JW Question

JW Question



North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
what about Samson, was that passive suicide?
I've never understood how your organisation doesn't accept euthanasia or suicide yet deems it acceptable for someone to die as a result of refusing a blood transfusion.


26 Aug 07
16 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I've never understood how your organisation doesn't accept euthanasia or suicide yet deems it acceptable for someone to die as a result of refusing a blood transfusion.
have you ever considered the possibility that we DON'T WANT to die? that we quite like
life and want to live? 🙂


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
16 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
have you ever considered the possibility that we DON'T WANT to die? that we quite like
life and want to live? 🙂
Now you're just being silly.

Why is it acceptable for someone to needlessly die as a result of refusing a blood transfusion, yet someone who is dying a slow painful death from an incurable disease has to live out the remainder of their life in agony?


26 Aug 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Now you're just being silly.

Why is it acceptable for someone to needlessly die as a result of refusing a blood transfusion, yet someone who is dying a slow painful death from an incurable disease has to live out the remainder of their life in agony?
the difference is my dear friend, that we shall do everything possible to sustain life,
short of a blood transfusion, clearly this is not the case with someone who is suffering
through a terminal illness and who wants to end their life.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
the difference is my dear friend, that we shall do everything possible to sustain life,
short of a blood transfusion, clearly this is not the case with someone who is suffering
through a terminal illness and who wants to end their life.
Therein lies the contradiction - You find it acceptable for someone who can be saved to die, but find it unacceptable for someone who can't be saved to die.


26 Aug 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Therein lies the contradiction - You find it acceptable for someone who can be saved to die, but find it unacceptable for someone who can't be saved to die.
yes, because life and blood are sacrosanct to God, not for the taking.


North of the Tamar

02 Feb 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
yes, because life and blood are sacrosanct to God, not for the taking.
Nothing more than hypocrisy in my eyes. It reinforces my position that the sooner this fundamentalist nonsense is gone the better.

You claim self-determination. What a joke.


26 Aug 07
16 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by Proper Knob
Nothing more than hypocrisy in my eyes. It reinforces my position that the sooner this fundamentalist nonsense is gone the better.

You claim self-determination. What a joke.
no hypocrisy me dear PK, your becoming more militant in your old age. Why do you
think the government of the United Kingdom doesn't see it your way, after all, our
stance is not illegal, in contrast to euthanasia. Is the government also guilty of

I have explained why our claim to self determination is both valid and relative, its no


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Dec 11

We have to look at this from God's viewpoint. I've posted this before but God says "the life or soul of a person is in it's blood". Blood is simply noy just a liquid that flows thru our bodies. Of course it carrys oxygen and many other vital things we need to live. But there is so much more to blood that most don't know. As the Bible says it is "the soul" of the person it's in. You have to realize that this is the reason God would never approve of the soul of one person being transfused into another. This is stepping beyond God's design of life and the sanctity of it. We are not God and have no authority to do what this.

Here are some links that all of you should look up and think about this. These are just a few of many that I found.





This is an interesting forum that I found............


I can also testify that this transfer of personalities can happen as a very close frind of mine who ((was)) a JW and one who I grew up with. He had a court ordered blood transfusion done to him when he was 16 because of a serious injury from a car accident.
Within just a few days after he recovered he told his parents how upset he was that the courts did this too him. But an odd thing happened, he said he was craving a cigarette. He had never smoked ever but now all he could think about was wanting a cigarette.
Well that's explianable as the donor no doubt smoked. But as time went on Perry always felt something was no right as his personality seemed different and it's somethng a few of us could see.
He did hang on though and remained an active JW and eventually became a servant in the congregation. But....things were never the same with Perry and eventually he couldn't fight it anymore and left the congregation and basically went crazy and did comment suicide. I think he was 32. I lost a real friend.
It does happen that things will change although most or very little but you will pick up the soul of the donor.
This is not normal to have another persons blood or organs in your body and Jehovah knew this when he gave that command to abstain from blood.

As far as the Watchtower society expressing that blood fractions can be used if one decides to do that is the Watchtower Society says it's up to ones own conscience if they decide to do that. It has never said it is the right thing to do and you have our blessings. It is still a very, very questionable thing to do and if one decides on their own to do that it will still be an issue that one will have to answer to God about.
I personally would not accept that ever......


24 Apr 05
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
have you ever considered the possibility that we DON'T WANT to die? that we quite like
life and want to live? 🙂
Right, your problem is not that you have a death wish. It's that you are ignorant and fundamentalist. We know this already....


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by LemonJello
Right, your problem is not that you have a death wish. It's that you are ignorant and fundamentalist. We know this already....
Comments like this show how little you really know both with the physical dangers and more importantly the spiritual aspect of God's view.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by Proper Knob
I've never understood how your organisation doesn't accept euthanasia or suicide yet deems it acceptable for someone to die as a result of refusing a blood transfusion.
Uh I think most people don't accept those things. Why point the finger just at us?


26 Aug 07
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by galveston75
Comments like this show how little you really know both with the physical dangers and more importantly the spiritual aspect of God's view.
Lol, dont worry, it seems that hatred is all he can manage at the present, perhaps he
may, given time, overcome his inner daemons and reach a mutual understanding.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
16 Dec 11

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, dont worry, it seems that hatred is all he can manage at the present, perhaps he
may, given time, overcome his inner daemons and reach a mutual understanding.
Probably if the JW's said we didn't like the color blue they'd hate us for that too.


24 Apr 05
16 Dec 11
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Lol, dont worry, it seems that hatred is all he can manage at the present, perhaps he
may, given time, overcome his inner daemons and reach a mutual understanding.
Not sure where in the world you got the idea that I hate you. I feel sorry for both of you, in your impoverished, ignorant, childish, fundamentalist views. And I think some of your fundamentalist views are not only unfortunate but also dangerous. And I also think you, in particular, are very intellectually disingenuous.

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