If anyone is contemplating suicide.

If anyone is contemplating suicide.



28 Oct 05
03 Nov 18

Why is sonship keen to talk about sexual orientations he does not approve of on a thread about people contemplating suicide but steadfastly refuses to address the fact that 90% of suicides are linked to either diagnosed or undiagnosed/untreated mental health problems.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
03 Nov 18
1 edit

Greece has the lowest rate of suicide globally.

I love the place and try to visit at least once per year. The economy is pathetic but the people are great, the weather is great, the history is great.

Italy, UK and Spain next lowest.


14 Mar 15
03 Nov 18

@sonship said

That could be because you are already well on the way to being brain washed with a bigotry of your own.
Or perhaps a by-product of my leprosy.

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03 Jan 13
03 Nov 18
5 edits


Or perhaps a by-product of my leprosy.


Now you showed a good amount of sympathy for people wanting to commit suicide for other reasons.

But I didn't see a similar amount of sympathy for those discovering that the happiness resulting from a SEX change was not all that it was advertised to be. The videos which you said you wouldn't watch, spoke of such suicides, all three of them.

Curious - not much sympathy from you for these people Ghost- of- a- duke.

And mainstream media seems to look the other way on cases of transgender suicide instances. Are you sure you're not being deceived by a rosy colored propaganda campaign?


15 Oct 06
03 Nov 18
6 edits

@sonship said

Or perhaps a by-product of my leprosy.


Now you showed a good amount of sympathy for people wanting to commit suicide for other reasons.

But I didn't see a similar amount of sympathy for those discovering that the happiness resulting from a SEX change was not all that it was advertised to be. The videos which you said you ...[text shortened]... er suicide instances. Are you sure you're not being deceived by a rosy colored propaganda campaign?
Those who want to drive transgender people into the closet, legislate against us, and stigmatize us, talk about all the time in order further marginalize us. It is literally a matter of life and death.

Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it....

Transgender people in states without LGBT legal protections are at higher risk of suicide. Other studies have found that transgender people who have been discriminated against are at a higher risk of suicide...

Transgender people who have been physically or sexually abused because they are transgender are at a higher risk of suicide...

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has addressed the issue of suicide in LGBT populations, and reached the same conclusions on the actual causes of suicide in the transgender community:

Suicidal behaviors in LGBT populations appear to be related to “minority stress”, which stems from the cultural and social prejudice attached to minority sexual orientation and gender identity. This stress includes individual experiences of prejudice or discrimination, such as family rejection, harassment, bullying, violence, and victimization.Increasingly recognized as an aspect of minority stress is “institutional discrimination” resulting from laws and public policies that create inequities or omit LGBT people from benefits and protections afforded others. Individual and institutional discrimination have been found to be associated with social isolation, low self-esteem, negative sexual/gender identity, and depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. These negative outcomes, rather than minority sexual orientation or gender identity per se, appear to be the key risk factors for LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior.”


What part do you play in the above?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Nov 18
2 edits


“Suicidal behaviors in LGBT populations appear to be related to “minority stress”, which stems from the cultural and social prejudice attached to minority sexual orientation and gender identity.

I tell all men and women that the Savior Jesus Christ loves them and as He died for me He also died and rose again for them.

Do you think this is "hate speech" ? I think this is Divine Love speech.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Nov 18

This stress includes individual experiences of prejudice or discrimination, such as family rejection, harassment, bullying, violence, and victimization.Increasingly recognized as an aspect of minority stress is “institutional discrimination” resulting from laws and public policies that create inequities or omit LGBT people from benefits and protections afforded others.

I don't think I heap this kind of stress on people. I recognize that ALL have sinned without exception. All are in need of forgiveness and salvation without exception.

I recognize that we ALL have powerful forces in our fallen man prompting us, urging us to give in. I could say I was born a thief. I could say I was born an adulterer too. I could say I came out of my mother's womb a fornicator, a liar, a bearer of false witness, a gossiper, a lover of violence, a covetous man who imagines the grass is greener on the other side of the fence - ie. It would be advantageous to be of the opposite sex.

I would say powerful urges like this reside in all of us, in one form or another.

So we all need the salvation of the Savior Christ.

You are not going to be able to dismiss everyone who says the transgender person needs Christ like all the rest of us, is just a bigot.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
03 Nov 18
2 edits

Individual and institutional discrimination have been found to be associated with social isolation, low self-esteem,

To know God became a man to take up our sins in His body on His cross because of His love for us, to save us from ourselves and from judgment, this does much for esteem.

If God be for us then who can be against us.

negative sexual/gender identity, and depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders.

I would tell them that Christ is the answer to all of these maladies. I would tell them that I have experienced His salvation.

I may not have THAT problem to wrestle with. But I have other problems which are just as troublesome and real in my life.

These negative outcomes, rather than minority sexual orientation or gender identity per se, appear to be the key risk factors for LGBT suicidal ideation and behavior.”

Its not an easy matter.
It should not be easy for you to dismiss Christ as the "Great Physician" who is able to untie the most gnarling knots of problems of the soul and spirit.

Ironically, Christ even said some would rise at the judgment from Sodom and say in essence "What was it with you people anyway. If we knew what you all did we would have believed the Gospel of Christ."

I think that seems the meaning of these surprising words Jesus spoke to the cities which rejected Him.

"And you Capernum, who have been exalted to heaven, to Hades you will be brought down. For if the works of power which took place in you had taken place in Sodom, it would have remained until today.

But I say to you that it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you." (Matt. 11:23,24)

Maybe its your own Christ rejecting self that you need to reserve your greatest sympathy for.

14 Mar 15
03 Nov 18
1 edit

@sonship said

Or perhaps a by-product of my leprosy.


Now you showed a good amount of sympathy for people wanting to commit suicide for other reasons.

But I didn't see a similar amount of sympathy for those discovering that the happiness resulting from a SEX change was not all that it was advertised to be. The videos which you said you ...[text shortened]... er suicide instances. Are you sure you're not being deceived by a rosy colored propaganda campaign?
Why is it curious that I have no sympathy for something I never watched.

Do you ever think about what you're typing?

Edit: Do you have sympathy for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern? (Characters in a book you've never read).

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
03 Nov 18

@sonship said

“Suicidal behaviors in LGBT populations appear to be related to “minority stress”, which stems from the cultural and social prejudice attached to minority sexual orientation and gender identity.

I tell all men and women that the Savior Jesus Christ loves them and as He died for me He also died and rose again for them.

Do you think this is "hate speech" ? I think this is Divine Love speech.
And has precious little to do with their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
04 Nov 18
1 edit


Why is it curious that I have no sympathy for something I never watched.

Do you ever think about what you're typing?

Its more than that. Either the statistics are withheld from you.
Or you know something about it and put it out of your mind.

You could give some thought to the stuff you type here too.

Don't watch the videos. That's your most convenient way to enjoy the bliss of your ignorance.


28 Oct 05
04 Nov 18
1 edit

@sonship said
Its more than that. Either the statistics are withheld from you.
Or you know something about it and put it out of your mind.
What are the statistics for the link between mental health problems and suicide, sonship? Have they been withheld from you?


28 Oct 05
04 Nov 18

@sonship said
You could give some thought to the stuff you type here too.
Ghost of a Duke is more well-balanced and thoughtful character than you and more astute and insightful too. He also has a more admirable personality and interpersonal skills than you, displaying more integrity than you do, and he brings more value to this community than you do with your self-anointed monologues where you regurgitate the writings of your sect/cult's leader, so - I think - it is you who sometimes needs to think about how you come across. Just saying.

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03 Jan 13
04 Nov 18


And has precious little to do with their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Could you explain to me what this post meant?

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
04 Nov 18

@fmf said
What are the statistics for the link between mental health problems and suicide, sonship? Have they been withheld from you?
Please don’t ask sonship for facts, it’s unfair on him.

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