@earl-of-trumps saidSo does this mean it might have been Alfred who hired Joe Chill to kill Thomas Wayne?
Alfred: I don't get it. Everyone's scoring on the beach but me! What's wrong!?
Thomas: Al, ditch those baggy cargo pants, get yourself a speedo, and put a potato in the speedo.
Alfred: Thanks, I'll try it.
[next day]
Alfred: Thomas, what gives? Everyone laughed at me and turned away in disgust!
Thomas: [sigh] The potato goes in the *front*, Alfred, in the front!
Not to be a Batman revisionist, BUT . . .
@suzianne saidWell, it's something, isn't it? 😉
This is why people refer to America as a "melting pot".
We have 200 (picking a number out of the air) cultures, and each one is part of America's culture.
@ponderable saidIt's okay, Ponderable. Don't worry about your joke. It's fine. 😉
And the joke was?
The teachers asks: "Why does the blood flow into my head when i am upside down, but not in my feet when I stand upright?"
"Because your feet are not hollow."
(OK. sceintifically correct, the fluid does flow to the feet when standing upright, and people sufrfreing from varisose veins know that, but is it funny?)
@gambrel saidI mostly gave this joke a TU just for nostalgia's sake.
Two Englishmen struck up a conversation with an American in the club
car of a train headed east out of Chicago.
Train culture, book culture, landline culture -- their passing has in a way diminished our lives and fiction in general.
@orangutan saidCutting 😆 😆
Why did Will Smith use an open hand?
... everyone knows paper beats Rock
28 Mar 22
@orangutan saidI'm just glad Chris Rock didn't say something about Alec Baldwin's wife.
Why did Will Smith use an open hand?
... everyone knows paper beats Rock
29 Mar 22
A hotel guest in Manilla comes down to reception to make a few requests about the room he has just checked in to.
"The minibar is empty. I'd like it stocked."
"Very good, sir."
"I need help adjusting the air conditioning".
"Of course. We'll send our handyman up."
"Could I arrange it so that no calls are put through to the phone in the room?"
"Right you are."
"And I'd like the porn disabled."
"All our porn is just regular porn, you creep!"