Christian morals

Christian morals



28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Ordinary morals are based upon human opinions. The Bible, as I see it, isn’t.
Like all of us humans, you are entitled to your opinion about how much importance you should personally invest in that particular religious text, or not, as the case may be.

01 Oct 04
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @fmf
Like all of us humans, you are entitled to your opinion about how much importance you should personally invest in that particular religious text, or not, as the case may be.
If universal truth is not found in the person of Jesus Christ, everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions. If it is however, personal opinions wouldn’t count for much when compared to that truth.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
If universal truth is not found in the person of Jesus Christ, everyone is indeed entitled to their opinions. If it is however, personal opinions wouldn’t count for much when compared to that truth.
I am well aware of the significance that Christians place in Jesus. sonship has been explaining how "Christian morals" are more or less the same as ordinary human virtues and morals except they are engaged in by people who think the same sort of stuff as you do about Jesus.

01 Oct 04
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @fmf
I am well aware of the significance that Christians place in Jesus. sonship has been explaining how "Christian morals" are more or less the same as ordinary human virtues and morals except they are engaged in by people who think the same sort of stuff as you do about Jesus.
Sounds more like your words than his.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Sounds more like your words than his.
I call it as I see it. Not a single word he's said has contradicted my precis of the meaning of his words. His evasions on this thread have been prolific and laughable. And to what end? If he were to accept the simplicity of my precis it would not undermine or tarnish his Christian beliefs one jot.

01 Oct 04
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @fmf
I call it as I see it. Not a single word he's said has contradicted my precis of the meaning of his words. His evasions on this thread have been prolific and laughable. And to what end? If he were to accept the simplicity of my precis it would not undermine or tarnish his Christian beliefs one jot.
At least have the decency to say they are your words and not sonships.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
At least have the decency to say they are your words and not sonships.
You think I typed out my synopsis of sonship's words and then pretended I was quoting him? It was my post. My typing. And it was my long bizarre conversation with sonship. And it was his beyond parody evasions. It's all there plain to see. What are you confused about? Read the thread. What is he adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?

01 Oct 04
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @fmf
You think I typed out my synopsis of sonship's words and then pretended I was quoting him? It was my post. My typing. And it was my long bizarre conversation with sonship. And it was his beyond parody evasions. It's all there plain to see. What are you confused about? Read the thread. What is he adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?
You have done the same thing with me before, it’s nothing new. You take someone’s words and twist them to mean what you want them to mean and then claim they said it.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
You have done the same thing with me before, it’s nothing new. You take someone’s words and twist them to mean what you want them to mean and then claim they said it.
You've dodged the direct question I put to you: What is sonship adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?

01 Oct 04
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @fmf
You've dodged the direct question I put to you: What is sonship adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?
Maybe if you explain what you mean with ‘ordinary morals’ I can either confirm or deny whether something is ‘added to them’.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
Maybe if you explain what you mean with ‘ordinary morals’ I can either confirm or deny whether something is ‘added to them’.
Read the thread.


28 Oct 05
28 Nov 17

Originally posted by @dj2becker
You have done the same thing with me before, it’s nothing new. You take someone’s words and twist them to mean what you want them to mean and then claim they said it.
But my question to you is not about whether you feel disgruntled by how you fared in some previous discussion, my question to you is about the thread topic "Christian morals".

Quiz Master

RHP Arms

09 Jun 07
02 Dec 17

Originally posted by @sonship
What continues to be the world's longest running top read book ?

It is because in every debate the theists say "Have you even read the bible?"
And any atheist who wants to argue has to read the bible!

In fact, in my opinion, most atheists know more about the bible than Christians!

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Dec 17
1 edit

Originally posted by @wolfgang59
It is because in every debate the theists say "Have you even read the bible?"
And any atheist who wants to argue has to read the bible!

In fact, in my opinion, most atheists know more about the bible than Christians!
It is because in every debate the theists say "Have you even read the bible?"

I don't see that come up in "every" debate.
So you're exaggerating of course.

And any atheist who wants to argue has to read the bible!

It could help some of them. This is a historical matter.
But if they don't want to read it then they should stop referring TO it with lame superficial objections AS IF they are familiar with it.

Others could be helped by just considering the natural world and its evidence of intelligent creation. That is at least for the existence of a Supreme Being.

In fact, in my opinion, most atheists know more about the bible than Christians!

That's not true. They SPECIALIZE in a few choice sections for objections. And based on their narrow specialization they strut about thinking they "know the Bible better".

Most of their "specialization' they pick up from a few people who took the time to hunt for some choice and juicy sections to emphasize for their atheist attacks.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
02 Dec 17
2 edits

Originally posted by @fmf
You've dodged the direct question I put to you: What is sonship adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?
What is sonship adding to 'ordinary morals' to end up with "Christian morals" if not merely certain religious thoughts/beliefs of the Christian kind?

The living Person of Christ is the practical source of the Christian's reactions, who you hope is just all in the mind of imagination.

Minus Jesus, there are moral codes of different types.
Minus Jesus even the Bible's commands are full of exhortations and commands many of which are not unique to the Judaic / Christian tradition.

Having said that, many of them are unique because they center on the God of the Bible.
We could say "Honor your father and mother" is common with the commands of Confucius. But to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul or to keep the Sabbath day, would be unique to the Judaic / Christian theism.

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