A drunk Israeli was driving at speed and hit 2 Palestinian pedestrians in the west bank, knocking one at least 100 meters through the air, and the other went through the windscreen, ending up in the passenger seat.
The Israeli police questioned the driver and then arrested the Palestinians. One for break and enter and the other for leaving the seen of an accident.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidOk I must admit I did smile. 🙂
Spartacus said nothing when the lion ate his wife.
He was gladiator.
@david-burton saidYou do realize that you almost renunciated yourself there?
sometimes I use big words I dont understand so I can sound more photosynthesis.
@david-burton saidApropos malapropisms
sometimes I use big words I dont understand so I can sound more photosynthesis.
@moonbus saidyeah but only almost for sure bejeezus
You do realize that you almost renunciated yourself there?
@orangutan saidI try to use that one all the time. 🙂
I read that three times before I realised what was going on.
In my defence - at my age most people lose about 20% of their sight.