Do away with Federal Minimum wage

Do away with Federal Minimum wage


Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
It sets a floor for the reasons I gave in the last post.
I think the floor and the ceiling should be set by those closest to the both
the jobs and the people who will work and hire.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
I think the floor and the ceiling should be set by those closest to the both
the jobs and the people who will work and hire.
If you ignore the two rationales for the minimum wage already given, then further discussion is pointless. That would mean that you don't agree that people who work should be able to make at least a basic subsistence level of income and that you disagree that unemployed people are at a bargaining disadvantage relative to employers. Are those your positions?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
If you ignore the two rationales for the minimum wage already given, then further discussion is pointless. That would mean that you don't agree that people who work should be able to make at least a basic subsistence level of income and that you disagree that unemployed people are at a bargaining disadvantage relative to employers. Are those your positions?
I've not one time suggested we do away with the minimum wage, no where
do you see me saying that! I said those closest to those working the jobs
and those hiring for them should be the only one's that should have a say
in the whole process. A state legislator can pass a minimum wage just like
a Federal Gov. can and they live where what they do will affect everyone.

So again let those that are closest to the issues do it, not some clown in
Washington who wants to score points for votes do it.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
21 Jun 14
1 edit

Originally posted by KellyJay
I've not one time suggested we do away with the minimum wage, no where
do you see me saying that! I said those closest to those working the jobs
and those hiring for them should be the only one's that should have a say
in the whole process. A state legislator can pass a minimum wage just like
a Federal Gov. can and they live where what they do will affe ...[text shortened]... he issues do it, not some clown in
Washington who wants to score points for votes do it.
The "clowns" in Washington were elected by the People just like the State legislators. Ensuring the working people have sufficient income is a national concern that greatly effects the national economy. I see no reason to leave that to the "clowns" in the State capitals who are surely at least as "vulnerable" to special interests as Congress is.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
The "clowns" in Washington were elected by the People just like the State legislators. Ensuring the working people have sufficient income is a national concern that greatly effects the national economy. I see no reason to leave that to the "clowns" in the State capitals who are surely at least as "vulnerable" to special interests as Congress is.
Except the clowns in Washington are in Washington, let those that get
elected and stay in their own state worry about it. For them that is the
main and only focus, those in Washington are in their own little world.


07 Dec 05
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
It isn't about rich poor getting over it is about a system that fits the area
that each state in charge of. The rich and poor have to both be successful
for a healthy system.
That is my point too. The poor are not successful. Poor people in the USA are barely getting by. It is like you think slaves are successful because most of them have jobs. How do you measure success?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14
1 edit

Originally posted by Metal Brain
That is my point too. The poor are not successful. Poor people in the USA are barely getting by. It is like you think slaves are successful because most of them have jobs. How do you measure success?
No one strives to be the best at a minimum wage job with the hopes and
desires resting on staying there, their whole lives. It is a stepping stone to
bigger and better things, it gets you experience you otherwise may never
have. It is the lowest rung on a ladder for paying jobs!

One of the issues I have is is that people paint the minimum wage job as it
is all the people who work it will ever get! When I held one it was $3.25 hr.
and I'm doing much better now years later.

If a company can hire several more for less and there are many who will
take it, because they want it! Why not?

If you raise the minimum wage it is like taking out the lowest step of a
ladder they could have stepped on and replaced it with something higher.
That takes away all the jobs that could have been there, but now are
gone due to raising that wage. A kid out of high school who needs a job
for experience will have less chances to get one if the jobs dry up.

Again, not saying there should not be a minimum wage, only that the local
government should set it, not the Federal one.


07 Dec 05
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
No one strives to be the best at a minimum wage job with the hopes and
desires resting on staying there, their whole lives. It is a stepping stone to
bigger and better things, it gets you experience you otherwise may never
have. It is the lowest rung on a ladder for paying jobs!

One of the issues I have is is that people paint the minimum wage job as ...[text shortened]... ot be a minimum wage, only that the local
government should set it, not the Federal one.
You must not have any idea what it is like to live in a rural area. Try driving 20 miles to work every day and tell me you can survive on minimum wage.

Only a college graduate can get ahead after starting a minimum wage job. There might be some exceptions but very few. It looks to me like you bought into Libertarian propaganda.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by Metal Brain
You must not have any idea what it is like to live in a rural area. Try driving 20 miles to work every day and tell me you can survive on minimum wage.

Only a college graduate can get ahead after starting a minimum wage job. There might be some exceptions but very few. It looks to me like you bought into Libertarian propaganda.
I worked two jobs while I was going to school with one just above minimum
and the other minimum. I have a clue, you do what you have to do! There
will always be a reason to want more pay per hour, which is why better paying
jobs are the ones we should be shooting for NOT the minimum wage paying



27 Oct 08
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
I agree so why have the Federal? It isn't needed.
How is it needed any more or less than State minimum wages?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
How is it needed any more or less than State minimum wages?
The need or lack of it will be on those people closer to the state then
a body of people who are not. The thing about Washington is that they
are in Washington not Illinois, Texas, California, or where ever. They
come from there, but they tend to think nationally, and those that push
and pull on them may get thier way. The issue is that its a local issue
or concern and the closer to the local people you are the easier it is to
see the concerns and block out all the other stuff that has nothing to do
with your state.



27 Oct 08
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
The need or lack of it will be on those people closer to the state then
a body of people who are not. The thing about Washington is that they
are in Washington not Illinois, Texas, California, or where ever. They
come from there, but they tend to think nationally, and those that push
and pull on them may get thier way. The issue is that its a local issu ...[text shortened]... e the concerns and block out all the other stuff that has nothing to do
with your state.
And the people in Sacramento are in Sacremento, not Los Angeles or San Fransisco. What's your point?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
And the people in Sacramento are in Sacremento, not Los Angeles or San Fransisco. What's your point?
My point is that those in Sacremento and the surrounding areas have
different needs than those in Los Angeles, if Folsom, Orangevale, or
any of the other towns, and what not want to write their own MW let
them. The one size fits all isn't wise and harms those that may want it
lower. Let those closer to the those affected set the bar not those that
are so far away and walking in another world do it.



27 Oct 08
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
My point is that those in Sacremento and the surrounding areas have
different needs than those in Los Angeles, if Folsom, Orangevale, or
any of the other towns, and what not want to write their own MW let
them. The one size fits all isn't wise and harms those that may want it
lower. Let those closer to the those affected set the bar not those that
are so far away and walking in another world do it.
Okay. Why set the minimum wage at the State level and not at a lower or higher level? What about very small states? Should they team up with surrounding states to set their minimum wage? Should a large state like California have separate minimum wages? Can you be specific about why you are opposed to a federal minimum wage in particular?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
22 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
Okay. Why set the minimum wage at the State level and not at a lower or higher level? What about very small states? Should they team up with surrounding states to set their minimum wage? Should a large state like California have separate minimum wages? Can you be specific about why you are opposed to a federal minimum wage in particular?
Why not allow it, specific minimum wages, we are now are we not? Just
because people are setting theirs higher, why not allow it go lower too?

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