The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design


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06 Mar 12
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
After more than 500 posts, it is clear that most on this forum refuse to believe in design. No proof will suffice,
You have given no proof and there is no proof so whether proof suffice is purely academic and irrelevant. If you give proof, then I believe; but then it would cease to be religion and become science.

14 Mar 15
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3

Easing God Out

Keep thinking your brains evolved from a swamp.

Evolution, God Obsolete.

Keep thinking you were fashioned out of clay.


26 Dec 14
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke

Evolution, God Obsolete.

Keep thinking you were fashioned out of clay.
Touche. 🙂

14 Mar 15
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Touche. 🙂
The Duke doffs his hat.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Touche. 🙂
Why do you keep posting in science when you clearly only accept a religious god did it answer? This does not belong here and it is wasting your time and ours for you to keep at it here. Did you expect somehow we were going to be converted to your antique fake religion?


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
After more than 500 posts, it is clear that most on this forum refuse to believe in design.
That is because "design," as a theory, explains nothing: to say the universe appears designed because it had a designer merely defers all questions concerning the origin of creation to a designer who likewise appears designed (i.e. organized).


26 Dec 14
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by sonhouse
Why do you keep posting in science when you clearly only accept a religious god did it answer? This does not belong here and it is wasting your time and ours for you to keep at it here. Did you expect somehow we were going to be converted to your antique fake religion?
My voice is needed on this forum.

Because you stiffs cannot prove that God didn't do it. All you have are hypothesis generated from your own gods......yourselves.


26 Dec 14
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by Soothfast
That is because "design," as a theory, explains nothing: to say the universe appears designed because it had a designer merely defers all questions concerning the origin of creation to a designer who likewise appears designed (i.e. organized).
Or, you guys get pissed off when challenged to provide an alternative, in which you cannot.

Just guesses and probability and accidents...which lacks dearly.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
My voice is needed on this forum.

Because you stiffs cannot prove that God didn't do it. All you have are hypothesis generated from your own gods......yourselves.
The burden of proof is on you, really, seeing as "God" hasn't properly introduced himself.


26 Dec 14
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by Soothfast
The burden of proof is on you, really, seeing as "God" hasn't properly introduced himself.
Would you care to answer the question I posed on top of page 29?

Because twitehead will never beiieve in God, regardless of proof.



Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Or, you guys get pissed off when challenged to provide an alternative, in which you cannot.

Just guesses and probability and accidents...which lacks dearly.
I have my own ideas regarding the origins of reality, as yet unproven, and quite possibly unprovable. There will always be mystery in the universe, but it by no means bothers my thoughts or loses me sleep. I'm fully prepared to pass from this world without ever knowing for certain what birthed it. Thus, I see no need to rush to invest faith in wild notions about gods and sorcery, and am content to let the incremental (and often painfully slow) progress of scientific investigations peel back the veil of mystery one thread at a time. As of now it appears premature to give up on our intellect and say simply "God did it." Come back in a thousand years. Or maybe a million.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Would you care to answer the question I posed on top of page 29?

Because twitehead will never beiieve in God, regardless of proof.

What do you believe to be "sufficient proof" that God exists?

If a bearded sage descended upon a cloud and turned one loaf of pumpernickel into fifty, and parted the sea before my eyes, I must admit, my first inclination would be to believe I'm hallucinating. But, even if I were to trust my senses (and let's say that's the case), then I would be inclined to believe that I was in the presence of an alien being from a civilization with technology centuries ahead of our own. That would always be the simpler explanation. If the being could smash planets with a wave of a hand, I would still think in terms of aliens before gods. Maybe gods are just really advanced aliens, yes?


26 Dec 14
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by Soothfast
What do you believe to be "sufficient proof" that God exists?

If a bearded sage descended upon a cloud and turned one loaf of pumpernickel into fifty, and parted the sea before my eyes, I must admit, my first inclination would be to believe I'm hallucinating. But, even if I were to trust my senses (and let's say that's the case), then I would be inclin ...[text shortened]... ld still think in terms of aliens before gods. Maybe gods are just really advanced aliens, yes?
My goodness, you guys are unbelievable!!! Nothing will suffice, will it?

I was very careful, I thought, to use the term 'design', and not God specifically, earlier in the thread. I was not the one to initiate goddidit.

With that said, if you had your 'alien proof', could you take it a step further....and hypothesize that aliens 'could' have designed some of the unknowns? My key question here is design, not necessarily the designer.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
My goodness, you guys are unbelievable!!! Nothing will suffice, will it?

I was very careful, I thought, to use the term 'design', and not God specifically, earlier in the thread. I was not the one to initiate goddidit.

With that said, if you had your 'alien proof', could you take it a step further....and hypothesize that aliens 'could' have designed some of the unknowns? My key question here is design, not necessarily the designer.
Some have hypothesized that the universe could be a computer simulation or was created in a laboratory by scientists in another universe. Though I think these are theoretically possible scenarios, I don't take much stock in such notions because they again kick the can down the road: they posit there's life in other universes that developed the means to create this universe, and we now have to ask after the origins of those other universes.

What is your definition of a god, and how does such an entity contrast with an alien that commands advanced technology that could replicate biblical miracles before the eyes of primitives living in huts? Most of these arguments seem to boil down to sloppy or self-contradictory definitions of terms, you see...


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
18 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
I was very careful, I thought, to use the term 'design', and not God specifically, earlier in the thread. I was not the one to initiate goddidit...
While we're at it, you better refresh us all on your precise definition of "design." If you don't take some god to be behind the "design" you perceive around you, then I can scarcely discern what your issue is with the conventional scientific viewpoints of the day.