10 Dec 20
@Earl-of-Trumps saidLast I heard they were investigating, apparently the Wheels didn't drop and the manual they use for backup didn't work so they ended up doing a hard landing and the plane tilted to one side and caught fire. Minor injuries were reported. So thankfully no loss of life!!! You can bet there will be a Major Investigation into that one!!! The fire was extinguished quickly.
hey Rusty,
did they figure out what caused that crash landing at Halifax airport yet?
I haven't seen a de Havilland plane in a long time
@Very-Rusty - You can bet there will be a Major Investigation into that one!!!
Exactly. Possible sabotage.
@Earl-of-Trumps saidI am quite doubtful about sabotage.
@Very-Rusty - You can bet there will be a Major Investigation into that one!!!
Exactly. Possible sabotage.
I believe it was just mechanical failure.
@Earl-of-Trumps saiddang ole canadian terrorists
Possible sabotage.
messin with the global economy
@rookie54 saidThe only terrorists would be the mechanics who didn't check the plane thoroughly in my humble opinion. You know about as much as I do about what happened until there is an Investigation which I think will say mechanical Failure.
dang ole canadian terrorists
messin with the global economy