the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


st johnstone

14 Nov 09
10 Nov 22

Wow 52 days till its 2023 for everyone
Unless you're m55 then it's 2016 again.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Nov 22
1 edit

@mghrn55 said
Since you like to talk so much about us....
How about you ??

With Metallica, you had just under 1600 wins and somewhere between 1000-1100 losses. Let's go with 1000.
Win to loss ratio is 1.6 wins per loss (1600÷1000)
Today with Breaking Bad
You have 238W 125L
Win to loss ratio is 1.9 wins per loss (238÷125)

How are your matches balanced ??
With Metallica I had just over 1600 wins in 13 years. I can live with 1000-1100 loses, several hundred of those loses over the 13 years were to close games where people were dragging them out and usually asked to do so by my Clan Leader at the time not you.
You know about my Medical history therefore the small win loss ratio should make perfect sense to anyone thinking rationally. I've also been working very hard on my game, unlike some others who let their rating coast around 1000 and below. I think we all know who I am talking about here don't we? I was winning a little over 100 games a year with Metallica and appears I am going to be around the same with my new Clan Breaking Bad. providing my health holds up. Not much difference between 1.6 and 1.9 and keep in mind have only been with breaking bad since June 21, 2021.
I have been working very hard to improve my game getting beat up in the "Ghost Chamber by higher rated players, but also learning at the same time. Knowing my past Health History, you could be congratulating me on my efforts to get my rating back up, rather than trying to put me down for it. I've made a hell of a come back from some serious medical issues.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
10 Nov 22

@shortcircuit said
The caliber of the competition he is paired against is not as strong as when he played for Metallica. That is an easy answer.
I am not the player I once was but am working as I said very hard to get back there. As you said yourself you weren't going to match your player who was sick against a higher rated player as he wasn't at that level yet. Well just happens to be the same in my case, but I am working to get back there, and providing I have no more health issues I intend on making it. One plays the the caliber of competition he/she is capable of playing.


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
10 Nov 22

@vespin said
Everyone knows you are liar. Don't hide it. Say it blubber head. I know every player and can tell you exactly why their rating is what is.

Your matches are such garbage, it's amazing you get mathes at all. When I had Bob and Legna, the two best players I ever had, they were not even 1800 in rating. And they played to win. They would not even resign a game to end a matc ...[text shortened]... Fatty foods are common for you. I saw your picture.

I am proud of all my players. And myself.
I am surprised you haven't been run over by a bus.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
10 Nov 22

@vespin said
You back nothing. You are going to lose so you start trouble and pray to the God of fatty foods some one will listen to you. Problem is our team for the last eight years, have never crossed a line. We worked hard and got better every year, I made changes when I had to, and now we are in first.

You guys can't take it. I'd say be men about it but we all know what you guy ...[text shortened]... Warriors".

Rusty put it best and was spot on. He knows all of it better than anyone in here.
Do you know what a donk is?

Just look in the mirror and you will know.

Try not to speak. It only makes you out to be a bigger donk.


07 Feb 09
10 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
With Metallica I had just over 1600 wins in 13 years. I can live with 1000-1100 loses, several hundred of those loses over the 13 years were to close games where people were dragging them out and usually asked to do so by my Clan Leader at the time not you.
You know about my Medical history therefore the small win loss ratio should make perfect sense to anyone thinking ...[text shortened]... ng to put me down for it. I've made a hell of a come back from some serious medical issues.
At no time was I making any reference to your medical history or ever being disrespectful of it.
If you are trying to wipe away the difference in your won-lost stats between Metallica and Breaking Bad, then I will drop that line of argument.
And I assume that you are doing well now.
And you are winning nearly twice as many clan games as you are losing with Breaking Bad.
And many players in both clans are winning more than they lose.
That is the point of good clansmanship.
So I ask you to explain why you started this whole mess in July about Metallica having unbalanced challenges when you are sitting on top of your distorted statistics.
And I am not talking about your health issues in the past.

You started this in July.
All I am asking is that you explain yourself.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

@very-rusty said

When you pair guys up with the kind of gap between ratings you have with many of them, what do you call it? FAIR? I call it being given points, and you know I am not joking about it either. You call it Negotiating???? Everyone is pretty much back up to their TRUE RATING after having won all their lopsided games.

That could not be better said by anyone. That is the point we have been making, and most leaders as well feel the same way. It's all there to see if you look at their finished matches. WE play far more games then they do. If I had as many huge matches as they did? We would have thousands of points. Well put Rusty, that was perfectly stated.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

@mghrn55 said
I'll just talk about one player in Breaking Bad.
Ed Bernheim
Current rating 1652
Lowest rating in last 90 days 1514
His profile claims he was over 2100 USCF.
Now he is getting a little older and that is accepted.
I used to get matched with him quite a bit when he was in the 1750-1850 range.
And he played me well.

I've seen who he got matched with when he was in the ...[text shortened]... clan in the history of this site !!
You just need to stop whining !!
You're not one of us anymore.
You are nothing. Less than nothing. You guys were horrible last year, and going to lose this year. Ed like I said, you guys bend the truth. I know what he is actually capable of because I pair him up. 1500's sure. Anything higher and he starts to lose badly. It's there go look at it. Since he came on, look at any match over 1600 and tell me he is a high rated player. He is a really good chess player. But gets beat by the 1600's.

You don't know that because you did not do your research. I pair him up with 1500 to 1600 because sometimes I have to try. But you as usual are as wrong as can be.


07 Feb 09
10 Nov 22

@vespin said
You are nothing. Less than nothing. You guys were horrible last year, and going to lose this year. Ed like I said, you guys bend the truth. I know what he is actually capable of because I pair him up. 1500's sure. Anything higher and he starts to lose badly. It's there go look at it. Since he came on, look at any match over 1600 and tell me he is a high rated player. He ...[text shortened]... r him up with 1500 to 1600 because sometimes I have to try. But you as usual are as wrong as can be.
You start your post with an insult or two.
Then it goes downhill from there.
Sit down and catch your breath.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

@mghrn55 said
Nobody at our end is crying. Winning the title, including 7 years straight, more than anyone else kind of helps when we lose the odd time.
It is the likes of you, McTayto, Lemondrop, and Carrobie before his site ban, who constantly complained about our clan.
And engaged in a culture of cheating for a couple of years.
You did notice that I mentioned your name when I tal ...[text shortened]... you are a bit off balance emotionally.
You've been a bad loser. And probably a bad winner too.
I'm sorry, I dozed off. Did you say something? Are you eating with shorty? Are you getting wide as well? It's starting to show in your lack of thinking. Less fatty foods.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

I told you these guys are brainless. But love to brag. I'm telling you we have a fatty food epidemic going on and the leader Shorty and his little man M55 are really getting sick from it.

Robert your statement about texasnurse was perfect. That is how these guys think. It's a disgrace. She doesn't care about clan wins. She cares about her moves, and she has lost far more than she has won for us. Our team adores her, she is kind, and playing at her level and playing a ton of games. Well stated Roma.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

@shortcircuit said
Do you know what a donk is?

Just look in the mirror and you will know.

Try not to speak. It only makes you out to be a bigger donk.
I know what fatty foods did to your wide body! Now it's affected your brain.
Bro, put the fried stuff down.

Then accept you are going to lose.


07 Feb 09
10 Nov 22

@vespin said
I'm sorry, I dozed off. Did you say something? Are you eating with shorty? Are you getting wide as well? It's starting to show in your lack of thinking. Less fatty foods.
Here is some information.
His profile says he was once rated at 2115 uscf.
He is getting older and he may not be the player he once was, but at 1500 ?

And some further information from my perspective......
My games record against Ed Bernheim. 18W 16L 10D. Pretty even.
And mostly when we were both 1750-1850.

Stop insulting and post something intelligent !!
And you and Rusty stop tossing accusations at Metallica.

RIP Mghrn55

United States

03 Jun 09
10 Nov 22

@mghrn55 said
At no time was I making any reference to your medical history or ever being disrespectful of it.
If you are trying to wipe away the difference in your won-lost stats between Metallica and Breaking Bad, then I will drop that line of argument.
And I assume that you are doing well now.
And you are winning nearly twice as many clan games as you are losing with Breaking Bad.
A ...[text shortened]... lth issues in the past.

You started this in July.
All I am asking is that you explain yourself.
Oh lord, more fried foods gone bad. Rusty knows more than any of you. And he knows the truth which he has posted in here. You guys are typing novels because you know he is right. He stays away from foods that make him fat.

Take the hint.

And accept the loss.

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
10 Nov 22


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