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Buzz Aldrin admits moon landing scam

Buzz Aldrin admits moon landing scam


@sonhouse said
We SEE it because of the laser photon returns giving a near exact distance to the moon. They use five of them, two Russian and two Apollo.
Knock of the "we" crap. You didn't see anything.

@metal-brain said
Knock of the "we" crap. You didn't see anything.
"We" as in "humankind" or "the experts in the fields" is a quite comon expression.

And this is an ad hominem attack which is not proving that you have any point at all.

By the way: Do you believe, that tehre were humans on the moon?

@ponderable said
"We" as in "humankind" or "the experts in the fields" is a quite comon expression.

And this is an ad hominem attack which is not proving that you have any point at all.

By the way: Do you believe, that tehre were humans on the moon?
Once gain, I do not know.

It isn't that I don't think NASA was capable of sending men to the moon, but getting them back alive without getting gut cancer and other health problems is another matter. They had to go outside the earths magnetic filed to do that and there is no protection from cosmic radiation there. The radiation passing through the Van Allen belts is even greater and since it is a 2 way trip they had to go through it twice.

How much radiation is there going through the Van Allen belts and outside the belts? If you can prove it is not too much radiation I will accept man walked on the moon.

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Why are you so intellectually lazy you can't google that question?



Total dose was TWO RADS when it takes HUNDREDS of Rads to kill.
Can you understand THAT at least?

See the last sentence in this article, going though thinner parts of the belts and at high speed limits the radiation damage. Apollo 14 flew through the max radiation belt but at a high rate of speed also. What part of high speed flight through the belt do you not understand?

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@sonhouse said
Why are you so intellectually lazy you can't google that question?



Total dose was TWO RADS when it takes HUNDREDS of Rads to kill.
Can y ...[text shortened]... at a high rate of speed also. What part of high speed flight through the belt do you not understand?
That is only the Van Allen belts. What about outside them and the duration of exposer? You have only addressed part of the problem, yet you pretend you addressed everything.

Why didn't Buzz get gut cancer?

Here is an excerpt from the link below:

"Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) in Washington, DC have been studying how ionizing radiation may affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in humans to better prepare astronauts to make long-duration trips across the solar system.

On such missions, astronauts will be exposed to radiation from a number of different sources and, currently, there are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out."


It says there are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out. Have your buddies at NASA solved that problem yet?

It clearly makes no difference what evidence we provide, you will AUTOTMATICALLY poo poo all of it. What part of TWO RADS do you not understand? Are you saying you think, Ok, they got through the belts but space itself is FULL of deadly radiation.


There are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out. Have your buddies at NASA solved that problem yet? Of course not. You never worked for NASA. You are just a liar.

I was at Goddard for several years and there is nothing you can do to change that.
I lived in Fredricksburg VA and did a 50 mile one way commute.
I see you didn't answer my question, what is the source of your information?
If going through the Van Allen belts gives a couple of rads, and we know it is a high radiation level, why can't you put two and two together and realize outside of the belts the radiation is a lot lower or does that not compute, you think the radiation on the way to the moon is worse than the Van Allens? If as you say, you don't know, why do you continue to dispute all of this since you clearly have not researched the issue yourself, only waiting for everyone else to do your searching for you.

@sonhouse said
I was at Goddard for several years and there is nothing you can do to change that.
I lived in Fredricksburg VA and did a 50 mile one way commute.
I see you didn't answer my question, what is the source of your information?
If going through the Van Allen belts gives a couple of rads, and we know it is a high radiation level, why can't you put two and two toge ...[text shortened]... have not researched the issue yourself, only waiting for everyone else to do your searching for you.
A lot lower or just lower?

Exposer to radiation is a lot longer outside of the Van Allen belt on a trip to the moon. But you knew that, so why are you pretending it is not relevant?

On such missions, astronauts will be exposed to radiation from a number of different sources and, currently, there are no effective methods of blocking that radiation out."


How long before the radiation ruins people's health? 1 week on the moon? 1 month on the moon? What is the estimate?

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That is his MO. He argues for the sake of argument, he cares less about our response or actually learning anything. Whatever we bring up in evidence to whatever he is spewing, when we show the evidence, he just moves the goalpost, case in point, I showed him the speed they go through the Van Allen belts keeps the total radiation absorbed to 2 Rads but then it was well what about the radiation in space, they flew a lot longer through that, not satisfied with us answering his main charge, that you die when you go through the Van Allen belts, I doubt he even looked at the links I provided.

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