What's the point of heaven?

What's the point of heaven?


Cape Town

14 Apr 05
06 Dec 14

Originally posted by Agerg
It makes the notion of eternal life slightly more palatable to me because in a sense you are able to reset your memory as many times as you wish.
My current memory is imperfect. For me to have a major issue with boredom brought on purely by running out of things to do, I would have to have a very different brain than I do now (or be put in a very stimulus deprived environment). If that is the case, then I may also have other aspects of my thought processes that work differently. Maybe as stellspalfie suggests I won't have the part that craves new experiences, or at least the craving wont be so bad that I would rather die. With my current brain, simple injections of certain substances would probably suppress such cravings.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Dec 14
3 edits

Originally posted by stellspalfie
and you will be happy doing the same things over and over again for eternity....you will never crave new experiences?
stellspalfie, what makes you happy now: perfect environment; maximum fulfillment in sex; great food and wine; freedom from illness and pain? If so consider the biblical documentation regarding Adam and Eve [Isha] in the Garden. God's two wedding gifts were perfect environment and perfect sex as they went about naked daily before their disobedience to one command and fall. Consider the wedding in Cana of Galilee during which Mary told Jesus that the hosts had run out of wine. He performed a minor miracle converting earthen jugs of water into the finest wine the wedding party and guests and this world has ever known. Consider Christ's appearance in the Upper Room during which He broke bread with the Disciples in the same permanent resurrected body believers in Christ will have for eternity. Consider the prophetic promises in the New Testament that there will be no more tears or pain or suffering in eternity. Consider the a fortiori argument: If He can do the greater for us in time [salvation], how can He not do the lesser for believers in Christ in eternity? Think about it. -Bob

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
06 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
Consider the a fortiori argument: If He can do the least for us in time, how can He not do even more for us beyond our wildest expectations in eternity? Think about it. -Bob
I suggest you think about it. Has anyone ever given you a sweet? Did you then immediately conclude that they would give you the universe too?

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Dec 14
1 edit

Originally posted by twhitehead
I suggest you think about it. Has anyone ever given you a sweet? Did you then immediately conclude that they would give you the universe too?
You refer to unpredictable human beings; God is immutable. Please note the edit: "Consider the a fortiori argument: If He can do the greater for us in time [salvation], how can He not do the lesser for believers in Christ in eternity?"

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
06 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
You refer to unpredictable human beings; God is immutable. Please note the edit: "Consider the a fortiori argument: If He can do the greater for us in time [salvation], how can He not do the lesser for believers in Christ in eternity?"
Sorry, but its still a bad argument.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
06 Dec 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
Sorry, but its still a bad argument.
God respects your volition. It's not my place to attempt to coerce it now or ever. You choose your own eternal address.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
God respects your volition. It's not my place to attempt to coerce it now or ever. You choose your own eternal address.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with God respecting my volition, your coercion, or my eternal address. You made a claim that if God does one thing, it implies he is highly likely to do another thing also. Your argument is a bad one, ie your conclusion does not follow from the premises.
If it was an attempt to coerce me with lies, then your last post makes sense. If you actually believed what you were saying, then I recommend you give it some more thought.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Dec 14

"Eternity" cannot be quantified by the terms designed to measure time. One cannot say of eternity that it can be measured by time. Terms like "how long it is" has no application to the concept of eternity.

"Forever", "everlasting" and "no end" are just other ways of saying eternity.

The only reason for saying the word "eternity" is to describe the place were those that have trusted in what Jesus did on the cross on their behalf will exist after this life is over.

A discussion about the length of eternity is moronic because it has no way of being understood in terms of time, and misses the point altogether.

Eternity is a place, and has nothing to do with time at all.

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by josephw

Eternity is a place, and has nothing to do with time at all.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by josephw
....after this life is over.

A discussion about the length of eternity is moronic because it has no way of being understood in terms of time, and misses the point altogether.[/b]
You contradicted yourself there.

You also contradicted Grampy who talks about 'eternity past'.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by stellspalfie
you can explore tat indescribable glory until you have looked at each individual molecule of it a billion times.......you would still have an eternity left...what are you going to do then?
You think you can grasp the full extent of God's glory since God Himself
is eternal and have left over time, why?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by wolfgang59
Blurting out this morning are you? Get a cup of coffee and relax. 😵

So I take it you think I'm an idiot for saying that eternity has nothing to do with time?

Then go ahead a prove me wrong. Show me how to measure eternity with terms used to measure time, or any other terms you care to use.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
07 Dec 14

Originally posted by twhitehead
You contradicted yourself there.

You also contradicted Grampy who talks about 'eternity past'.
I didn't contradict myself. We exist in time. Yesterday, today and tomorrow are terms we are familiar with that measure time in terms of length and duration. Eternity cannot be described by the same terms used to measure time.

If anyone here can measure eternity in terms used for measuring time please do so now. Prove my assertion wrong and I will concede. It won't hurt that much to find out I'm wrong. 😳

I'm not trying to contradict anyone. It is said of God that He has no beginning and no end. It is also said that God is the alpha and omega. Sounds contradictory, but we're not talking about time. We're talking about eternity.

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
07 Dec 14
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
Eternity cannot be described by the same terms used to measure time.
And yet you attempted to do so, hence my claim that you contradicted yourself.

Prove my assertion wrong and I will concede.
You didn't make an assertion, you made a definition. You didn't stick to your definition ie you contradicted yourself.

Grampy use the words 'eternity past' which also uses a time word in relation to eternity - contradicting your definition.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
07 Dec 14
1 edit

....Eternity Past) --------------------------- [time/human history] ---------------------------- (Eternity Future....

As Joe said: "Eternity cannot be described by the same terms used to measure time." Eternity encapsulates time.

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