JW Question

JW Question


Can't win a game of

38N Lat X 121W Lon

03 Apr 03
10 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Rob, we live on the 21st century now, medicine and treatment has moved on. If your in pain and it's impacting on your quality of life go see your GP and get a referral to se a physio.
Agreed on that go see a doctor they might be able to refer you to a specialist at least that what would happen in the States.



10 Jun 05
10 Dec 11

Originally posted by menace71
Agreed on that go see a doctor they might be able to refer you to a specialist at least that what would happen in the States.

Anyone but a faith healer!


10 Jun 05
14 Dec 11

The bottom line to this whole thread is if your life is on the line, don't count on a JW even if you are a JW. Further if a JW family bread winner needed a blood transfusion to survive, he would prefer to decline it even if he left his wife and children destitute. Despicable! It just shows moral depravity!


26 Aug 07
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by 667joe
The bottom line to this whole thread is if your life is on the line, don't count on a JW even if you are a JW. Further if a JW family bread winner needed a blood transfusion to survive, he would prefer to decline it even if he left his wife and children destitute. Despicable! It just shows moral depravity!
yeah i am sure those three thousand haemophiliacs and all the countless others of
hundreds of thousands of people who were given contaminated blood were thinking
exactly the same thing when they died, in fact, you haven't quite stated why you find it
morally acceptable for them to have done so, why is that joe seeing that you are able
to tell others what they are entitled to do with their own bodies. Your the worst kind of
human being, a pathetic little judge of others and self righteous moralist who is content
to pour scorn on others because that's all you are capable of. It takes no talent to
destroy joe, plenty to build.


24 Apr 05
14 Dec 11
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeah i am sure those three thousand haemophiliacs and all the countless others of
hundreds of thousands of people who were given contaminated blood were thinking
exactly the same thing when they died, in fact, you haven't quite stated why you find it
morally acceptable for them to have done so, why is that joe seeing that you are able
to tell ...[text shortened]... because that's all you are capable of. It takes no talent to
destroy joe, plenty to build.
Please quit disingenuously pretending like your stance against blood transfusion is based in any way on its medical efficacy, or lack thereof. Your display here is just shameful. Everyone here knows your stance is based on some insane literalist reading of an ancient and medically irrelevant text. If, hypothetically, blood transfusions became completely or even overwhelmingly immune from complication, your death & blood cult would still cling to this stance. So please do not try to act like your stance is based in any way on an objective view of the medical evidence. If it were actually based in any responsible way on the evidence, you would know that blood transfusions are significantly more medically helpful than they are hurtful and continuously improving in this respect.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by LemonJello
Please quit disingenuously pretending like your stance against blood transfusion is based in any way on its medical efficacy, or lack thereof. Your display here is just shameful. Everyone here knows your stance is based on some insane literalist reading of an ancient and medically irrelevant text. If, hypothetically, blood transfusions became completel ...[text shortened]... icantly more medically helpful than they are hurtful and continuously improving in this respect.
So the Bible is irrelevant to you?


10 Jun 05
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yeah i am sure those three thousand haemophiliacs and all the countless others of
hundreds of thousands of people who were given contaminated blood were thinking
exactly the same thing when they died, in fact, you haven't quite stated why you find it
morally acceptable for them to have done so, why is that joe seeing that you are able
to tell ...[text shortened]... because that's all you are capable of. It takes no talent to
destroy joe, plenty to build.
It was certainly very bad when people got infections through transfusions, but faced with certain death if you did nothing, or prolonged life with a possible infection, the latter has better odds. Certainly if you were an infection free JW you should be the 1st to donate!
Also, many more people have been saved by transfusions than have been lost so clearly you are the person who shows the highest state of irrationality!


24 Apr 05
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
So the Bible is irrelevant to you?
Pretty much, but what does that really have to do with anything? Did you not understand the point of my post? My point is that robbie should quit giving the impression that his stance against blood transfusions is based in any substantive way on considerations regarding their medical efficacy, or lack thereof -- since it is just disingenuous for him to do so. Robbie's bringing up considerations of the medical efficacy of blood transfusions invariably makes him look like an idiot for at least two reasons: (1) it has actually nothing to do with what undergirds his stance against them; and, hypothetically, if blood transfusions became completely immune from complication with new technology or whatever, that fact would hold no sway over him anyway and (2) it just goes to show how he shamelessly cherry-picks his evidential considerations.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by LemonJello
Pretty much, but what does that really have to do with anything? Did you not understand the point of my post? My point is that robbie should quit giving the impression that his stance against blood transfusions is based in any substantive way on considerations regarding their medical efficacy, or lack thereof -- since it is just disingenuous for him to ...[text shortened]... way and (2) it just goes to show how he shamelessly cherry-picks his evidential considerations.
I just asked you a simple question which you answered. The rest you can talk to Robbie about.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by LemonJello
Pretty much, but what does that really have to do with anything? Did you not understand the point of my post? My point is that robbie should quit giving the impression that his stance against blood transfusions is based in any substantive way on considerations regarding their medical efficacy, or lack thereof -- since it is just disingenuous for him to ...[text shortened]... way and (2) it just goes to show how he shamelessly cherry-picks his evidential considerations.
The case he keeps mentioning occured in the 1970's. As tragic as it was, it's not a reflection of the practices in place today.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Dec 11

Just asking but do the bloodless surgeries not intrest any of you are do you still prefer the use of blood instead?


10 Jun 05
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Just asking but do the bloodless surgeries not intrest any of you are do you still prefer the use of blood instead?
If a blood transfusion is not needed, it should not be used.

The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Just asking but do the bloodless surgeries not intrest any of you are do you still prefer the use of blood instead?
I have had many surgeries and never needed a blood transfusion. Doctors
do not give blood transfusions unless they believe the patient might die
otherwise. They are trying to save a life at that time.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
I have had many surgeries and never needed a blood transfusion. Doctors
do not give blood transfusions unless they believe the patient might die
otherwise. They are trying to save a life at that time.
I do understand fully why a doctor would do a blood tranfusion. I didn't ask for the reasons, I asked if one would do the bloodless option instead.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
14 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Just asking but do the bloodless surgeries not intrest any of you are do you still prefer the use of blood instead?
If i ever need surgery i'll consider it, my understanding is that the practice is not widespread.

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