JW Question

JW Question


The Near Genius

Fort Gordon

24 Jan 11
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
any unpaid voluntary work is a sacrifice of time and effort and yes it is the spiritual
equivalent of a blood sacrifice, if you knew anything about the Bible you would know
that, but i forget that at times I am dealing with ignorance and thus you are led to
make the most of your ignorance by asserting that its chest beating, a classic example
no less.
If you understand this, then why do you insist on including real physical blood
in your spiritual worship by referring to blood transfusions yet will not drink
the real physical blood of Christ. Don't you see the connection?


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
No 'gymnastics' involved here, robbie. Ah well then. It seems you framed it as a 'when did you stop beating your wife?' type question on purpose and are now uncomfortable with me pointing it out. Pretty straight forward.
i never mentioned anything about wife beating you were asked a simple question, how
dies mercy manifest itself if not in a tangible way, you excused yourself on the basis,
even as you are doing now of answering it with typical obfuscation, i am a religionist,
its pointless, its a loaded question, i have no need of providing instruction and a
hotchpotch or semantic drivel, simply because to answer it would have been to exhibit
some kind of stance, but you cannot commit yourself to anything, preferring to hide
under the guise of being some kind of liberal and open minded all encompassing man
of reason, yet when asked to reason, you are found wanting in all respects.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by menace71
Do you eat meat? If so you have eaten Blood so your the hypocrite fool who bows to man made doctrines. Plus if anyone acts as an infant you should take a good look in the mirror.

I think the Gman has left because of statements like this, who can blame him.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
any unpaid voluntary work is a sacrifice of time and effort and yes it is the spiritual
equivalent of a blood sacrifice, if you knew anything about the Bible you would know
that, but i forget that at times I am dealing with ignorance and thus you are led to
make the most of your ignorance by asserting that its chest beating, a classic example
no less.
I do unpaid voluntary work too and it is not a "sacrifice", indeed I think I get more personal benefit - in terms of food-for-thought, character-building stuff, experience, spirituality - from it than those I help. My unpaid voluntary work has got absolutely no connection to "blood sacrifice" - nor is my unpaid voluntary work "the spiritual equivalent of a blood sacrifice". You are a religionist and I am not, robbie. Perhaps that is why you are describing my unwillingness to agree with you over "sacrifice" as "ignorance"?


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by RJHinds
If you understand this, then why do you insist on including real physical blood
in your spiritual worship by referring to blood transfusions yet will not drink
the real physical blood of Christ. Don't you see the connection?
if drinking blood is prohibited why do you transgress that prohibition by taking blood
transfusions, if drinking vodka was prohibited would you inject it intravenously, no, well
then, you have no case.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
i never mentioned anything about wife beating you were asked a simple question, how
dies mercy manifest itself if not in a tangible way, you excused yourself on the basis,
even as you are doing now of answering it with typical obfuscation, i am a religionist,
its pointless, its a loaded question, i have no need of providing instruction and a
...[text shortened]... l encompassing man
of reason, yet when asked to reason, you are found wanting in all respects.
I don't really understand why you are insulting me, robbie.

Is it that you think I don't exercise any "mercy" or I am never "merciful" in my everyday life?


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I do unpaid voluntary work too and it is not a "sacrifice", indeed I think I get more personal benefit - in terms of character, experience, spirituality - from it than those I help. My unpaid voluntary work has got absolutely no connection to "blood sacrifice" - nor is my unpaid voluntary work "the spiritual equivalent of a blood sacrifice". You are a religionis ...[text shortened]... you are describing my unwillingness to agree with you over "sacrifice" as "ignorance"?
first of all, i am uninterested in your terms religionist, they are constructs of your
understanding not mine, as i stated, people are human beings regardless of what
appellations you desire to give them. why would your voluntary work be viewed in a
spiritual context, by your own admission your not a Christian are you? its ludicrous
therefore to attempt to make it synonymous with how a Christian views his or her
work, whether you view it as a sacrifice or not is neither here nor there, .


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
why would your voluntary work be viewed in a spiritual context, by your own admission your not a Christian are you?
Because I am a spiritual person, robbie. How is being a Christian or not being a Christian relevant to whether I get some spiritual benefit from doing voluntary work?

its ludicrous therefore to attempt to make it synonymous with how a Christian views his or her work, whether you view it as a sacrifice or not is neither here nor there, .

So your religion turns a bit of normal common human decency like voluntary work into a "sacrifice" that is "the equivalent of blood sacrifice". I see. That's quite something. I think the term "religionist" is very relevant. The fact that you are a religionist - for example - transforms some human decency into a "sacrifice". For me, a non-religionist, it does not.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I don't really understand why you are insulting me, robbie.

Is it that you think I don't exercise any "mercy" or I am never "merciful" in my everyday life?
I have not insulted you in anyway, i have merely stated the facts as i perceive them,
whether yo express mercy in any shape or form is your business, in fact, how would i
know unless you told me? you were merely asked and if the term possible upsets you
ill rephrase it, 'how is mercy displayed unless in a tangible way', now here is your
chance to address the question that you spent so much effort on attempting not to
answer, try again.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
'how is mercy displayed unless in a tangible way?'
I don't know, robbie. I can't imagine that it is. Can you? Can anybody?

And I do not beat my wife, by the way. 😉


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
Because I am a spiritual person, robbie. How is being a Christian or not being a Christian relevant to whether I get some spiritual benefit from doing voluntary work?

[b]its ludicrous therefore to attempt to make it synonymous with how a Christian views his or her work, whether you view it as a sacrifice or not is neither here nor there, .

So your reli ...[text shortened]... y like voluntary work into a "sacrifice" that is "the equivalent of blood sacrifice". I see.[/b]
have i berated your voluntary work, nope, have i stated that you are non-spiritual,
nope, have i stated that you get no benefit from it, nope, have i stated that its inferior
to a Christians voluntary work, nope, all i have in fact stated that a Christian views his
as a sacrifice, indeed, if you knew anything about the Bible this would be evident, but
you dont, therefore, that is why, you need, in order to find some pretence of argument,
make these ludicrous assertions.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
a Christian views his [unpaid voluntary service] as a sacrifice
I don't view voluntary service as as a "sacrifice" or as "the equivalent of blood sacrifice". Maybe you do because you are a religionist and I don't because I am not a religionist. I just see see it as a normal decent thing to do for my fellow citizens. I don't make any claims about how much of a "sacrifice" it is. Indeed it would feel a bit ludicrous to do so.


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I don't know, robbie. I can't imagine that it is. Can you? Can anybody?

And I do not beat my wife, by the way. 😉
you dont know, or cant imagine that it is, ok, at least its an answer of sorts, probably
the best i can hope for. I think if you could beat an egg you'd be doing well FMF.


28 Oct 05
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you dont know, or cant imagine that it is, ok, at least its an answer of sorts, probably the best i can hope for.
Well I answered your question - I don't know how mercy can displayed unless it is in a tangible way. What about my questions to you: Can you see how mercy can displayed unless it is in a tangible way? Can anybody, in your experience?


26 Aug 07
08 Dec 11

Originally posted by FMF
I don't view voluntary service as as a "sacrifice" or as "the equivalent of blood sacrifice". Maybe you do because you are a religionist and I don't because I am not a religionist. I just see see it as a normal decent thing to do for my fellow citizens. I don't make any claims about how much of a "sacrifice" it is.
exactly, but so what if a Christian does?

(Hebrews 13:15) Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is,
the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name

do you find this objectionable? indeed why should you find this objectionable, do tell.

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