Do away with Federal Minimum wage

Do away with Federal Minimum wage



07 Dec 05
20 Jun 14

Originally posted by normbenign
The fed, and its cooperation with Treasury makes inflation almost guaranteed, and manipulation of people by the central bank and government also guaranteed. Increases in the minimum wage may mean almost nothing in the long run if the currency is continually debased.
You missed my point. Inflation is making the minimum wage meaningless unless it is adjusted for inflation which the federal minimum wage is not. In Michigan it was supposed to be but I am not sure of that now. $7.40 has been minimum wage for what seems like a long time to me. I am wondering if it is adjusted for inflation at all now.


The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
20 Jun 14

Originally posted by no1marauder
Gee, I never endorsed a statement calling the "masses" "inferior" as you did today in another thread. Your whole political philosophy is based on keeping the People from exercising power in ways that might discomfort their "betters".

The Framers set up an amendment process and the People decided that it was preferable that the People in ...[text shortened]... nment. It only did what you hate; increased the power of the People at the expense of the elite.
My statement on superiors and inferiors didn't make any claim to my being one of the superiors. Obviously to anyone with common sense and powers of observation, some people enjoy superior size, strength, speed, and intelligence. Some can do heavy physical work, while others can create things that never existed before. Recognition of superior ability doesn't make anyone elitist. However belief that you can judge who and what is best for everyone does.

You know very well that the Senate was chosen less democratically by intent. The people still ultimately chose the Senator, but indirectly via their State legislators. It had nothing to do with elitism.


The Catbird's Seat

21 Oct 06
20 Jun 14

Originally posted by Metal Brain
You missed my point. Inflation is making the minimum wage meaningless unless it is adjusted for inflation which the federal minimum wage is not. In Michigan it was supposed to be but I am not sure of that now. $7.40 has been minimum wage for what seems like a long time to me. I am wondering if it is adjusted for inflation at all now.
To my knowledge it isn't and hasn't been. However, I do know that when $7.40 became MW there were many fast food places around Detroit that were already paying that rate, especially for lunch time and for closers.

The FED via its debasement of currency distorts normal economics of a market, and the minimum wage does as well. These are tools of Statists to control the people.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Jun 14

Originally posted by normbenign
My statement on superiors and inferiors didn't make any claim to my being one of the superiors. Obviously to anyone with common sense and powers of observation, some people enjoy superior size, strength, speed, and intelligence. Some can do heavy physical work, while others can create things that never existed before. Recognition of superior ability do ...[text shortened]... ose the Senator, but indirectly via their State legislators. It had nothing to do with elitism.
Of course, it had to do with elitism - the People couldn't be trusted with the direct selection of their Senators. It's true that was the Framers' intent but that view was not sacrosanct. The point is that it has nothing to do with "federalism" or any diminution of State power as you and others continually and absurdly claim.

Some people have superior skills in some areas, some people have superior skills in others. The claim that the "masses" are "inferior" is an elitist claim that underlines your position in virtually every area.

Naturally Right

Somewhere Else

22 Jun 04
20 Jun 14

Originally posted by normbenign
To my knowledge it isn't and hasn't been. However, I do know that when $7.40 became MW there were many fast food places around Detroit that were already paying that rate, especially for lunch time and for closers.

The FED via its debasement of currency distorts normal economics of a market, and the minimum wage does as well. These are tools of Statists to control the people.
Gee, if only the People could get paid even less they'd have soooooooooooooooo much more control.

The People overwhelmingly support a minimum wage, but elitists like yourself despise the fact that these "inferiors" dare to want to make their society a bit less favorable to the economic elites.


07 Dec 05
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by normbenign
To my knowledge it isn't and hasn't been. However, I do know that when $7.40 became MW there were many fast food places around Detroit that were already paying that rate, especially for lunch time and for closers.

The FED via its debasement of currency distorts normal economics of a market, and the minimum wage does as well. These are tools of Statists to control the people.
If you adjust minimum wage with inflation since 1968 it would be almost 11 bucks an hour now. The FRS is making slaves of people and minimum wage is the only thing to combat this.
The bottom line is you can choose which way you prefer inflation to happen. You can let the FRS do it and exploit the poor or you can let inflation happen after raising the minimum wage. One benefits the rich and the other helps the poor. You seem to be fooling yourself into thinking inflation is avoidable. If raising the minimum wage doesn't do it the fed will and I think you know that.

Obama has proposed raising the federal minimum wage because $10.10 an hour is still a slaves wage in the USA. It is is still lower than the adjusted for inflation rate of minimum wage. This is a good example of how government takes with one hand and gives some back with the other, but always gives less than they took.

As long as the FRS operates like it does you should support raising the MW. Opposing it is to support economic slavery.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by Metal Brain
If you adjust minimum wage with inflation since 1968 it would be almost 11 bucks an hour now. The FRS is making slaves of people and minimum wage is the only thing to combat this.
The bottom line is you can choose which way you prefer inflation to happen. You can let the FRS do it and exploit the poor or you can let inflation happen after raising the m ...[text shortened]... ates like it does you should support raising the MW. Opposing it is to support economic slavery.
I'm still for doing away with the federal minimum wage, if each state or
city wants to create one let them. If a state wants slave labor and the
one next to it pays well, the real life answer will be who has more people
working at the end of the day.



27 Oct 08
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm still for doing away with the federal minimum wage, if each state or
city wants to create one let them. If a state wants slave labor and the
one next to it pays well, the real life answer will be who has more people
working at the end of the day.
You still haven't explained why, though. Why is the state level a more appropriate administrative level to deal with this issue than the federal level?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
You still haven't explained why, though. Why is the state level a more appropriate administrative level to deal with this issue than the federal level?
Well for one, I don't believe it helps at all!
First jobs that people get are harder to come by due to the high wages.
If you have to pay someone that much, odds are you will take someone
with experience over someone with none. It drives up the costs of
everything that you produce because you have to pay more to produce

At the sametime, I admit there are strong points to be made for a
minumum wage as well. The part where we can move from one place
to another over time will show what best suits companies and the
employees. If the cost of hiring someone is to high there will be less
jobs, if the pay is to low no one will take it. Let nature work it out.



27 Oct 08
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
Well for one, I don't believe it helps at all!
First jobs that people get are harder to come by due to the high wages.
If you have to pay someone that much, odds are you will take someone
with experience over someone with none. It drives up the costs of
everything that you produce because you have to pay more to produce

At the sametime, I admit ...[text shortened]... ere will be less
jobs, if the pay is to low no one will take it. Let nature work it out.
But your arguments are against a minimum wage, not against a federal minimum wage in particular. If one of the States implements a $20/hr minimum wage, would you support it?

In any case, the empirical evidence (I suggest you look it up, there are some suggestions in this thread) suggests that a moderate minimum wage has little influence on employment.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
But your arguments are against a minimum wage, not against a federal minimum wage in particular. If one of the States implements a $20/hr minimum wage, would you support it?

In any case, the empirical evidence (I suggest you look it up, there are some suggestions in this thread) suggests that a moderate minimum wage has little influence on employment.
I'd do away with the Federal, not the state, or city, or township, or who
ever else thinks they should control wages. Let the dust settle where
it wills, each state should control its own destiny.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KazetNagorra
But your arguments are against a minimum wage, not against a federal minimum wage in particular. If one of the States implements a $20/hr minimum wage, would you support it?

In any case, the empirical evidence (I suggest you look it up, there are some suggestions in this thread) suggests that a moderate minimum wage has little influence on employment.
I believe it does have an influence, but it is difficult to see without
a stark contrast which you would get if everyone set their own.



27 Oct 08
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'd do away with the Federal, not the state, or city, or township, or who
ever else thinks they should control wages. Let the dust settle where
it wills, each state should control its own destiny.

I believe it does have an influence, but it is difficult to see without
a stark contrast which you would get if everyone set their own.

What is that belief based on, if not empirical evidence?


07 Dec 05
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by KellyJay
I'm still for doing away with the federal minimum wage, if each state or
city wants to create one let them. If a state wants slave labor and the
one next to it pays well, the real life answer will be who has more people
working at the end of the day.
Not everyone is in a position to move to another state to seek a higher paying job. Prices need to increase equally in all states to avoid complications. The Federal Minimum wage should be increased close to $11.00 per hour. Anything less will benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.


12 Jul 08
21 Jun 14

Originally posted by Metal Brain
Not everyone is in a position to move to another state to seek a higher paying job. Prices need to increase equally in all states to avoid complications. The Federal Minimum wage should be increased close to $11.00 per hour. Anything less will benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.
Everyone can move, it is just that most don't want to move. Decreasing the number of jobs available because you have increased the cost of having an employee really doesn't help the situation.

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