Misc. Hell Responses

Misc. Hell Responses


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Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by FMF
What if this results in them finding your 'torturer God' concept to be wrong and they tell you? Will you accept that the Holy Spirit figure you believe in has spoken to your heart in this way?
You have asked me many questions and I am sure can think of many more.

I accept the responsibility of appearing before God to give an account of what I have said and lived. I am taught that I will give an account to Christ.

Time will tell.

Now, a question to you. If you come before God and the gospel is true are you going to tell Him -

"You did not do enough to love me and save me?"

Because the essence of this argument, I think, is that - What ELSE could God have done ? That is if you really come to realize that Christ is God become a man.

I don't think you'll be able to rebuke God that He didn't do enough.


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
Now, a question to you. If you come before God and the gospel is true are you going to tell Him - "You did not do enough to love me and save me?" Because the essence of this argument, I think, is that - What ELSE could God have done ? That is if you really come to realize that Christ is God become a man. I don't think you'll be able to rebuke God that He didn't do enough.
You go so far as to imagine there will be a situation in which I talk to your God figure and ask him questions?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by FMF
You go so far as to imagine there will be a situation in which I talk to your God figure and ask him questions?
Time will tell.


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
Time will tell.
You so often sneer at other people's thought experiments and yet here you are setting up a hypothetical scenario in which I have a conversation with your God figure and ask him questions?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Jul 15
1 edit

You go so far as to imagine there will be a situation in which I talk to your God figure and ask him questions?

FMF's imagination goes so far as to imagine that his ability to live, choose and to argue at all came from some, I don't know, - lucky accident.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by FMF
You so often sneer at other people's thought experiments and yet here you are setting up a hypothetical scenario in which I have a conversation with your God figure and ask him questions?
It is not a sneer. It is a simple statement of fact. No sneer.

Time .... will .... tell.


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
If you come before God and the gospel is true are you going to tell Him -

"You did not do enough to love me and save me?"
So it's a thought experiment, OK.

I might ask:

Why would you need ~ for your "glory", or so I am told ~ to toss my neighbours, here where I live, into a furnace for eternity? Pious, generous, hard working, dignified humans ~ parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren. Why would you need ~ as a demonstration of "perfect justice", or so I am told ~ to toss them into a furnace and keep them alive there suffering for eternity? What is the purpose of that?


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
It is not a sneer. It is a simple statement of fact. No sneer.
This is just wordplay on your part. I said that you so often sneer at other people's thought experiments. What "simple statement of fact" do you think you are making when you sneer at others' thought experiments?


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
FMF's imagination goes so far as to imagine that his ability to live, choose and to argue at all came from some, I don't know, - lucky accident.
Can you cite just one post of mine in 37,000 on this web site in which I made any such assertion? No. You can't. You're just making it up.


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
FMF to sonship's torturer God figure: Why would you need ~ for your "glory", or so I am told ~ to toss my neighbours, here where I live, into a furnace for eternity? Pious, generous, hard working, dignified humans ~ parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren. Why would you need ~ as a demonstration of "perfect justice", or so I am told ~ to toss them into a furnace and keep them alive there suffering for eternity? What is the purpose of that?

So, sonship, in this thought experiment, what's the torturer God's answer?


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
FMF's imagination goes so far as to imagine that his ability to live, choose and to argue at all came from some, I don't know, - lucky accident.
Come on, sonship. Where is this post in which I talked about some "lucky accident"?


28 Oct 05
02 Jul 15

Hey, sonship. You haven't just bailed out of the thought experiment you set up, have you?


16 Feb 08
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
[b]How is not preaching something that is erroneous and so obviously morally repugnant "cheating people"?

It is not repugnant to include in a complete presentation of the Gospel that God's righteous judgments are forever

[quote] Holman Christian Standard ...[text shortened]... ld have them know. Then we can be ready for questions in which we might be able to assist them.
I have noticed that your recent tact is to try to position me as someone who does not accept the truths of the Bible. Let me seal off that little angle for you by saying that I do accept all the truths of the Bible I just don't think the teaching of eternal suffering is anything like a truth of the Bible. It is gross error, it is a disgraceful misrepresentation of the gospel and the justice of God, it is morally incoherent and abhorrent, it makes no sense whatsoever, it is apocalyptic in nature and dark-ages in origin, it is a lie.

Hopefully I'm making myself very clear.


16 Feb 08
02 Jul 15

Originally posted by sonship
Time will tell.
You still haven't explained what you received from God, other than peace that has enabled yuo to take this teaching which you admit you don't like and convert it in your mind into perfect justice.

Nor have you responded to at least 6 requests to the question about me pouring my heart out and being reassured by God that there is eternal punishment.

It is what it is


20 Apr 04
02 Jul 15

I need to underscore dive's post to say that there are many, many of us, who value and treasure the truths of the Bible, and who find this doctrine repugnant and grossly insulting to both God and all Christians.

In particular, the two main "justifications" for eternal hellfire most often quoted, i.e. That "God does not send anybody to hell; you send yourself there", and "Because God is Just, there has to be a punishment for the ultimate sin of rejecting him, and his free offer of Salvation", are the two worst arguments possible, and the two most easily refuted.