Prayreading the Word

Prayreading the Word


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04 Apr 04
29 Jun 16

Originally posted by sonship
Learn to Prayread the Bible Christians.
Teach your other brothers and sisters how to PRAYREAD the Bible.

You can invite some over to your home and take a chapter of the Gospel of John and together - [b]PRAYREAD
the whole chapter.

Afterwards you can go around person by person and fellowship what you enjoyed of the Lord. This is a revolutionary k ...[text shortened]... ation for the hard days that may come.

I encourage you to learn to Prayread the Holy Bible.[/b]
Talkers and hearers are condemned by God BUT Doers are just before God.

Jesus and all the Apostles said that:

Jas 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. (Romans 2:13 KJV)

So if after someone is done with this prayreading, they go back to their same old life of sin and worldliness then they are like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

However the man that learns, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.

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03 Jan 13
29 Jun 16
8 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Talkers and hearers are condemned by God BUT Doers are just before God.

Jesus and all the Apostles said that:

Jas 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Before I speak any more to this, could you go back over this thread and CUT and PASTE anywhere where I said -

Prayread and go back to your old life. OR
Prayread and continue to live a sinful life.

Can you give me any example of where I encouraged the practice of prayreading FOLLOWED BY living in a manner unworthy of a Christian?


You will not find them. Rather all I am doing is teaching a method by which we can, as the Apostle Peter taught, fulfill our longing for the pure milk of the word that we may GROW THEREBY.

" As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation." ( 1 Peter 2:2)

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03 Jan 13
29 Jun 16
2 edits

We thank the Lord that God has opened a practical way for us to fulfill our LONGING ... for the FOOD, the MILK of the word of God.

Why are YOU fighting against this ?

We thank God we have one of a number of ways to derive NOURISHMENT from the word of God which we LONG FOR. And BY IT .... BY WHAT? By IT we may grow UNTO salvation.

I'm sorry that that is what it says. But God spoke it. I am just repeating and enjoying it.

By the milk of the WORD of God we may GROW unto SALVATION.

Would you like Christians to GROW unto salvation? Or are you opposed to this?
If you are opposed to Christians feeding on the food of the word of God in order that they may GROW unto salvation, you must be doing the Devil's work.

Going on in Second Peter 2:2 -

" ... long for the guileless milk of the word IN ORDER THAT ... you may grow unto salvation. '

The PURPOSE of our longing and "DRINKING" of the word of God is "IN ORDER THAT" we may GROW unto salvation.

Can you point to somewhere I encouraged Christians to prayread the word and NOT GROW? Can you see me teaching Christians to prayread and REMAIN immature, remain undeveloped and refuse to GROW, to grow unto salvation.

I started this thread on prayreading - "IN ORDER THAT ..." Christians may GROW.

The next part of Peter's teaching says -

"If you have TASTED that the Lord is good." (v.3)

I started this thread so that people can TASTE the Lord. And they can through prayreading TASTE and see that the Lord Jesus Christ is good. And tasting they may also GROW unto salvation.

Shame on you if you oppose this.
You must be anti the word for milk, anti the word for tasting the Lord, and anti the word in order that Christians can grow unto salvation.



04 Apr 04
29 Jun 16

Originally posted by sonship
We thank the Lord that God has opened a practical way for us to fulfill our LONGING ... for the FOOD, the MILK of the word of God.

Why are YOU fighting against this ?

We thank God we have one of a number of ways to derive NOURISHMENT from the word of God which we LONG FOR. And [b] BY IT
.... BY WHAT? By IT we may grow UNTO salvation.
...[text shortened]... for tasting the Lord, and anti the word in order that Christians can grow unto salvation.[/b]
You encourage Christians to talk without acting, to talk without doing what they learn, to talk without obeying the teachings of the Bible, simply by focussing on the talk and being silent about the more important part of DOING. Most of your threads are along these lines. You have never started any thread about good works and obedience to the commandments of Jesus. In fact you have openly condemned good works and righteousness by stating that people who follow after these things are trying to earn their salvation and are enemies of the cross or an insult to Christ.

As for this milk story, it is clear you have failed to understand the purpose of the comparison between 'milk' and 'strong meat'. Here is the truth from Paul:

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat. For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (Hebrews 5:12-14 KJV)

Those who use 'Milk' are Christians who are learning the first principles of the oracles of God = the commandments of Jesus.

Those who use 'Strong Meat' are experienced Christians who have a good understanding of good and evil.

You, sad to say are in neither category. You dont proclaim the significance of the teachings of Jesus. Instead you peddle the false doctrine of some man from China. Neither do you have a good understanding of good and evil, because you think that if Christ died for you then sin and evil is of no consequence.

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03 Jan 13
29 Jun 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
You encourage Christians to talk without acting, to talk without doing what they learn, to talk without obeying the teachings of the Bible, simply by focussing on the talk and being silent about the more important part of DOING.

You did not provide the quotations from this thread to back up your accusations that I teach Christians to prayread and remain, ie. sinful, immature, underdeveloped.

Why instead of restating or adding more accusations did you not provide the QUOTATIONS to verify these things ?

Is it that you cannot find any so you simply re-state the accusations?

So you are good at FALSE accusations which you cannot verify.
Do you know who ELSE is good at doing that ?

Most of your threads are along these lines. You have never started any thread about good works and obedience to the commandments of Jesus.

I started the Thread The Constitution of the Kingdom. In that thread you are going to have more demand for obedience than you can handle.

But lately, I have left it unattended. Several talks going on here, I am in.

I don't see anyone much siding with you Rajk999. And when I DO see someone siding with you, it is a very questionable Christian disciple backing you.

I may write monologues but I think less people here stand with your approach.
You yourself complained about it.

It may be that the Atheist and Agnostics and Red Letter nominal Christians here find you as a useful dupe occasionally.

In fact you have openly condemned good works

Quotations please? A quotation where I openly condemned good works.
I probably condemned good works as a means of Justification - as the New Testament does.

" This only I wish to learn from you, Did you receive the Spirit out of the works of law or by the hearing of faith? " (Gal. 3:2)

They received the life giving Holy Spirit through the hearing of FAITH. Me too.

"He therefore who bountifully supplies to you the Spirit and does works of power among you, does He do it out of the works of law of out of the hearing of faith?" (Gal. 3:5)

He continually SUPPLIES the Holy Spirit to them and demonstrates powerful works changing their lives, by "the hearing of faith"

and righteousness by stating that people who follow after these things are trying to earn their salvation and are enemies of the cross or an insult to Christ.

Enemies of the cross of Christ are people who will not deny themselves. They are afraid that if they deny themselves they will have nothing LEFT.

The Christian has Jesus Christ LEFT OVER in him when he denies himself. For the Christian, to deny himself is to accept the work of the cross rather than to be its enemy. When the cross works on the self the Christian is not left with nothing. She or he is left with a trillion dollar gold treasure - Christ.

The enemy of the cross is the enemy of denying himself so that Christ may come forth from him.

Oh, prayreading can be an excellent way of denying the self and taking the cross. You are not standing on SELF but on the word of God, Amen-ing every line, trusting every line. You are even reminding God of every line in prayer.

Prayreading can be an effective way to ALLOW the cross to work.
And it allows resurrection to work also.

In the local churches we often love to sing this song:

God's own word must not be taken
Just as knowledge but as life,
Not alone God's thought conveying,
But Himself to us as life;
Not alone God's mind revealing,
But His Christ as life within,
Not alone the teaching giving,
But experience of Him.

It is only knowledge to us
If we in the letter read,
But when reading in the spirit
It is truly life indeed.
All the knowledge in the letter
Only brings us into death,
But the Word in spirit taken
Given to us the quickening breath.

If we miss the Lord in Scripture,
It is just as knowledge vain;
But when Christ we touch within it,
Then His life we may obtain.
When we read, the Lord not touching,
'Tis but mental stimulus;
But when Christ we touch by reading.
It becometh life in us.

[ Hymn 816 Living Strem Ministry Hymns, lyrics by Witness Lee ]



04 Apr 04
29 Jun 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonship
You encourage Christians to talk without acting, to talk without doing what they learn, to talk without obeying the teachings of the Bible, simply by focussing on the talk and being silent about the more important part of DOING.

You did not provide the quotations from this thread to back up your accusations that I teach Christians to pra ...[text shortened]... ife in us.

[ Hymn 816 Living Strem Ministry Hymns, lyrics by Witness Lee ] [/quote][/b]
Nobody siding with me?
You really know very little of what Christ said.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV)

Luke 13:24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

The Strait Gate is the way to eternal life. It is narrow and many would not be able to enter.

The Broad Gate is wide and is the way to destruction, and many will enter in at that way.

Followers of Jesus are few and far between.
You are your many supporters are going in at the broad way.

Buckle up .. its going to be bumpy ride 😀

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
30 Jun 16

If from the world you’re longing to be free,
Amen the Word of God!
If you would live in all reality,
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word receiving, His Word believing,
Amen the Word of God!
If with your sin and self you would be through,
Amen the Word of God!
If you would let the Lord your mind renew,
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word is living, life-power giving—
Amen the Word of God!
Christ as the land of Canaan is our lot—
Amen the Word of God!
If you would enter, harden not your heart—
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word discerns us, all that concerns us—
Amen the Word of God!
Jesus is coming, now He’s on His way—
Amen the Word of God!
Would you be ready if He comes today—
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word prepares us, to Jesus bears us—
Amen the Word of God!



04 Apr 04
30 Jun 16

Originally posted by sonship

[b] If from the world you’re longing to be free,
Amen the Word of God!
If you would live in all reality,
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
Amen the Word of God!
His Word receiving, His Word believing,
Amen the Word of God!
If with your sin and self you would be through,
Am ...[text shortened]... e Word of God!
His Word prepares us, to Jesus bears us—
Amen the Word of God!
More vain repetitions like the heathen, who think they will be heard for their much speaking. Do not be like them commanded Jesus. God knows what you need before you even ask. Therefore don't pray like that said Christ.

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03 Jan 13
30 Jun 16
3 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
More vain repetitions like the heathen, who think they will be heard for their much speaking. Do not be like them commanded Jesus. God knows what you need before you even ask. Therefore don't pray like that said Christ.
It is a SONG. You never heard of repeating words in the chorus of a song ?
And the melody was included so you could see HOW the repetitions fitted into the chorus.

What the matter with you ?
What is it with you anyway ?

Does every Christian have to come and double check with you when repetition is vain?
How about we let the Holy Spirit teach believers internally when repetition has become mechanical.

What's the matter? You don't think Christ can adequately be the Head of His church ?

Glorious repetition is seen in Psalm 136.

How many times does the Psalmist repeat - "For His lovingkindness is forever." ?
I count 26 repetitions of the phrase.

1.) Songs often have REPETITIONS of phrases, especially in the chorus.

2.) The Bible contains prayers and praises which have repetitions.

3.) The Lord said vain repetitions [/b] not simply repetitions. God knows each worshipper's heart.

But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. (Matt. 6:7)

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03 Jan 13
30 Jun 16
3 edits

The four living creatures repeat and repeat and repeat in Revelation 4. It is as if they have been so overcome with the glory of God that they can only repeat His praises.

At least that is the picture of the vision of John. And their repetitions must therefore not be VAIN like the Heathen.

" And the four living creatures, each one of them having six wings apiece, are full of eyes around and within;

and they have no rest day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God the Almighty, who was and who is and who is coming." (Rev. 4:8)

So why does Rajk999 condemn some lovers of Christ and His word for singing -

"Amen the Word of God.
Amen the Word of God.
Amen the Word of God! "

to melody in a song ?



04 Apr 04
30 Jun 16
2 edits

Originally posted by sonship
It is a [b] SONG. You never heard of repeating words in the chorus of a song ?
And the melody was included so you could see HOW the repetitions fitted into the chorus.

What the matter with you ?
What is it with you anyway ?

Does every Christian have to come and double check with you when repetition i ...[text shortened]... athen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. (Matt. 6:7) [/quote][/b]
Is this one also a hymn?

"You word is very pure, And Your servant loves it."

Then go back over the verse, breaking it up into smaller pieces, bite size pieces. And "Amen" the word of God !

"Your word .." Amen.
"Your word .." Amen Lord, Amen "Your word".

Your word is very pure" AMEN !
"Very pure" Amen. Lord
"Your word" Amen. " ... is very pure" Amen. "VERY" Amen Lord. "VERY PURE" Amen.

"Your word is very pure" Amen.
"PURE" Amen.
"VERY ... PURE" Amen ! Very pure Lord. Amen!

"And Your servant ..." Amen.
"And Your servant .." Amen Lord Jesus. I am Your servant.
"And Your servant LOVES .." Amen.
"And Your servant LOVES IT" Amen.
Your servant Lord. Your servant LOVES Your word Lord. Amen.

"Your word is very pure, And Your servant loves it" Amen.

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03 Jan 13
30 Jun 16
2 edits

Originally posted by Rajk999
Is this one also a hymn?

"You word is very pure, And Your servant loves it."

Then go back over the verse, breaking it up into smaller pieces, bite size pieces. And "Amen" the word of God !

"Your word .." Amen.
"Your word .." Amen Lord, Amen "Your word".

Your word is very pure" AMEN !
"Very pure" Amen. Lord
"Your word" Amen. " ... is ...[text shortened]... t LOVES Your word Lord. Amen.

"Your word is very pure, And Your servant loves it" Amen.
AMEN is another title for Jesus Christ.

"These things says the Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the beginning of the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14)

Some of us love to proclaim "Amen" to God's word. And we LOVE to call on Christ THE AMEN.

All the promises of God find their Yes and their Amen in Jesus Christ.

" For as many promises of God as there are, in Him is the Yes; therefore also through Him is the Amen to God, for glory through us to God." (2 Cor. 1:20)

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03 Jan 13
30 Jun 16

In prayreading the word of God it is important to be REAL.
I mean you are speaking from out of your heart and deep from your spirit.

In prayreading the word is is important to be LIVING.
You should touch the Holy Spirit who is Life and be LIVING and REAL.

In prayreading you should call your mind back from wondering TO the words of Scripture and TO your prayers. Prayreading while you mind is drifting off should be discouraged. You should have a sound mind set on the Spirit in your spirit.

And your MOUTH is useful to call your mind BACK again to the word from wondering.
It is the WORD that you are striking like a match to cause the flame in your inner being to flame up.

Prayreading is a good way to stir up the gift of God in you. It is a good way to fan into flame the spirit with the Holy Spirit within.

" For which cause I remind you to FAN INTO FLAME the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands." (2 Tim. 1:6)

The important point here is that the regenerated spirit which is made one with the Holy Spirit is like a flame. The Christian should want it glowing brightly. She should FAN into flame the gift of God.

Since the whole Bible is a prayer book and God breathed we can fan into flame the spiritual life within.

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03 Jan 13
05 Jul 16
1 edit

Prayreading the word of God is a good way to insure that your prayers are lined up with God's desire. Most of Christians' prayers are for themselves. Though God is merciful to answer many of this prayers He seeks those who will "minister to the Lord" seeking what God needs. These prayers do often represent legitimate human needs.

But who is really burdened for the need of God?

Why if you prayread the book of Ephesians your petitions and supplications may turn from you being the center to God's will in this universe being the center.

I believe it is josephw who loves the book of Ephesians. I think I have been impressed in the past to his references to some chapters in Ephesians.

Josephw, can you imagine what would happen to you if you spent each morning prayreading through even the first chapter of Ephesians for a week? I believe that mixing our reading and prayer of a book like Ephesians would uplift us and burden us with God's will, God's intention, and God's eternal purpose.

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03 Jan 13
14 Jul 16
1 edit

Testimonies from church history regarding Christians praying with the word of God.

A few samples from this website:

(AD 340-420)

Early Church Writer

"Let there be study of the Divine Word, mingled with prayer…. "

(AD 354-430)

Early Church Writer —

" I read that verse— 'I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep; for Thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety;' [Psalms 4:8] and, with a loud cry of my heart, I cried out, O “in peace!” O for the self-same! O, what said he, “I will lay me down and sleep?” I read, and kindled…"

(AD 185-254)

Early Church Writer

"And applying yourself thus to the divine study, seek aright, and with unwavering trust in God, the meaning of the holy Scriptures, which so many have missed. Be not satisfied with knocking and seeking; for prayer is of all things indispensable to the knowledge of the things of God. For to this the Saviour exhorted, and said not only, “Knock, and it shall be opened to you; and seek, and ye shall find,” but also, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you.”

Madame Guyon
(AD 1647-1717)

Christian Writer

“Praying the Scripture” is a unique way of dealing with the Scripture; it involves both reading and prayer….Be careful as you read. Take in fully, gently and carefully what you are reading. Taste it and digest it as you read. " (Guyon 7)

These and many other believers in the past had the practice of Prayreading or mixing thier reading of the Bible with their praying.