The Moon and Design

The Moon and Design


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Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
I have proven my point quite successfully, and was more than willing to let it be, because you guys will never budge anyway with your atheism, regardless of scientic proof.

But, if you take notice near the bottom of page 36, both sonhouse and MarshallPrice seemed interested in hearing more from me. I am likely making progress with them?

Humy and twitehead are close as well, to seeing the light.
Progressing with us? You mean you actually think we will be changing our positions based on your dubious arguments? Pleeeese.

You have 'proven' your point successfully? What, by showing we want none of your nonsense? That somehow, proving we are atheistic, you somehow have won some points? What, like we were hiding that fact early on and didn't want you to know we had that dreaded atheism disease? You have zero in the way of science and I might remind you, this is a science forum not a religious one. We talk about atomic reactors, astronomy, Earth sciences, evolution and the like not your fairy tales. So take it to "spiritual" if you want to spread your dubious word of an ancient man made religion.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Through the course of this thread you will find I have made a substantial case for how remarkable an eclipse is,
Actually, no, that is not true at all. You have not once given any reason whatsoever for why you think the eclipse is remarkable. Instead you have just repeated over and over and over and over the utterly false assertion that the eclipse wouldn't happen if the distances were any different. You have not given us any reason to believe you know anything about eclipses and have in fact made several demonstrably false claims with regards to eclipses. And not once have you give us any reason whatsoever to think that eclipses are remarkable in any way.


06 Mar 12
19 Feb 17
5 edits

Originally posted by twhitehead
Instead you have just repeated over and over and over and over the utterly false assertion that the eclipse wouldn't happen if the distances were any different.
Does chaney3 actually believe if the distances were any different from what they are then the planets/moons wouldn't go around in eclipses!? This is taking delusional arrogant ignorance to a whole new level. I learned eclipses at school when I was about ~10, maybe well before, I guess. Makes me wonder if he has had any real proper education or was he brainwashed with his misnomer of 'education' consisting of nothing more than a continuous load of hateful anti-science extremist religious propaganda crap; that would explain a lot with his appalling hateful hysterical anti-social conduct here.


26 Dec 14
19 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by humy
Does chaney3 actually believe if the distances were any different from what they are then the planets/moons wouldn't go around in eclipses!? This is taking delusional arrogant ignorance to a whole new level. I learned eclipses at school when I was about ~10, maybe well before, I guess. Makes me wonder if he has had any real proper education or was he brainwashe ...[text shortened]... a crap; that would explain a lot with his appalling hateful hysterical anti-social conduct here.
I fully explained this to twhitehead earlier in this thread, but it seems you missed it.

You cannot adjust any distance of sun, moon or discuss an eclipse, because it would destroy human life in the process. Twhitehead painfully learned this lesson when he suggested moving the sun millions of miles closer to earth, attempting to debunk eclipse, but killing humans.

So, the distances work in harmony....for eclipse and human life. Design humy.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Twhitehead painfully learned this lesson....
Obviously, I did not learn any such 'lesson'. What you meant to say was you thought you taught me a lesson. In reality, you learned a lesson and then ran away.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Twhitehead painfully learned this lesson ....
Originally posted by chaney3
I'm really quite surprised about this development in our discussion. I will admit that I have always 'assumed' that if the moon were much closer to earth, it would spell disaster, and am currently not able to reply without doing some research.

... later on ....

I have not done the research yet, but I am certain that I will be correct.

Looks like it was cheney3 that got schooled.


26 Dec 14
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Originally posted by chaney3
[b]I'm really quite surprised about this development in our discussion. I will admit that I have always 'assumed' that if the moon were much closer to earth, it would spell disaster, and am currently not able to reply without doing some research.

... later on ....

I have not done the research yet, but I am certain that I will be correct.

Looks like it was cheney3 that got schooled.[/b]
You were the one who moved the sun.....thus killing all life.
When you said it, to prove a point about eclipse, you did not consider life. So yes, the distances matter twhitehead.


26 Dec 14
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
Originally posted by chaney3
[b]I'm really quite surprised about this development in our discussion. I will admit that I have always 'assumed' that if the moon were much closer to earth, it would spell disaster, and am currently not able to reply without doing some research.

... later on ....

I have not done the research yet, but I am certain that I will be correct.

Looks like it was cheney3 that got schooled.[/b]
You cannot move the moon either. I did not get schooled.

14 Mar 15
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
You cannot move the moon either. I did not get schooled.
"I did not get schooled."

I knew it!!!!

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17
1 edit

Originally posted by chaney3
You were the one who moved the sun.....thus killing all life.
You seem to be alive to me. Do you feel dead?

Good to know that you have finally accepted that I am a god and can move the sun.


26 Dec 14
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by twhitehead
You seem to be alive to me. Do you feel dead?

Good to know that you have finally accepted that I am a god and can move the sun.
Your attempt at deflection will not work.

Your hypothesis earlier in this thread was to move the sun. If you would like, I could find the pages? You would probably not want to do that, because you weren't thinking clearly at that time.

The sun is exactly where it's supposed to be....where it was put.

You cannot move it twhitehead, in your hypothesis, to discuss eclipses, because it would end life.

Please admit your error, and we can move on.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
Your attempt at deflection will not work.
No deflection. Just pointing out that you said something stupid.

Your hypothesis earlier in this thread was to move the sun.
No, it wasn't.

If you would like, I could find the pages?
Sure, go ahead. School yourself twice.

You would probably not want to do that, because you weren't thinking clearly at that time.
I don't drink alcohol.

The sun is exactly where it's supposed to be....where it was put.
The sun moves. Didn't you know that?

You cannot move it twhitehead, in your hypothesis, to discuss eclipses, because it would end life.
Please admit your error, and we can move on.

I have not made any error.


31 May 12
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by chaney3
You cannot adjust any distance of sun, moon or discuss an eclipse, because it would destroy human life in the process. Twhitehead painfully learned this lesson when he suggested moving the sun millions of miles closer to earth, attempting to debunk eclipse, but killing humans.

So, the distances work in harmony....for eclipse and human life. Design humy.
a) Even if human life did depend upon exactly those distances obtaining, that has nothing to do with eclipses. Eclipses would still happen whether or not humans existed. Eclipses are simply a shadow being cast by a luminous body; there's no design element there. There are undoubtedly eclipses in other planetary systems (Saturn and its many moons, for example), where there is no life.

b) The seeming harmony is entirely in your mind. It is not an objective fact pertaining to the celestial constellation itself.


Planet Rain

04 Mar 04
19 Feb 17
2 edits

Originally posted by chaney3
I fully explained this to twhitehead earlier in this thread, but it seems you missed it.

You cannot adjust any distance of sun, moon or discuss an eclipse, because it would destroy human life in the process. Twhitehead painfully learned this lesson when he suggested moving the sun millions of miles closer to earth, attempting to debunk eclip ...[text shortened]... illing humans.

So, the distances work in harmony....for eclipse and human life. Design humy.
As has probably already been pointed out in this thread long ago, the distance between the Earth and the Moon varies significantly. It's an elliptical orbit. When the Moon is at or near apogee it is in fact too small to fully block the sun during an eclipse, and a ring of the sun's disc bleeds out beyond the edge of the Moon's disc. When the Moon is at or near perigee, on the other hand, its disc is measurably larger than that of the sun. There is rarely a near-perfect equality in size between discs when an eclipse occurs, though over the course of years it will happen when things line up just right. This hardly seems to be a fact worth getting metaphysical about.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
19 Feb 17

Originally posted by moonbus
There are undoubtedly eclipses in other planetary systems (Saturn and its many moons, for example), where there is no life.
Eclipses occur with all moons. It is a geometric necessity.