Attributes of God

Attributes of God


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28 Oct 05
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
When I say a tumor is bad it is because I believe that a child’s life should be free from that. Any condemnation of tumors has to come from a place where we can point to what should be not just I don’t like that.
Where is your condemnation of the babies' brain tumours created by your God figure then? Why haven't you condemned it? Is your moral compass not working?


28 Oct 05
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
You are twisting my words I wasn’t calling you or anyone out, merely speaking about how we (me included) treat each other.
I am not "twisting" anything. I am merely responding to what you said to me.


28 Oct 05
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
Having our creator tell us how to walk properly we can see the results of both doing it or not.
So if people "walk properly" as your God figure tells them to, no more brain tumours for babies, is that it?


15 Jun 10
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
I said we are free to do what we will and want comes from that are the consequences of our choices.
What 'choices' does a three year old child have who is dying from a brain tumour, given to him by genetic manipulation by your god for the sins of others?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Jul 22

@indonesia-phil said
What 'choices' does a three year old child have who is dying from a brain tumour, given to him by genetic manipulation by your god for the sins of others?
The good and bad are common to all of us, you are suggesting specific things should not occur to specific individuals. Why?

Do you think when it rains only the just should receive the benefits, or when the sun shines only the righteous not the evil should be able to see it? You have criteria for what should be allowed and not when we do things that the consequences should be eradicated if they are not to your liking?

With a stance that there are no good choices or evil because those are both only opinions why complain about anything or suggest one view is acceptable or not?

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Jul 22

@fmf said
So if people "walk properly" as your God figure tells them to, no more brain tumours for babies, is that it?
Well work this out if sex was saved for marriage only, would we see STD as the problem we see today and all that follows from infidelity, disease, and everything else?


16 Feb 08
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
Well work this out if sex was saved for marriage only, would we see STD as the problem we see today and all that follows from infidelity, disease, and everything else?
Why not answer FMF’s question ?

20 May 16
20 Jul 22

@fmf said
Where is your condemnation of the babies' brain tumours created by your God figure then? Why haven't you condemned it? Is your moral compass not working?
So since bad things happen in the world God isn’t real or he is twisted? God works in many directions from all experiences in life giving strength, love, and a path to walk and heal. My youngest son Nathan passed in my arms almost nine hours after birth from a brain defect. The whole time all the doctors were worried about was getting rid of him even after our feelings were known. The time he had in the womb and after as a family were a blessing from God. This is time I would have never had and we have no regrets of not aborting or blame in the direction you seek to twist.


16 Feb 08
20 Jul 22

@mike69 said
So since bad things happen in the world God isn’t real or he is twisted?
This is what FMF is asking you.


15 Jun 10
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
The good and bad are common to all of us, you are suggesting specific things should not occur to specific individuals. Why?

Do you think when it rains only the just should receive the benefits, or when the sun shines only the righteous not the evil should be able to see it? You have criteria for what should be allowed and not when we do things that the consequences shoul ...[text shortened]... e those are both only opinions why complain about anything or suggest one view is acceptable or not?
The point is that for me and others, genetic inheritance is nothing but a natural process, during which 'mistakes' (and I don't mean conscious mistakes) occur, which often result in a negative outcome such as a brain tumour, bone deformation, cerebral palsy, and countless other problems which can result in horrible lives for those affected and those around them. Nature is amoral and uncaring.

You attribute such things to the divine intervention of your particular god, which brings a moral element into the equation. According to you, people suffer from such horrendous, genetically inherited problems because other people, or human society in general, aren't/isn't doing that which your god thinks they/it should do. People suffer for the 'sins' of others, and to use your analogy, it should in fact only 'rain' in this regard on the unrighteous, but of course it doesn't, does it; the 'good' suffer equally to the 'bad'. A serial killer may give birth to a perfectly heathy child, whilst a person who steps over ants may give birth to our kid with a brain tumour, so where is the 'moral' justification in that? What in this context is the point in leading the best life that you can?

What I and others are asking you to do is to explain why your 'only good and righteous' god deliberately causes suffering to the innocent (a child at the point of conception) . You have made a conscious decision to move from the neutral, natural position, you believe that your god controls all things, and what I and others are asking you to do is to justify that position, and to tell us what moral and ethical justification there is for you to worship such a god.

Walk your Faith


24 May 04
20 Jul 22

@divegeester said
Why not answer FMF’s question ?
I did according to the things I have been saying. A specific hypothetical child is not what I have been addressing, the hypothetical question pre-assumes she has been judged and given a tumor by God so at the heart of that question assumes God has done something unjust.

20 May 16
20 Jul 22

@divegeester said
This is what FMF is asking you.
I think I answered how I feel?


16 Feb 08
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
I did according to the things I have been saying.
Of course you didn’t, don’t be silly.


16 Feb 08
20 Jul 22

@mike69 said
I think I answered how I feel?
I’m sure you did.


28 Oct 05
20 Jul 22

@kellyjay said
Well work this out if sex was saved for marriage only, would we see STD as the problem we see today and all that follows from infidelity, disease, and everything else?
If you believe STDs were created by your God figure as a punishment, then so be it. But this doesn't answer the question I posed: if people "walk properly" as your God figure tells them to, will there be no more brain tumours for babies?

And here's a follow-up: are "people who walk properly as your God figure tells you to" spared punishment with brain tumours in their babies?