the metalheads making a move

the metalheads making a move


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22
3 edits

@shortcircuit said
I am more that willing to make our discussion public that we have regarding one of your players in particular. I saved the dialogue in case your memory fails you (This is fairly common for you).

I am quite familiar with several of your players and what their capabilities are.

I find it ludicrous that you dismiss older ratings for your players, yet you wield them li ...[text shortened]... k and everyone is looking at you under a microscope, isn't it? We have been doing that for 15 years.
You want some truth?

Most of your players are playing about or close to 200 points below their true rating.

I don't know about the new player, just ones who were there when I was there.

Unless they have had some medical condition, this is called sandbagging as you are aware.

You may want to look at some of the matches you have going and the big gap in ratings yet the Clan Leader excepted the challenge, appears they are trying to help you in your hour of need.

Perhaps your memory fails you, I was with the clan for 13 years, would you like me to say more, I know to BE FACT?
Rating 1386
He actually has a rating between 1400-1600 and other than the gooster probably one of the closer ones to his real rating. I only saw him playing for roughly a year before I left. Do we want to keep going on ones who have been there much longer than him?



07 Feb 09
09 Nov 22

@vespin said
More BS.. Almost every player is playing at a higher rating level, which makes it hard to pair them up because leaders like you don't want fair matches. Soon as I send a fair match leaders lose their mind. My best guy ED? He can't play beyond 1600 consistently. Peach nor more than 1500 consistently. I can go down the whole club.

Everyone knows about your clan. I s ...[text shortened]... the rest of the season. Go back to complaining. Rusty has facts.

You should look that word up.
I have mostly stayed on the sidelines in any discussion on the player ratings.
I got involved in July because someone started casting aspersions against Metallica once again.
The fact that they started from a former member of our clan made me respond even more.

What is going this year is a healthy competition between 2 clans that are both doing well, and one is doing a little better than the other.
That's competition.
This is nothing compared to what went on in 2016 with Carrobie, McTayto and, yes, Vespin.
Or a couple of years ago when Lemondrop had McTayto cheating to the skies.
Both incidents led to banishment from site, clans being shut down, clan scoring points being adjusted by site administration and one player being banished from clan play.

There is nothing like that going on this year.
But I do agree with shortcircuit that several players are sitting nicely below actual ratings.
The thing here is that the accusations can apply to our clan as well.
The difference is that we have defended our players well.

Vespin, you are simply ranting and raving and not really making sense.
You sound more like a graduate from the Trump school of lying.

And I won't start on any challenges, because then the our challenges can be looked at.
But I have always said that negotiating a clan challenge is just as important as playing the games.
If either you or I get a good deal in negotiating a challenge, it is not an unfair challenge.
It is a negotiated challenge. And it is good clan leadership if we get a challenge.

What goes beyond a culture of fairness is something like you telling a clan member of yours who happens to be a leader of another clan to refuse to accept challenges from a clan you are competing with.
You do get the distinction, don't you ??

master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
You want some truth?

Most of your players are playing about or close to 200 points below their true rating.

I don't know about the new player, just ones who were there when I was there.

Unless they have had some medical condition, this is called sandbagging as you are aware.

You may want to look at some of the matches you have going and the big gap in ratings ...[text shortened]... ear before I left. Do we want to keep going on ones who have been there much longer than him?

Let me see you back that up because honestly you are full of crap.

Start at the top and prove your case.
I'll wait. For once you will be quiet I am sure.
You pick out one player, who is presently down about 100 -150 of his high mark and now you make a case for the whole team?

Using your logic, YOU are playing 200 points below. I know the reason why and so do you. I also know, as do you, we have one in the same boat.

Feel free to use me or Mghrn55 of Bobla, or any of the top 15 on our list.
Bring it.....not what you think though, back it up with the numbers.
HINT: you can't because you are flat out wrong.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22
2 edits

@shortcircuit said
Let me see you back that up because honestly you are full of crap.

Start at the top and prove your case.
I'll wait. For once you will be quiet I am sure.
You pick out one player, who is presently down about 100 -150 of his high mark and now you make a case for the whole team?

Using your logic, YOU are playing 200 points below. I know the reason why and so do you. ...[text shortened]... what you think though, back it up with the numbers.
HINT: you can't because you are flat out wrong.
LOL @ shorty,
I see now that you have everyone pretty much up to their actual rating, that will drop. All about the timing I should have looked first to see if they were back around their true rating.
Now explain the Gap in rating parings that always seems to be excepted by SOME Clan Leaders? I don't think you can or will even try. You will avoid that topic altogether.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22
2 edits


When you pair guys up with the kind of gap between ratings you have with many of them, what do you call it? FAIR? I call it being given points, and you know I am not joking about it either. You call it Negotiating???? Everyone is pretty much back up to their TRUE RATING after having won all their lopsided games.


master of disaster

funny farm

28 Jan 07
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
LOL @ shorty,
I see now that you have everyone pretty much up to their actual rating, that will drop. All about the timing I should have looked first to see if they were back around their true rating.
Now explain the Gap in rating parings that always seems to be excepted by the Clan Leaders? I don't think you can or will even try. You will avoid that topic altogether.
I could explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

I have explained this many times for many years.
But, the fact of the matter shows you went off and made a blanket statement that was false.
No one is sandbagging over here.
When will your clan leader admit his players that he is loading up with ratings in the tank, and then whining he can't get them games.
Playing them against even competition won't win him lots of challenges.
We can dissect this all day long.
You, of all people, know damn well I am right.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22
2 edits

@shortcircuit said
I could explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

I have explained this many times for many years.
But, the fact of the matter shows you went off and made a blanket statement that was false.
No one is sandbagging over here.
When will your clan leader admit his players that he is loading up with ratings in the tank, and then whining he can't get them ga ...[text shortened]... ts of challenges.
We can dissect this all day long.
You, of all people, know damn well I am right.
Here is what I know when the games were played majority of your players were close 200 or over that higher than their opponent. It is normal after winning all the lopsided challenges their rating is going to go back to close to where they should be to their TRUE RATING. I am betting they will go back down again, and the whole process will start all over again. I can tell you this, but can't understand it for you, Shorty! You know I am right on the money with this one. Of course you can't admit it in the public forum. Are you now the spokesperson for Metallica? 🙂


07 Feb 09
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said

When you pair guys up with the kind of gap between ratings you have with many of them, what do you call it? FAIR? I call it being given points, and you know I am not joking about it either. You call it Negotiating???? Everyone is pretty much back up to their TRUE RATING after having won all their lopsided games.

The challenge pairings are governed by the guidelines that site put in.
So ....... what are you talking about ?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22

@mghrn55 said
The challenge pairings are governed by the guidelines that site put in.
So ....... what are you talking about ?
m55 just because you are within the 200 rating rule doesn't mean that is the actual rating of the players does it? 🙂



07 Feb 09
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
Here is what I know when the games were played majority of your players were close 200 or over that higher than their opponent. It is normal after winning all the lopsided challenges their rating is going to go back to close to where they should be to their TRUE RATING. I am betting they will go back down again, and the whole process will start all over again. I can tell y ...[text shortened]... f course you can't admit it in the public forum. Are you now the spokesperson for Metallica? 🙂
Do we really want to get into opening up Breaking Bad and Metallica challenges ?

As to your comment that shortcircuit is our spokesman, can you please stop your nonsense ?
I was in these forums just as much when shortcircuit was leader.
And today, you are sounding very much like Breaking Bad's spokesman.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22
2 edits

@mghrn55 said
Do we really want to get into opening up Breaking Bad and Metallica challenges ?

As to your comment that shortcircuit is our spokesman, can you please stop your nonsense ?
I was in these forums just as much when shortcircuit was leader.
And today, you are sounding very much like Breaking Bad's spokesman.
shortcircuit was sounding very much like spokesperson for Metallica. So you stop talking your nonsense.

You know as well as I do that ratings can be controlled. I think you were around when I had 600 games going at the same time and got my rating up to 1800 something. ( NOTE NO TIMEOUTS )Now we all know I am no where near a 1800 player, same as I am no where near a 1000 rated player. I did that too prove a point that the rating could be manipulated if one wanted to do so. I could just as easily went the other way to see how low I could get it, I bet I could have got it below 1000.

Here is the solution but apparently not feasible is to have a separate rating for Clan Challenges, it would eliminate any chances of manipulating the rating,, would it it not?


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
m55 just because you are within the 200 rating rule doesn't mean that is the actual rating of the players does it? 🙂

The thumb down will not change the TRUTH!


Mutara Nebula

16 Feb 08
09 Nov 22



07 Feb 09
09 Nov 22

@very-rusty said
m55 just because you are within the 200 rating rule doesn't mean that is the actual rating of the players does it? 🙂

I'll just talk about one player in Breaking Bad.
Ed Bernheim
Current rating 1652
Lowest rating in last 90 days 1514
His profile claims he was over 2100 USCF.
Now he is getting a little older and that is accepted.
I used to get matched with him quite a bit when he was in the 1750-1850 range.
And he played me well.

I've seen who he got matched with when he was in the low 1500's.

We get matchups like that from time to time.
And.every clan will get that.

You are laying the ratings variations that occur across the system solely on on clan.
That was my argument when I responded to your insinuations in July.
I didn't start by going after your clan.
You started this.
Anyone can go to page 1 and read all about it.

We are the best clan in the history of this site !!
You just need to stop whining !!
You're not one of us anymore.


07 Feb 09
09 Nov 22
1 edit

@very-rusty said
The thumb down will not change the TRUTH!

Since you like to talk so much about us....
How about you ??

With Metallica, you had just under 1600 wins and somewhere between 1000-1100 losses. Let's go with 1000.
Win to loss ratio is 1.6 wins per loss (1600÷1000)
Today with Breaking Bad
You have 238W 125L
Win to loss ratio is 1.9 wins per loss (238÷125)

How are your matches balanced ??

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