22 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidYou don't know me, you know nothing about me, stop presuming you do. You're always predictably wrong.
I think she goes a bit further than speaking up for herself.
Some would call her rude, I say she is just being herself probably the same way out in the real world too, or could be completely different timid and afraid.
@suzianne saidWhen this RHP ladies night hits the Tavern it's gonna be a big night!
She still might be in there, perhaps with a little enticement she could be tempted. It's never too late, you know...
22 Oct 20
@suzianne saidAll I can know is what you say, and from what I can see you have had issues in the past on your self-esteem which you were able to conquer congrats on that, but don't pick at people makes you look like a bully. Going after me all the time, where does that get you exept for a few thumbs up? Now, that I know you a little bit, I am looking at you in a whole different light. You may find showing a little kindness along the way goes a long way!
You don't know me, you know nothing about me, stop presuming you do. You're always predictably wrong.
@torunn saidI understand. Making your own peace with the world is its own reward.
Thanks for your nice words, Suzie, but most things are too late for me. It's not that I have given up, it's just that I can't change much now for many reasons.
Maybe a new hobby? Passion comes from many sources.
22 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidYou'd make more friends if only you knew when to shut up.
Torunn not answering the question doesn't make it go away, just makes more questions.
@suzianne saidWhat makes you think I am here to make friends?....I don't really have plans on meeting anyone. Perhaps you should learn to stop telling people to shut up, as I've seen you in debates I know I am not the only one you say that too, and usually when you are on the wrong end of a bantering session.
You'd make more friends if only you knew when to shut up.
22 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidI call them as I see them, Rusty.
Suzie Q, insults people nothing to do with self-esteem that I can see. I think you're more of a lady and don't mind saying so in the Public forum.
Most men really aren't that different from each other, it is often only a matter of degree. And "being a lady" doesn't have much to do with that. Men are still men.
22 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidYou mocking PTSD now?
Well that certainly does explain alot about you. Perhaps I should take it easy on you in the future!
Is that where you're at?
22 Oct 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidLOL@ goad, don't try twisting words!
You mocking PTSD now?
Is that where you're at?
It just isn't going to work or are you going to get an answer as it is a silly question to being with.
22 Oct 20
@neilarini saidI may not call giving up a failure but it certainly takes more strength to fight it.
Giving up is failure. Refusing to give up defines who we really are.
22 Oct 20
@very-rusty saidDepends on your personal definition of a lady, doesn't it?
What qualities make you a lady Suzie Q?
I might not want to match your picture of a lady.
I think, given what women put up with from men, that all women should be automatically given the same respect that comes with the word 'lady'. Your definition is far from the only one. In my definition, two X chromosomes is enough.
22 Oct 20
@neilarini saidYes, I've heard it that 'It matters not how many times you get knocked down. What's important is how many times you get back up.'
Giving up is failure. Refusing to give up defines who we really are.