Prove sonhouse wrong.

Prove sonhouse wrong.



26 Dec 14
27 Dec 16

I think you are missing my point Dive.

I am well aware that sonhouse is an atheist, but when I read his posts, asking "where is God", he has a point.

For example: did the free will of Hitler outrank God's love for His people?

The common answer given is that God will sit back, in silence, while "the final solution" unfolded. Why? Because Hitler's free will was more important than the lives of millions of Jews?


26 Dec 14
27 Dec 16

Bump for Dive.


15 Oct 06
27 Dec 16
7 edits

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Thank you Suzianne.

I'm not of course an authority on Christianity, nor have i ever claimed to be. My degree was 20 years ago and although i maintain an interest in the subject, i've lost most of the in depth knowledge I once had. (Though it does lie in some dusty boxes in the cellar).

Believe I have brought up my theology degree 3 times in the ...[text shortened]... fOne shares my lack of authority when it comes to Christianity, which of course is self evident.
Believe I have brought up my theology degree 3 times in the last 18 months and it is invariably Chaney who mentions it, discombobulated as he is by an atheist choosing to study such a subject.

Of course GoaD takes a cheap shot at chaney3 in trying to make it sound like he doesn't bring it up. GoaD claims that INVARIABLY it is chaney3 who mentions it.

The reality is that GoaD trots it out quite a bit. Here are 3 examples from just the past 2 MONTHS.

Note that it's to 3 people other than chaney3.

Also, note that with Nicksten he prefaces it with "As I have mentioned before..." and with sonship he prefaces it with "Again...", to make sure they understand that he's brought it up before.
21 Dec '16 To Fetchmyjunk
Should we compare theology degrees?
Pasted from <>

02 Nov '16 To Nicksten
As I have mentioned before, I have a degree in Theology...
Pasted from <>

02 Nov '16 To sonship
Again, I have studied theology at degree level.
Pasted from <>

I'm not of course an authority on Christianity, nor have i ever claimed to be. My degree was 20 years ago and although i maintain an interest in the subject, i've lost most of the in depth knowledge I once had.

Isn't GoaD a modest little thing. Of course, one would think that given the above, he wouldn't be trotting out his degree so often.

He claims that he's never claimed to be an authority, yet he repeatedly trots out his degree in attempt to confer authority on what he's saying.

Somehow he chose to lie about how often he does trot it out and his claim of authority. Imagine that.

14 Mar 15
28 Dec 16

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
[b]Believe I have brought up my theology degree 3 times in the last 18 months and it is invariably Chaney who mentions it, discombobulated as he is by an atheist choosing to study such a subject.

Of course GoaD takes a cheap shot at chaney3 in trying to make it sound like he doesn't bring it up. GoaD claims that INVARIABLY it is chaney3 who mention ...[text shortened]... ow he chose to lie about how often he does trot it out and his claim of authority. Imagine that.[/b]
Yes, those were the 3 occasions. Well done on locating them.

Time well spent.


02 Jan 06
28 Dec 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Blimey, 6 posts in and we're already at the Nazis.
Make no mistake about it, Cheney is a Nazi.


15 Oct 06
29 Dec 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Yes, those were the 3 occasions. Well done on locating them.

Time well spent.
As usual GoaD has chosen to begin his RC-like buffoonery.

For one, as I already pointed out, in the earliest of the occasions that I cited, GoaD prefaces it with "As I have mentioned before...". Clearly GaoD is telling them that he has brought it up before.

Anticipating that GoaD would likely make yet another blatantly false claim, I didn't post all the examples I had found. Here's a couple more:

07 Jun '15 to ThinkOfOne
As soon as i saw the title of the thread i had a flash back to the first year of my theology degree...

Pasted from <>

05 May '15 to Dasa
Eh, i have a BA Honours Degree in Theology...
Pasted from <>

If GoaD remains true to form, the buffoonery will continue.

14 Mar 15
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
As usual GoaD has chosen to begin his RC-like buffoonery.

For one, as I already pointed out, in the earliest of the occasions that I cited, GoaD prefaces it with "As I have mentioned before...". Clearly GaoD is telling them that he has brought it up before.

Anticipating that GoaD would likely make yet another blatantly false claim, I didn't post all ...[text shortened]... nd-now.164048/page-9>

If GoaD remains true to form, the buffoonery will continue.
How splendid sir to see you once again plucking posts out of context. We notice how you deploy the same strategy when plucking verses from the bible.

What part of an atheist having a degree in theology threatens you so much? Is it because you can't simply dismiss my arguments as ill considered?

The buffoonery will only recommence with the arrival of your next post. (I would delve into your own posting history but it is so crammed with vitriol and unpleasantness that it would ruin my evening).


15 Oct 06
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
How splendid sir to see you once again plucking posts out of context. We notice how you deploy the same strategy when plucking verses from the bible.

What part of an atheist having a degree in theology threatens you so much? Is it because you can't simply dismiss my arguments as ill considered?

The buffoonery will only recommence with the arriv ...[text shortened]... ing history but it is so crammed with vitriol and unpleasantness that it would ruin my evening).
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.

14 Mar 15
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.
Who is you audience sir, who are you speaking to?

Please link me to a solitary soul who has ever indicated they listen to what you have to say.


15 Oct 06
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Who is you audience sir, who are you speaking to?

Please link me to a solitary soul who has ever indicated they listen to what you have to say.
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.

14 Mar 15
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.
Who is you audience sir, who are you speaking to?

Please link me to a solitary soul who has ever indicated they listen to what you have to say.


15 Oct 06
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Who is you audience sir, who are you speaking to?

Please link me to a solitary soul who has ever indicated they listen to what you have to say.
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.

14 Mar 15
29 Dec 16

Originally posted by ThinkOfOne
As anticipated GoaD remains true to form and the buffoonery continues.

It's as if, like RC, he can't help himself.
How we stand in awe at your copy and pasting skills.

Clearly we have identified the subject of your own degree.


26 Dec 14
31 Dec 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
How we stand in awe at your copy and pasting skills.

Clearly we have identified the subject of your own degree.
The valid point here.

Ghost has a degree in theology. Ghost is an atheist.
Ghost claims to have been an atheist 'before' studying theolgy and the Bible.
I disagree!!!
Ghost had an open mind during his studies. What happened?
Ghost disagreed with Bible sense.
If Ghost is a 'true atheist' because of Bible study, he should admit it. Why?

Because Ghost has repeatedly stated that he 'wants' to believe in God.

Maybe his God will not be the God of the Bible, but that may also be the opinion of many.

14 Mar 15
31 Dec 16

Originally posted by chaney3
The valid point here.

Ghost has a degree in theology. Ghost is an atheist.
Ghost claims to have been an atheist 'before' studying theolgy and the Bible.
I disagree!!!
Ghost had an open mind during his studies. What happened?
Ghost disagreed with Bible sense.
If Ghost is a 'true atheist' because of Bible study, he should admit it. Why?

Because Ghos ...[text shortened]... od.

Maybe his God will not be the God of the Bible, but that may also be the opinion of many.
Disagree all you like sir. Not only was I an atheist before my studies, I was an atheist before starting primary school (Around the same time I stopped believing in Santa and the Hulk).

Although interested to learn about various religions, I didn't put my atheism in the refrigerator.

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