Stalemate Explained
Avoid an endgame stalemate draw
A stalemate is a situation where a player, on their turn, has no legal moves and their king is not in check. This results in a draw, meaning neither player wins the game. Stalemate often occurs in the endgame when there are fewer pieces on the board, and one player has inadvertently restricted their opponent's king from moving without putting it in check.
Black to move but is stalemated. There is no further legal move for black.
No Legal Moves
The player to move has no legal moves available with any of their pieces.
King Not in Check
The player's king is not currently in check.
Black to move. White has a material advantage, but black is unable to move from H8 resulting in a draw by Stalemate.
Forcing stalemate
When ahead in material, the player must be careful to avoid putting the opponent in a stalemate position, which would squander a potential win. When at a significant material disadvantage a player may choose for force stalemate as a way to escape a likely loss and secure a draw.