Why do religious ones stick with delusions?

Why do religious ones stick with delusions?



26 Aug 07
10 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
You might be surprised at what I have thought all by myself. I am working on a paper on gravitational lenses with independent research by yours truly. I invented a way for independent microscopic examination of a hybrid circuit which had to be held in place. I developed an improved objective lens on a beam analysis machine. I invented a sound synthesizer a ...[text shortened]... in your delusionary visions you are thinking of Piltdown man? The hoax from over 100 years ago?
soo after reading a materialistic text book on evolution you thought of lenses? and circuitry? and how to upgrade pickups? are you for real? For your information i never believed the hypothesis when i did it in school, prior to becoming a Christian, i thought it was tosh then, as I do now? so you produce original music, who doesn't? Did you glean that from reading a textbook on the evolutionary hypothesis, no, well dont be absurd. i did not state you were incapable of original thought, i stated that reading a text book and assimilating the material is not the same as original thought, is it?

Now have you anything to contribute to my spirituality, other than, your delusional, you are incapable because of your adherence to your religion to think of anything outside the box, read a text book on the evolutionary hypothesis and you'll find enlightenment, do you? any words of encouragement, in fact, anything of a spiritual nature? No, well why are you posting in spirituality?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
10 Jun 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
You're just one of many Christian fundamentalists on this forum whose adherence to dogma renders them incapable of reason in regards to their core beliefs and what they perceive as threats to their core beliefs. I could have picked any one of them. The reason I singled you out is that Rajk999 seems to believe himself as being very different from you.

That said, it'd be great if you can correct it.
So what exactly have I said that you think is so unreasonable?
I have attempted to argue reasonably in support of my core
beliefs with material that supports it. But simply saying that I
am incapable of reason in regards to my core beliefs, without
supporting evidence and the opportunity to refute it, is unfair.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
10 Jun 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
soo after reading a materialistic text book on evolution you thought of lenses? and circuitry? and how to upgrade pickups? are you for real? For your information i never believed the hypothesis when i did it in school, prior to becoming a Christian, i thought it was tosh then, as I do now? so you produce original music, who doesn't? Did you glean ...[text shortened]... ement, in fact, anything of a spiritual nature? No, well why are you posting in spirituality?
I believe you ventured the opinion I had no original thought. I was giving counter examples.

Here is my original thought about religions:

There are too dam many of them with some totally at odds with others. My thought is no real god would set something so cruel up.

Your own bible is rife with examples of cruelty coming from your god, a man is worth 50 sheckles, a woman only 35. It tells the father if the son badmouths the father, kill the little SOB.

I look at those verses and I think how can anyone in their right mind believe such utter rot? How can you read such rot and continue to believe all is right with your god?


02 Aug 06
10 Jun 11
2 edits

Godlowdown on "Self Creating Universe"


Godlowdown on "Multiple Universes!"


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by jaywill
Godlowdown on [b] "Self Creating Universe"


Godlowdown on "Multiple Universes!"

Great one for a laugh! Thanks for picking up on that, I needed a good chuckle.


26 Aug 07
11 Jun 11
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
I believe you ventured the opinion I had no original thought. I was giving counter examples.

Here is my original thought about religions:

There are too dam many of them with some totally at odds with others. My thought is no real god would set something so cruel up.

Your own bible is rife with examples of cruelty coming from your god, a man is wor ...[text shortened]... ve such utter rot? How can you read such rot and continue to believe all is right with your god?
i ventured the opinion that in the matter of evolution you did not originate the idea, did you? nope you merely assimilated it from other sources. What lenses, electronics and pick-ups have to do with that, i do not know. It was in fact your praise of soothfasts text, in which he stated, that a persons adherence to a divine entity is limiting, in fact, it was you who stated that it rendered one incapable of thinking outside the box. When the actual proposition was tested, how is it limiting you produced what? Nothingness? when we ask of the materialist, how does one therefore become more open-minded, you produce what? more nothingness. When will you stop the pretence? You term other delusional because of what? they dont share your world view? How is that not utterly hypocritical and close minded i cannot say. Noobter has cited reading a text book on the evolutionary hypothesis, how is that going to be enlightening he cannot say. Infact, its a complete nonsense to look at the way things work in a quest to answer any questions of why they came into being in the first instance, what is their purpose if any, indeed you are doing exactly the same thing as the creationist, you take consciousness and try to infer things by observing the material world, there is absolutely no difference.

So in the context of the nation of Israel the penalties were harsh, so what? are you now advocating that disrespect is a good thing? adultery? bestiality? No well, then.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
I believe you ventured the opinion I had no original thought. I was giving counter examples.

Here is my original thought about religions:

There are too dam many of them with some totally at odds with others. My thought is no real god would set something so cruel up.

Your own bible is rife with examples of cruelty coming from your god, a man is wor ...[text shortened]... ve such utter rot? How can you read such rot and continue to believe all is right with your god?
There is nothing original about these thoughts.
Atheists have been saying the same thing for years.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
There is nothing original about these thoughts.
Atheists have been saying the same thing for years.
Atheists? ATHEITS? I am talking about actual written text such as the jewels you find in Levidicus, where a man is worth 50 sheckles, a woman 35 and such. Don't see how you could worship such a bible.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by sonhouse
Atheists? ATHEITS? I am talking about actual written text such as the jewels you find in Levidicus, where a man is worth 50 sheckles, a woman 35 and such. Don't see how you could worship such a bible.
I don't pay any attention to that part. That is not relevant for us.


15 Oct 06
11 Jun 11
3 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
So what exactly have I said that you think is so unreasonable?
I have attempted to argue reasonably in support of my core
beliefs with material that supports it. But simply saying that I
am incapable of reason in regards to my core beliefs, without
supporting evidence and the opportunity to refute it, is unfair.
Seems more than a bit premature to be declaring anything "unfair" on my part. You asked a question and I answered it. If you wanted further detail, all you had to do was ask. Now if I had refused to give you further detail, then you might be right to call that "unfair".

Also, in your zeal to play the "unfair" card, it seems you left out details that are germane to the issue. What I said was, "You're just one of many Christian fundamentalists on this forum whose adherence to dogma renders them incapable of reason in regards to their core beliefs and what they perceive as threats to their core beliefs." So more detail than you acknowledged was given, but you ignored it. So if anyone was "unfair", it was you.

What is "unreasonable" is adherence to dogma. Is it your position that you don't adhere to dogma?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Seems more than a bit premature to be declaring anything "unfair" on my part. You asked a question and I answered it. If you wanted further detail, all you had to do was ask. Now if I had refused to give you further detail, then you might be right to call that "unfair".

Also, in your zeal to play the "unfair" card, it seems you left out details that ar ...[text shortened]... onable" is adherence to dogma. Is it your position that you don't adhere to dogma?
That is absolutely right. I do not adhere to dogma.
Sorry, but I can't remember what question I asked to you
that you are referring to. Could you refresh my memory?


15 Oct 06
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
That is absolutely right. I do not adhere to dogma.
Sorry, but I can't remember what question I asked to you
that you are referring to. Could you refresh my memory?
Did you miss the point of my post?

Any reason you can't look back at prior posts as well as I?

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
Did you miss the point of my post?

Any reason you can't look back at prior posts as well as I?
Well, I have corrected your one point and informed you
that I do not adhere to dogma. Therefore that would
would rule out that as the cause for me being incapable
of reason in regards to my core beliefs. I did look back
for prior posts on this thread for a question you asked me
but there were none. So it must be on another thread.
Or maybe I have already corrected the problem you have
with me. Is that the case? If not, please tell me the
question so maybe we can resolve our misunderstanding
and be friends.


15 Oct 06
11 Jun 11
3 edits

Originally posted by RJHinds
Well, I have corrected your one point and informed you
that I do not adhere to dogma. Therefore that would
would rule out that as the cause for me being incapable
of reason in regards to my core beliefs. I did look back
for prior posts on this thread for a question you asked me
but there were none. So it must be on another thread.
Or maybe I have ...[text shortened]... not, please tell me the
question so maybe we can resolve our misunderstanding
and be friends.
Well, I have corrected your one point and informed you
that I do not adhere to dogma.

There's a POINT in the following. In fact, there are a couple of them. Did you even read it? Can you figure out what they are?
Seems more than a bit premature to be declaring anything "unfair" on my part. You asked a question and I answered it. If you wanted further detail, all you had to do was ask. Now if I had refused to give you further detail, then you might be right to call that "unfair".

Also, in your zeal to play the "unfair" card, it seems you left out details that are germane to the issue. What I said was, "You're just one of many Christian fundamentalists on this forum whose adherence to dogma renders them incapable of reason in regards to their core beliefs and what they perceive as threats to their core beliefs." So more detail than you acknowledged was given, but you ignored it. So if anyone was "unfair", it was you.

I did look back for prior posts on this thread for a question you asked me but there were none.

Do you even read your own posts?
YOU asked the following:
"Sorry, but I can't remember what question I asked to you
that you are referring to. Could you refresh my memory?"

Why are you looking for a question that I asked YOU?

I'd also address your claim about dogma, but it seems you have enough trouble keeping track of the discussion. After you've demonstrated that you understand where we are, I'll address it.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
11 Jun 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I don't pay any attention to that part. That is not relevant for us.
Interesting religion. You get to pick and choose which part of it you want to follow. How would your god view that? Did not your god write ALL the books of the bible?
Did he say, ignore those books, just use a shortened version, I really didn't mean all those nasty things I said back then, had a bad case of indigestion......

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