2010 March MOAKT III

2010 March MOAKT III

Tournament Round 1

Group 1
All games complete0
1495 black win
1237white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 2
All games complete0
1319 white win
1087black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 3
All games complete0
1388 white win
681black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 4
All games complete0
1781 white win
1215black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 5
All games complete0
1493 black win
1147white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 6
All games complete0
1485 black win
1031black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 7
All games complete0
1163 white win
666black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 8
All games complete0
1423 white win
955black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 9
All games complete0
1438 white win
1388black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 10
All games complete0
1716 white win
1125black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 11
All games complete0
1932 white win
1309black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 12
All games complete0
1416 white win
999black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 13
All games complete0
1796 white win
1616black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 14
All games complete0
1309 black win
1300white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 15
All games complete0
1841 draw
Total score22
Max. possible score22
Group 16
All games complete0
1788 black win
1774white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 17
All games complete0
1695 white win
1118black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 18
All games complete0
1408 black win
890black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 19
All games complete0
2265 white win
1106black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 20
All games complete0
1453 black win
743black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 21
All games complete0
1660 black win
1469white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 22
All games complete0
1629 white win
1053black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 23
All games complete0
1499 white win
1231black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 24
All games complete0
1701 white win
1120black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 25
All games complete0
1607 black win
1245white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 26
All games complete0
1673 white win
1250white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 27
All games complete0
1382 white win
1376white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 28
All games complete0
1392 black win
1146white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 29
All games complete0
1606 black win
793black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 30
All games complete0
1026 white win
900black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 31
All games complete0
1209 draw
884white win 
Total score14
Max. possible score14
Group 32
All games complete0
1362 black win
1073white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 33
All games complete0
1465 white win
1414white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 34
All games complete0
1524 white win
891black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 35
All games complete0
1185 white win
1002white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 36
All games complete0
1571 white win
841black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 37
All games complete0
1639 white win
1464black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 38
All games complete0
1945 white win
1787black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 39
All games complete0
2124 white win
1246black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 40
All games complete0
1531 white win
1449black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 41
All games complete0
1258 black win
1224white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 42
All games complete0
1422 white win
1255black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 43
All games complete0
1342 draw
988black win 
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 44
All games complete0
1124 white win
971white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 45
All games complete0
1389 white win
1040black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 46
All games complete0
1195 black win
1154white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 47
All games complete0
2304 white win
1580black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 48
All games complete0
1925 white win
1659black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 49
All games complete0
2127 white win
1468white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 50
All games complete0
1728 black win
1507white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 51
All games complete0
1934 white win
1434black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 52
All games complete0
1798 draw
1475white win 
Total score14
Max. possible score14
Group 53
All games complete0
1169 white win
904black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 54
All games complete0
1752 black win
1628black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 55
All games complete0
1628 white win
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 56
All games complete0
1364 white win
1122black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 57
All games complete0
1427 black win
936black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 58
All games complete0
1363 white win
793black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 59
All games complete0
1386 white win
633black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 60
All games complete0
1678 black win
1494white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 61
All games complete0
1396 white win
1321black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 62
All games complete0
1806 white win
1073black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 63
All games complete0
1496 black win
1066white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 64
All games complete0
1364 black win
1105white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 65
All games complete0
1943 white win
1421black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 66
All games complete0
1416 black win
1006white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 67
All games complete0
1540 black win
1460black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 68
All games complete0
1478 white win
624black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 69
All games complete0
1400 black win
1318white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 70
All games complete0
1896 white win
1778black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 71
All games complete0
1874 white win
1134black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 72
All games complete0
1317 black win
1106black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 73
All games complete0
1414 white win
1107black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 74
All games complete0
1681 white win
1637black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 75
All games complete0
1731 white win
1233white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 76
All games complete0
1760 draw
Total score22
Max. possible score22
Group 77
All games complete0
1296 white win
1173black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 78
All games complete0
1630 white win
1215black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 79
All games complete0
1669 white win
1481black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 80
All games complete0
1966 white win
1057black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 81
All games complete0
1490 white win
1076white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 82
All games complete0
1873 draw
1588black win 
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 83
All games complete0
1878 white win
928black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 84
All games complete0
1389 black win
1362black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 85
All games complete0
1397 black win
1312white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 86
All games complete0
1218 white win
609black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 87
All games complete0
1454 black win
1354white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 88
All games complete0
1904 black win
1465white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 89
All games complete0
2216 black win
1773white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 90
All games complete0
1700 draw
1379black win 
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 91
All games complete0
1835 white win
1299black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 92
All games complete0
1346 white win
1199white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 93
All games complete0
1637 white win
1106black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 94
All games complete0
1558 white win
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 95
All games complete0
1617 white win
1458black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 96
All games complete0
1777 white win
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 97
All games complete0
2015 black win
1668white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 98
All games complete0
1508 white win
1278white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 99
All games complete0
1796 black win
1583white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 100
All games complete0
2218 white win
931black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 101
All games complete0
1299 white win
616black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 102
All games complete0
1324 black win
1290white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 103
All games complete0
1673 white win
1647black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 104
All games complete0
1760 white win
892black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 105
All games complete0
1375 white win
973black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 106
All games complete0
1524 white win
1169black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 107
All games complete0
1412 black win
1224white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 108
All games complete0
1379 draw
1172black win 
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 109
All games complete0
1529 white win
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 110
All games complete0
1589 black win
1432white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 111
All games complete0
1512 black win
1454white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 112
All games complete0
1914 white win
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 113
All games complete0
1965 white win
1523white win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 114
All games complete0
1873 white win
1137black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 115
All games complete0
1212 white win
1136black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 116
All games complete0
1541 white win
1455black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 117
All games complete0
1533 black win
1260black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
Group 118
All games complete0
1415 black win
1066white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 119
All games complete0
1580 draw
1284white win 
Total score14
Max. possible score14
Group 120
All games complete0
1407 white win
690black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 121
All games complete0
1755 white win
1593black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 122
All games complete0
1522 black win
Total score14
Max. possible score14
Group 123
All games complete0
1498 white win
1379black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 124
All games complete0
1542 draw
1299black win 
Total score41
Max. possible score41
Group 125
All games complete0
1557 white win
1122black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 126
All games complete0
1570 black win
932white win 
Total score06
Max. possible score06
Group 127
All games complete0
1617 white win
1235black win 
Total score60
Max. possible score60
Group 128
All games complete0
1711 black win
1416black win 
Total score33
Max. possible score33
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View Tournament

Seven years later - The Third 'Mother Of All Knockout Tournaments'
1 days
14 days
05 Apr 10
Tournament finished

3 points for a win, 1 for a draw. Leading player or players progress.

Winner of the final group wins the tournament.

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