Misc. Hell Responses

Misc. Hell Responses


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It is what it is


20 Apr 04
05 Jul 15
1 edit

Originally posted by CalJust
Fair enough. I can accept that that is a matter of personal choice and strategy..

Having said that, and in the context of this thread, would you be prepared to examine the doctrine of eternal punishment from first principles, e.g. sin, justice, mercy and grace, without referring to Revelations or the rich man and poor Lazarus?


16 Feb 08
05 Jul 15

Originally posted by Suzianne
For the same reason I do not spend time arguing with people at church.

Being a bitch (of either gender) doesn't exactly honor God. When people who believe in my religion agree with 99% of the theology, why in the world, instead of celebrating our lives in Christ with them, would I spend all my time unpleasantly fighting with them about that 1%, which re ...[text shortened]... is forum.

But then, some people just like to fight. Barbarians, all of them. You, included.
Are you saying that teaching that the ultimate fate of billions of people, the women, men and children from across the ages, being tortured for eternity by the God who created them, is a trivial 1% of the Christian theology?



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 15

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you saying that teaching that the ultimate fate of billions of people, the women, men and children from across the ages, being tortured for eternity by the God who created them, is a trivial 1% of the Christian theology?
She is saying that she does not care... to hell with them . literally 😀


16 Feb 08
05 Jul 15

Originally posted by Rajk999
She is saying that she does not care... to hell with them . literally 😀
Yes, I've just read her replies to FMF. Absolutely astonishing.



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 15
1 edit

Originally posted by divegeester
Yes, I've just read her replies to FMF. Absolutely astonishing.
There is an interesting issue for these Christians who believe in, preach and even relish the idea of eternal torment of non-believers.

Christ says:

But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:35-38 KJV)

Basically Christ says to be merciful, generous and forgiving. To me a Christian that believes in eternal torment for all non Christians and with such a narrow interpretation of the teachings of Christ is quite possibly lacking in these qualities... and are unmerciful, lacking in generosity and unforgiving. Christ says that He will treat them with the same measure.

The most lenient, generous and liberal interpretation of the Bible [something which I have often said] is the one which includes all people .. all good and God-fearing people whose conscience guides them to live righteously before God, whoever they conceive Him to be. God is not a respecter or persons, neither is God interested in semantics or cheap talk. God is interested in those who follow after righteousness. Evil doers will be destroyed or not even raised from the dead.


16 Feb 08
05 Jul 15

Originally posted by Rajk999
There is an interesting issue for these Christians who believe in, preach and even relish the idea of eternal torment of non-believers.

Christ says:

[i]But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evi ...[text shortened]... e who follow after righteousness. Evil doers will be destroyed or not even raised from the dead.
A very well placed scripture that captures one of the three points I've be making for a long time over many threads about the teaching of eternal torture:

It is contradictory to God as revealed in the entire spectrum of scripture
It is morally abhorrent and incoherent
It is behaviourally illogical and does not support its apparent intent



04 Apr 04
05 Jul 15

Originally posted by divegeester
A very well placed scripture that captures one of the three points I've be making for a long time over many threads about the teaching of eternal torture:

It is contradictory to God as revealed in the entire spectrum of scripture
It is morally abhorrent and incoherent
It is behaviourally illogical and does not support its apparent intent
Most Christians [again like I already stated] dont really read the Bible for themselves, neither do they formulate their doctrine from the Bible. They instead rely on the preacher in the churches.

Churches preach two extreme doctrines which serve to keep the congregation loyal and their bank accounts fat:
- the complete and immediate salvation of the Christian notwithstanding any future sins
- the horrendous fate of the lost [the nonChristian] in eternal torment in hellfire.

Both doctrines serve to compliment each other..


16 Feb 08
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by Rajk999
Most Christians [again like I already stated] dont really read the Bible for themselves, neither do they formulate their doctrine from the Bible. They instead rely on the preacher in the churches.

Churches preach two extreme doctrines which serve to keep the congregation loyal and their bank accounts fat:
- the complete and immediate salvation of the C ...[text shortened]... nonChristian] in eternal torment in hellfire.

Both doctrines serve to compliment each other..
We can agree on some things but not on others. It's fine.



04 Apr 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by divegeester
We can agree on some things but not on others. It's fine.
Of course. That goes without saying. However the doctrines fit very nicely with each other:

- Punishment without wrongdoing.
- Reward without obedience.

Interesting Christianity.

It is what it is


20 Apr 04
06 Jul 15

Two other scriptures are also intersting in this context.

Both Christ and Stephen pray to God on their deathbed about their tormentors: Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing.

If they (Jesus and Stephen) ask God to forgive persons who act sinfully, but in ignorance of the Truth, shouldn't we? And wouldn't God?

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by Rajk999
Of course. That goes without saying. However the doctrines fit very nicely with each other:

- Punishment without wrongdoing.
- Reward without obedience.

Interesting Christianity.
I don't know about 'interesting'. Scam would be a better word. People lost their BS meter thousands of years ago.



04 Apr 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonhouse
I don't know about 'interesting'. Scam would be a better word. People lost their BS meter thousands of years ago.
I dont think so. Many contemporary Christians lost their BS meter in the last few hundred years. In all cultures and religions people know right from wrong, good from evil, righteous from unrighteous and godly from ungodly. These are common to all people.

The righteous judgment of God will separate the good from the evil.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by CalJust

Having said that, and in the context of this thread, would you be prepared to examine the doctrine of eternal punishment from first principles, e.g. sin, justice, mercy and grace, without referring to Revelations or the rich man and poor Lazarus?
Can you do it without insults?



04 Apr 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by KellyJay
Can you do it without insults?
Do you have the ability to focus on the central idea of a post rather than what you call insult? If you do see what you interpret to be an insult does it cloud your mind to the real meaning of the post?

A strong minded person will answer 'Yes' and 'No'. They can ignore the insult and move on with the conversation. If you have that problem then God help you if you find yourself in a difficult situation and someone shouts 'KellyJay .. you a$$hole .. get out of there before you get killed you moron.."

Learn to focus.

It is what it is


20 Apr 04
06 Jul 15

Originally posted by KellyJay
Can you do it without insults?

Can you?