on your own?
Answer is yes the laser beam is over a mile wide when it hits the moon and way more when it gets back. Sensors to pick it up must be really sensitive.
Now you go find it.
Here is a photo of the actual retroreflector:
So I would LOVE to see the deniers explanation of exactly how that reflector got placed in the PERFECT position to allow lasers to reflect light back to Earth and thus allow the distance to the moon to be measured in terms of CENTIMETERS rather than kilometers before the advent of Apollo.
The engineers and scientists involved in that work freely admitted only a few photons from the laser actually were able to be read and analyzed to make that distance measure, they NEVER tried to say a million watt laser hit the moon so hard they could actually SEE the return. That would have been impossible because it took large optical telescopes to actually pick up those paltry returns of laser photons and then the timing used to measure the distance to the moon.
I guess they have to imagine some kind of robot to do that job but they would have a very hard time showing how such technology would have existed in the 60's and 70's and even the 80's.
I am personally offended by all this denial bullshyte, since I was THERE with my little job of Apollo tracking and timing, tending to the equipment that sent a digital signal to Apollo and a transponder onboard sent that signal right back to Earth where the difference would allow a measurement of just how far away Apollo was within FIFTY FEET all the way to the moon. They could have redone the tech to get that number down to 6 inches but it was deemed not needed, 50 feet accuracy was way good enough for the navigation to get safely to the moon and back.
I just wrote a long post about that and other tech I was personally working on ATT at Goddard Space flight center.
I guess THOSE assswipes would say any DNA evidence of family readings would have all been faked also.