What if the earth was actually flat?

What if the earth was actually flat?


A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
25 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
But I don't feel in the slightest bit threatened, josephw. Don't you get what's been going on? Indeed, I find FreakyKBH's dark mutterings about the "physical reality" of his prowess and inclination to resort to physical violence - on an internet message board - to be utterly laughable. You should go back and read his posts.
Not physically you don't. But in your mind you're trying desperately to escape the fear of taking a beating. 😉


08 Mar 11
25 May 16
1 edit

FreakyKBH's point is essentially that some people on the internet act in ways they'd be too cowardly to repeat in person. This is true. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have been surprised by the sheer depth of vileness and depravity people display online.

Human beings filter themselves in real life for good reason. Those reasons would be equally as good on the internet, in addition to making it a more pleasant environment.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
25 May 16

Originally posted by vivify
FreakyKBH's point is essentially that some people on the internet act in ways they'd be too cowardly to repeat in person. This is true. If it wasn't, we wouldn't be have been surprised by the sheer depth of vileness and depravity people display online.

Human beings filter themselves in real life for good reason. Those reasons would be equally as good on the internet, in addition to making it a more pleasant environment.
I agree. Also, there are some that are genuine and in no need of "filtering" themselves before anyone.

I'm not one of those. I filter myself a lot. Otherwise I would be a good deal more offensive than I already am, especially around here. 😉


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
25 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
Of course I would. We've "established" no such thing. You're just being silly. Your online threats of violence are risible. 😉
Again, it's not a threat; it's a fact.
People don't act in real life in the same manner you do online... at least, not for very long.
I know you're butt-hurt having someone call you out on being such a douche, but if you don't want the label, there's a sure-fire way to avoid the moniker: quit acting like one.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
25 May 16

Originally posted by vivify
FreakyKBH's point is essentially that some people on the internet act in ways they'd be too cowardly to repeat in person. This is true. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have been surprised by the sheer depth of vileness and depravity people display online.

Human beings filter themselves in real life for good reason. Those reasons would be equally as good on the internet, in addition to making it a more pleasant environment.
Well put.
Not to sound overly Rodney King-ish, but can't we all just get along?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
25 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Well put.
Not to sound overly Rodney King-ish, but can't we all just get along?
I love getting along, "as much as lieth in me". 😉


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
People don't act in real life in the same manner you do online... at least, not for very long.
Do you think people act in real life in the same manner you do online?


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by vivify
FreakyKBH's point is essentially that some people on the internet act in ways they'd be too cowardly to repeat in person. This is true. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have been surprised by the sheer depth of vileness and depravity people display online.

Human beings filter themselves in real life for good reason. Those reasons would be equally as good on the internet, in addition to making it a more pleasant environment.
If you mean people like FreakyKBH wouldn't be threatening to beat people up in real life like he does here online from time to time (and as he did on about page 38 onwards on the "Flat Earth" thread), then I imagine you are right. 🙂


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Again, it's not a threat; it's a fact.
People don't act in real life in the same manner you do online... at least, not for very long.I know you're butt-hurt having someone call you out on being such a douche, but if you don't want the label, there's a sure-fire way to avoid the moniker: quit acting like one.
You trying to insult me online by calling me names doesn't "hurt" me at all. You're daft if you think it does.

And your talk of dishing out violence if ever we were to meet in person ~ due to my "putrid prose" or whatever it was you've been wittering on about ~ doesn't actually feel threatening at all ~ regardless of whether you huff and puff about it being "a fact" or a "physical reality" .

I think you have made a bit of a fool of yourself. And I think vivify has pointed out the reason why. 😉


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
You trying to insult me online by calling me names doesn't "hurt" me at all. You're daft if you think it does.

And your talk of dishing out violence if ever we were to meet in person ~ due to my "putrid prose" or whatever it was you've been wittering on about ~ doesn't actually feel threatening at all ~ regardless of whether you huff and puff about it being ...[text shortened]... you have made a bit of a fool of yourself. And I think vivify has pointed out the reason why. 😉
Your comfort lies in the knowledge you will never leave the sanctity and security of your adopted land and therefore will never have to face the consequences of your pathetic online persona.
I don't call you names to injure; I am merely calling a spade a spade... or, in your case, a guttersnipe a guttersnipe.
Despite your spinning otherwise, cogent thought on the topic is what I've said all along:
Some people act online in a manner wholly at odds with their real life behavior.
You are such a person described.


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I don't call you names to injure; I am merely calling a spade a spade... or, in your case, a guttersnipe a guttersnipe.
You calling people names on this message board means no more than it does when robbie carrobie calls people names. On some level, you must surely be aware of this.


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Your comfort lies in the knowledge you will never leave the sanctity and security of your adopted land and therefore will never have to face the consequences of your pathetic online persona.
Look I get it that you don't like some of my posts and you want to make this clear to me and to everyone and do so ostentatiously. I get all that.

But threats? All this muttering about "consequences" and silly allusions to violence? Oh dear.

Why don't you identify some specific posts of mine that you claim would cause you to physically assault me if you had the opportunity? I asked you before but, of course, you dodged the question.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
Look I get it that you don't like some of my posts and you want to make this clear to me and to everyone and do so ostentatiously. I get all that.

But threats? All this muttering about "consequences" and silly allusions to violence? Oh dear.

Why don't you identify some specific posts of mine that you claim would cause you to physically assault me if you had the opportunity? I asked you before but, of course, you dodged the question.
Oh dear, indeed.
I couldn't give two chits about your posts in general.
As anyone with a base line of skill can observe, the majority of people on this site couldn't either.
Where you get yourself into the tittie twister you find yourself now, is when you go after the person with whom you are sparring in a manner which is the equivalent of insulting for the purpose of inciting.
As I've already pointed out, it's so painfully obvious you lack anything resembling the physicality required to behave in such a brutish manner, no one here really takes you serious.
You're just a sad widdle man, aren't you?


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
As I've already pointed out, it's so painfully obvious you lack anything resembling the physicality required to behave in such a brutish manner, no one here really takes you serious.
I lack "the physicality required"? What on earth are you really on about? Surely this is just you making threats of violence again?


28 Oct 05
26 May 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
[b]I couldn't give two chits about your posts in general./b]
So your threats to beat me up are not linked to any specific posts? They are just a "general" threat that you are issuing, is that right?

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