What if the earth was actually flat?

What if the earth was actually flat?


Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
28 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
You abhor it? And yet you have intervened with son-of-internet-tough-guy-talk of your own. FreakyKBH will presumably be impressed by your endorsement. 😀
So you want me to postulate what the moon would look like, how much sky would it take up, how many degrees it would look at 10,000 miles. I gather you don't have enough arithmetic to do it yourself, so 20,000 mile diameter, X Pi, 62800 odd miles around and if the moon was 2100 miles in diameter it would cover about 12 degrees in the sky from the POV of Earth. So I think you want it to look like it would as we see it on Earth so it would have to be about 24 times smaller to cover only 1/2 degree we see now. So here comes that nasty math again, Watch closely ok, 2100 miles divide by 24 and we get a moon 87 miles across but looks the same as it would from Earth and it was 2100 miles across and 240,000 miles away. So now you have your 90 mile diameter moon. But the problem there is Earth tides. The moon does the tide thing, perhaps you have heard of tides, if not google them. The moon would not have the same effect on tides which are a world wide effect. if it was 10,000 miles away any tidal effects would be more localized with max tides under the moon but since it is only 10,000 miles from Earth and Earth is 8000 odd miles wide the gravity field of the moon would die down a lot closer and so at closest approach would have gravity X but at the edges of Earth it would have something like half the gravity compared to straight down under the moon.

I suppose that is too esoteric for you mind but there ii is. That is my analysis, did not have to cut and paste anything because I had a decent scientific education so I actually know such things as the inverse square law.

Besides, if the moon was only 90 miles across and 10K miles away from Earth that fact would have been established centuries ago.

So now you have to diss yet another science, Astronomy, to keep your bubble from bursting.

200 years ago they couldn't possibly have been smart enough to tell if a moon was 90 miles across and 10K miles away V a 2000 mile wide moon a quarter million miles away. Nah, NOBODY could be that intelligent could they.

Only YOU have the amazing intellect to show us idiots we have been wrong for hundreds, no, a few thousand years.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16
2 edits

Originally posted by FMF
You abhor it? And yet you have intervened with son-of-internet-tough-guy-talk of your own. FreakyKBH will presumably be impressed by your endorsement. 😀
That's right.

Why are you so worried about "tough guy" stuff? Aren't you tough enough to handle it? Did somebody beat you up, and now you're mad about not being tough enough not to cry over it? 😉

Hell, I've had the stuffing knocked out of me. So what? You win some, and you lose some. Why don't you just let it go?


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
28 May 16

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you want me to postulate what the moon would look like, how much sky would it take up, how many degrees it would look at 10,000 miles. I gather you don't have enough arithmetic to do it yourself, so 20,000 mile diameter, X Pi, 62800 odd miles around and if the moon was 2100 miles in diameter it would cover about 12 degrees in the sky from the POV of Ear ...[text shortened]... e amazing intellect to show us idiots we have been wrong for hundreds, no, a few thousand years.
Read it again and give it another whack.
Not even close.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
So you want me to postulate what the moon would look like, how much sky would it take up, how many degrees it would look at 10,000 miles. I gather you don't have enough arithmetic to do it yourself, so 20,000 mile diameter, X Pi, 62800 odd miles around and if the moon was 2100 miles in diameter it would cover about 12 degrees in the sky from the POV of Ear ...[text shortened]... e amazing intellect to show us idiots we have been wrong for hundreds, no, a few thousand years.
Sonhouse, you brag too much. Nobody knows what you're talking about. 😉

Well, I don't anyway.


28 Oct 05
28 May 16

Originally posted by josephw
Why are you so worried about "tough" stuff? Aren't you tough enough to handle it? Did somebody beat you up, and now you're mad about not being tough enough not to cry over it?
You still don't get it. I'm not worried about it. But I am interested by FreakyKBH's behaviour. Not in the way he'd like it to be found interesting, though. You seem to like it, I note. So perhaps you're the kind of poster who makes up his intended audience.


28 Oct 05
28 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
Hell, I've had the stuffing knocked out of me. So what? You win some, and you lose some. Why don't you just let it go?
Which of my posts do you think "deserve" threats of actual violence "in real life"? You still have not said.


28 Oct 05
28 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
Freaky hasn't actually threatened you with a beating at all. I think what he was driving at is that in real life, as apposed to this environment, you would not conduct yourself as you do here because in real life you would indeed get "beat up" for it.
Again. Which posts of mine are you referring to? Sorry for the repetition, but you seem to be trying to distance yourself from things you said only a page or two ago.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
Which of my posts do you think "deserve" threats of actual violence "in real life"? You still have not said.
None that I know of. I don't pay that kind of attention to the bologna around here.

But I can assure you of this. You could get your ars kicked for no reason at all in some places. 😉

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
Again. Which posts of mine are you referring to? Sorry for the repetition, but you seem to be trying to distance yourself from things you said only a page or two ago.
All of them. 😉


28 Oct 05
28 May 16

Originally posted by josephw
But I can assure you of this. You could get your ars kicked for no reason at all in some places. 😉
So is this what you think FreakyKBH is really on about? That he's just making general silly online threats of violence because that's what internet tough guys the world over do? Bear mind, he has dodged nominating specific posts too. Do you think he's threatening violence "for no reason at all", as you put it, aside from the fact he gets a kick out of it?


28 Oct 05
28 May 16

Originally posted by josephw
All of them. 😉
This is a dodge josephw. You specifically claimed - on page 8 - that I would get beaten up for things I post. Asked to be more specific, you simply dodge.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
So is [b]this what you think FreakyKBH is really on about? That he's just making general silly online threats of violence because that's what internet tough guys the world over do? Bear mind, he has dodged nominating specific posts too. Do you think he's threatening violence "for no reason at all", as you put it, aside from the fact he gets a kick out of it?[/b]
You'll have to ask him.

But, if you really want to know what I think, if you talked the way you do in these forums out in the street, you'd get your mouth smashed, even if you really didn't think you deserved it.

I think that was Freaky's point. I don't believe you were ever actually threatened no matter how you frame it.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
28 May 16

Originally posted by FMF
This is a dodge josephw. You specifically claimed - on page 8 - that I would get beaten up for things I post. Asked to be more specific, you simply dodge.
Geez dude! All of us would get beaten up for the crap we say! Let it go FMF.


28 Oct 05
28 May 16

Originally posted by josephw
Geez dude! All of us would get beaten up for the crap we say! Let it go FMF.
But I am not talking about you, josephw, or "we". Which stuff that I say - be specific - do you think warrants FreakyKBH's explicit and pointed threats of violence? If you now want to disown things you said a page or two ago, just say so. But in the meantime, why not substantiate what you said in defence of FreakyKBH. You claimed you "abhor" his kind of posting and yet you seem to be just as evasive as he has been since called upon to nominate the supposed 'beating'-trigger posts. 😉


28 Oct 05
28 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
But, if you really want to know what I think, if you talked the way you do in these forums out in the street, you'd get your mouth smashed, even if you really didn't think you deserved it.
By whom?

Can you give me an example of the 'way I talk' that would - according to you - get my "mouth smashed"?

I haven't seen you say "if you talked the way you do in these forums out in the street, you'd get your mouth smashed" to anyone else on this forum. Do you think it applies to FreakyKBH too?

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